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Everything posted by itsberni

  1. Added to „selector string“ - brings out no results in any case. thanks.....
  2. Hi, i´ve got the following site-structure: - Project 1 - item 1 - item 2 - item 3 - subitem 1.3.1 ( includes optionfield "switched" ) - subitem 1.3.2 ( includes optionfield "switched" ) - subitem 1.3.3 ( includes optionfield "switched" ) - item 4 ( pageReferenz - field ) - Project 2 - item 1 - item 2 - item 3 - subitem 2.3.1 ( includes optionfield "switched" ) - subitem 2.3.2 ( includes optionfield "switched" ) - subitem 2.3.3 ( includes optionfield "switched" ) - item 4 ( pageReferenz - field ) now i create a page reference field and as a selector i defined "switched=1". So i want to bring out all pages (subitems) from the page tree "Project 1" OR "Project 2". But as a result i will get now all the pages (subitems) from project 1 + 2. Formulated differently - i only want to get the pages from Project 2, when i am in item 4 of Project 2 How can avoid the results from the tree, i am not in? Thanks a lot!
  3. i think my hoster( strato )doesn't support that . Does anybody from you know how to get this working with strato? @adrian without this, there is no solution for a poster-image, right?
  4. @adrian Saving works now. Many thanks!!! But there is no poster-file generated. The file the modules generates is poster="/site/assets/files/1/". But this file doesn´t exist ( according to fire-Bug )
  5. Hi Adrian, thanks for this Information. I'am quite busy at the Moment. I will test it out asap.
  6. Ok, Thanks for this information..
  7. Hi adrian, thanks for this module. i´ve installed the module with pw 3.0.56. my problem ist, that i can´t save a mp4 file. i can drag the file but after pushing the "save"-button the mp4-file dissapears. Do you have any suggestions, what i could try to get this to work? Many Tanks!
  8. Hi! Does anyboy know, how i translate the "register" - Button? This doesn´t solve the problem: $buttonFieldreg = $fuRegister->form->get("fhSubmit3"); $buttonFieldreg->label = "registrieren"; I also tried ->name and ->value - same result Beyond this i would like to know, if there is a possibility to change the language of this parts ( siehe screenshot ). Many thanks!!
  9. @rick ok! Thanks for advice....but, where do i have to do this settings. In der EmailNewUser - Modul there ist no possibility.....
  10. Hi! Great module - thanks for this, adrian! Is there any possibility to send this user-email to admin at the same time ( without using another module )? Thanks!!
  11. Hi, is there any possibility to change the labels of the forms ( e.g. Translation )? Thanks
  12. I´ve corrected my structure as follows: - bauträger1 - leistungspaket1 - musterhäuser1 - bauträger2 - leistungspaket2 - musterhäuser1 Thanks, ottogal for this link. But nevertheless have still no idea, how i can bring out the "leistungspakete" from associated "bauträger". That means, the page->reference field in the template "musterhäuser" should only show the "leistungspakete" (children) from, in this case, "bauträger1" a.s.o. Do you know, what i mean? Thanks and happy easter!!
  13. Thanx so far! i´ve got a parent page as as carrier of several descriptions. then i have a parent page as as carrier several bautraeger. Now every single bautraeger can only have a certian number ( maby 1 or 2 ) of descriptions. What i now want to achieve is, that the page reference field "mh_lstg" only shows the right match of descriptions for every specific bautraeger. Carrier - Bauträger1 ( "mh_lstg" is only showing descrip.1 +3 ) - Bauträger2 ( "mh_lstg" is only showing descrip.2 ) a.s.o Carrier - descrip.1 ( Bauträger1 ) - descrip.2 ( ( Bauträger2 ) - descrip.3 ( Bauträger1 ) a.s.o Do yout get the point?
  14. Hi Guys, i've got a page reference field "mh_lstg" with a specific selector in it: template=lstg_mainTmpl|mh_mainTmpl,mh_bautraeger.id=mh_bautraeger.id This will give me no results. If i set the "=mh_bautraeger.id"-part to "=1070", i'll get the result as expected. The "mh_bautraeger" is also a page reference. This field is located in both templates (lstg_mainTmpl|mh_mainTmpl ). I will achieve, that i only get the data from lstg_mainTmpl, if i select in the mh_mainTmpl the mh_bautraeger-ID, that belongs to the record from "lstg_mainTmpl". Can anybody give me a tip ( assumed you know what i mean ;-) )? Many Thanks!!!
  15. Ok Folks, the provider sent me this solution: Redirecting the www and non-www version to the "pw" - folder. Redirect the non-www version to the www-version via processwire - .htaccess.
  16. hey folks, this is quite weird.... when i do a redirection with the non-www version to the "pw" folder and redirect the www-version to the non-www version --> it works! If i do that vice versa it won´t - same issue! But in this case when i write www.mysite.de/mypage/ the cms (or the hoster configuration?! ) does www.mysite.demypage and cuts out any slash. i also tried to do nothing ( no redirections ) in the hosers customers board and do all the stuff via .htaccess. If i do this the rewrite-base /pw/ is ignored totally but the domain redirection from non-www to the www-version works. Arrggghh
  17. i tried this...but it seems to be ignored or "missunderstood" by the hosters ( Mittwald ) settings in the customers area. Its caused by the fact that you HAVE TO do a redirection for your domain(s) to a.) a folder b.) a software(CMS) or c.) to another Domain. so, in my case i've got the choice between a.) or c.) if i chose a.) on one Domain ( non-www or www ) and c.) on the other domain i will get the issue i postet if i do a mixture between .htaccess an hoster setting a.) or c.) it will fail maybe i should do a redirect to the root-folder for both domains ( non-www or www ) via the hoster and try to do all the redirections via .htaccess, like you suggested it, arjen?!
  18. news..: it works when i´m pointing with both domains ( with www an without ) on the "pw" - folder. But...what about duplicate content...?! i think that could be no final solution. lets see, what the provider says....
  19. the point is, that my experience with this hoster in that case isn´t "bad". That means i have several sites running with this hoster in a "pw" folder within the "html"-folder. the difference might be, that in my developing eviroment ( mamp pro ) a "pw"-folder doesn´t exist ( on the mac-ssd it´slike: iitsberni->projects->customer ). so, i did nothing else different than in other dev-prozesses within other projects.
  20. Exactly.... I think so - i switched the cms-system from contao to processwire. The contao-cms runs well with the same server configuration, but in the "contao" - folder. So i would say, there is nothing wrong with the Server configuration...
  21. You can chose a folder for every Domain where the pw-data is located. In my case i created a folder named "pw" in the root ("html"-folder) of the server-Environment. Thats it...not more, not less...
  22. this drives me nuts... @ajen: thanks...if i do $config->urls->root = '/'; in my _init.php, the slash is still missing if i do $config->urls->root = '/pw/'; the url is as follows http://www.mysite.de/pw/site/templates...
  23. @LostKobrakai: nope - Slash ist still missing - but the error 500 is gone.
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