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Nico Knoll

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Everything posted by Nico Knoll

  1. I guess it's another Robert (de)Long
  2. Hey, I tried something like this code: $page->timestamp = 123456789; // timestamp is a date & time field $page->save(); But it won't add the timestamp... The field stays empty... Do I have to format the day before or something like this? -- Nico
  3. Have to include the file because "eval" is crappy as shit and I have to execute php code. So I write the php code in a temp file and include this file...
  4. I think I've subscripted to their podcast already on iTunes ---- A little scrobbeling experiment I made (using data from iTunes, Grooveshark, Last.fm and Spotify): http://projects.nico.is/listening (no it's not an error - I listened a lot to robert delong yesterday )
  5. Hey I looked at the code and saw that I still was using $_POST and $_GET. Now I replaced them by $this->input->post and $this->input->get and tried it in debug mode. Everything seems to be working. I updated it on GitHub some seconds ago.
  6. Same stuff as Ryan posted with using my module: <?php $shortcode = $modules->get('MarkupShortcodes'); $shortcode->add('config.urls.root', function($atts){ return $config->urls->root; }); $shortcode->add('config.urls.templates', function($atts){ return $config->urls->templates; }); $shortcode->add('url', function($atts){ return $page->url; }); $shortcode->add('id', function($atts){ return $page->id; }); echo $shortcode->render($page->body); ?>
  7. Really nice, but I would add a bit more padding top and bottom to the footer.
  8. Hey, I'm working on a console like module for processwire where the user can insert some code. But if the code fails I get a processwire exception. I tried: try { include $file; } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception abgefangen: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } But it won't work - the exception will be thrown anyway... Is there a way to catch a exception or disable it for a part of the code? -- Nico
  9. A lot of really lovely music: http://delicieuse-musique.com
  10. Yes, you can use it for kind of everything I guess Just have a look on the examples I made in the modules forum thread: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1819-markupshortcodes/#27944
  11. Lovely Maybe just use a custom instagram hashtag which will be displayed
  12. Your welcome! Greets from the MarkupShortcode developer
  13. Oh, I thought I did that already... Here it is finally: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-preview/
  14. That's what I meant: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2970-ud-media-is-great/
  15. Hey, if anyone should think about writning a on-page editing module this might be helpful: http://vitalets.github.com/x-editable/demo.html Greets, Nico
  16. Hey, UD-Media is a german hoster. And they offer a feature-request system. So some weeks ago I posted there if they could add PW to the "1-Click-Install" stuff and today I got a mail that it will be available with the next software update they are doing. Much love to them: Go and register yourself there: udmedia.de (and support me by clicking this link before this ) They are really great and a lot cheaper then my old hoster I left two years ago. Greets, Nico
  17. The website is lovely! nicely done!
  18. Would be lovely if something like this would be possible as well: --- name: test-article-123 --- body: Eros euismod, lectus alias. Voluptatum, vitae, gravida. Blanditiis, soluta fugiat platea donec! Suscipit augue lacinia mauris illo anim suscipit euismod quaerat egestas felis autem aenean sem tristique labore cras veniam integer dui eu quisque praesentium phasellus do aperiam dolores, amet, aliquet pariatur a litora sequi ipsum pariatur conubia! Voluptate deleniti, id scelerisque fusce vestibulum ab? Nemo harum condimentum posuere voluptatum. --- somefield: a value ---
  19. Worked on something like this for german pw: http://de.processwire.com (at the bottom)
  20. @manfred62: Would be easier if you just make a pull/push (not sure which one is right) request via github I guess
  21. I listen to this song: http://grooveshark.com/s/It+s+Too+Late+Snakehips+Remix/4ZKpcf?src=5 and some others Normally just http://mvsic.net because i'm a coworker on this site/network.
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