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Everything posted by guenter55
I only see that in the Admins Page-Tree: Start - Admin - Access - Users admin guest user1 ... When I there go to "user1" no template is displayed, there are only Tabs for content and delete. So I find nothing where to put the field pagelist_hidden. Under management/templates is no template therefor. Ups - sorry - now I understand "you have to filter for system templates" - looking again in templates, I thought ALL templates are listend. Ok, thanks, I try now...
What do you mean with user template?
Hi Soma,, I tried this module, but I don´t get it work - maybe I´m using it wrong. I made a new field pagelist_hidden and I can add it to templates and select pages, so that works. But what exactly should I do? My Admin/Pages now: Start | view - Blog | view - News | view - News from user 1 | view edit - News from user 2 | view - News from user 3 | view - Contact | view - .... What I want is: User 1 should have access to "News form user 1" and only see in this admin-tree his own page to edit! Start | view - News | view - News from user 1 | view edit I.e. all the user-pages "News from 1" ...2...3 have there own template and normaly it works correct. When user 1 is logged in he can edit his page and in the admin-tree the others pages only have the "view". But there are many other pages and the user 1 should not be confused of that. What I tried was that I gave the template to "News from user 1" the pagelist_hidden field and in the page I selected some pages to hide them, but nothing effect. I thougt there must be something like "this user should not see these pages". Please what I am doing wrong? Thanks for helping!
Hi, I tested the module "Custom Page Roles" but it´s not what I thougt. I want to give a user an edit role to specific pages so, that he only has listened in PW-Admin the pages he has access to edit. Is it possible to do that?
I looked at this galleria, but it´s more a slider than a gallery, is´nt it? And it´s not quite what I would have in this case. Ok, this is very tricky coding, let´s see if I can do that. Thanks!! And any other idea or help is welcome!
Hi, apeisa you are right - but I think somebody have a solution to a gallery with PW and it´s normal use to slide through pictures with lightbox all over the images and and not only per page. Maybe I had taken the wrong approach with the code above. I am on the first steps with PW and I am sure that it must be possible to combine the features of PW´s pagination with those of ligthbox. Or have I missed a PW-gallery-script I do not know? The albumGrid function above knows all images and all slices of images, and PW can paginate, but I have no more idea of coding this together so that it works on a practical manner I mean.
I changed the url to: http://www.wels-neustadt.at/albums/mozartschule-strassenfest/
Whithin the colorbox it always shows only the 15th images per Page and next is again the first of page one (red arrow) - but when 15th I want that the next picture shown is the first picture of the 2nd Page (green arrow). You can see it better on my Site: http://pwire.wels-neustadt.at/albums/mozartschule-strassenfest/
Hi again, for one more thing to this pagination I need some help please. Now the pagination is correct and displays on each page 15 thumbs and a click on thumb shows the greater picture (colorbox). Viewing throug the greater pictures colorbox shows only the 15 pictures per page and after 15th begins again with 1st of same page! Such a scroll through the greater pictures is not the very common. How can I do that it shows after the 15th the first picture of next page? Here the full code: function albumGrid() { $photos = wire("page")->gallery; $albumtitel = wire("page")->title; $thumbsize = wire("page")->gallery_thumbnail_size; $limit = 15; $start = (wire('input')->pageNum-1) * $limit; $images = wire("page")->gallery->slice($start, $limit); $total = count(wire("page")->gallery); $a = new PageArray(); foreach($photos as $unused) { $a->add(new Page()); } $a->setTotal($total); $a->setLimit($limit); $a->setStart($start); echo "<div style='margin-left:25px;'><h3>$albumtitel ($total Bilder)</h3></div>"; foreach($images as $image) { $out .= "<a href='{$image->url}' title='{$image->description}' class='colorbox' rel='group'>"; $out .= "<img src='{$image->size($thumbsize, $thumbsize)->url}'>"; $out .= "</a>"; } // Pagination $out .="<div class='clearfix'></div><div class='span8'>"; $out .= $a->renderPager(array( 'nextItemLabel' => "Nächste", 'previousItemLabel' => "Vorige", 'listMarkup' => "<ul class='MarkupPagerNav'>{out}</ul>", 'itemMarkup' => "<li class='{class}'>{out}</li>", 'linkMarkup' => "<a class='zeigalbum' href='{url}'>{out}</a>" )); $out .="</div>"; echo "<div class='albumgrid' style='clear:both;padding-bottom:50px;'>{$out}</div>"; }
That´s great ryan - this work´s now $start = (wire('input')->pageNum-1) * $limit; thank you!!!
Based on Simple Gallery Tutorial from Joss, it´s a function in TUT_gallery_functions.inc ( I think like blog.inc ) and the template TUT_gallery.php call this with 'albumGrid();' Ok, this make sense - because I´d changed Nikolas code all the '$page->'´s to 'wire("page")->' to get it run for the index-page. Thanks, I´ll test this tomorrow, it´s to late now in Austria and post again.
I checked again, I allowed page numbers for the overview of all galleries and this pagination works perfekt. But I allowed also the page numbers for the template of each single gallery and this I dont get work. I understand the code not at all - when I call the function albumGrid() it makes an array of slices over all containing images, i.e. above must be 3 slices each 8 images plus 1 with 1 image. it´s correct?? And I get the pagination correct with 4 pages! But in the pages are always the same 8 images! So I think its not a question of pagination - that works - but how can I put the exact images in the array-slices? Maybe it´s missing a loop? When $limit = 8; $start = ($input->pageNum-1) * $limit; $images = wire("page")->gallery->slice($start, $limit); and when I include in template 'TUT_gallery.php' albumGrid(): <div> <?php // Render the Album List albumGrid(); // ?> </div> I think above is calling only once, so $start is always the same but slice should be 1. page (0,8) 2. page (8,8) 3. page (16,8) 4. page (24,8) This maybe the reason of having the same images in the slices!?
Hi, I dont this get working for me! My example based on Simple Gallery Tutorial from Joss, as there is in TUT_gallery_functions.inc: function albumGrid() { $albumimages = wire("page")->gallery; $albumtitel = wire("page")->title; $text = wire('page')->body; // $anzbilder = count(wire("page")->gallery); $thumbsize = wire("page")->gallery_thumbnail_size; $out = " "; foreach ($albumimages as $albumimage) { $out .= "<a href='{$albumimage->url}' title='{$albumimage->description}' class='colorbox' rel='group'>"; $out .= "<img src='{$albumimage->size($thumbsize, $thumbsize)->url}'>"; $out .= "</a>"; } echo "<div class='albumgrid'>{$out}</div>"; } Note: the field-name of the images in the page is gallery. The gallery contains 25 images and it should paginate after each 8 images. So, my changes of function albumGrid() to get pagination are: function albumGrid() { $photos = wire("page")->gallery; $limit = 8; $start = ($input->pageNum-1) * $limit; $images = wire("page")->gallery->slice($start, $limit); $total = count(wire("page")->gallery); $a = new PageArray(); foreach($images as $unused) $a->add(new Page()); $a->setTotal($total); $a->setLimit($limit); $a->setStart($start); foreach($images as $image) { $thumb = $image->size(142, 92); echo "<a rel='colorbox' href='$image->url'><img src='{$thumb->url}' alt='{$thumb->description}' width='{$thumb->width}' height='{$thumb->height}' class='photo' /></a>"; } echo $a->renderPager(); } When I make the source like nikola got it worked, I only get an output of the last 8 images. The pagination is correct, but each page of pagination contains the same last 8 images of 25. Can you help please, what I am doing wrong?
Hi, installed and templating as in readme - work perfect. thanks! But there is a little style-error in included CSS! When a field is empty, then should be the error-message in red (or what you want), but the class is wrong (PW 2.3). So change the css from: .ui-state-error-text { color: red; } to: .ui-state-error { color: red; } as you see without '-text' at the end of class.
Hi Mark, yes, there are enough images. I can´t code where to set the limit: function albumGrid() { $albumimages = wire("page")->gallery; $albumtitel = wire("page")->title; $text = wire('page')->body; $anzbilder = count(wire("page")->gallery); $thumbsize = wire("page")->gallery_thumbnail_size; $out = " "; echo "<div style='margin-left:25px;'><h3>$albumtitel ($anzbilder Bilder)</h3></div>"; foreach ($albumimages as $albumimage) { $out .= "<a href='{$albumimage->url}' title='{$albumimage->description}' class='colorbox' rel='group'>"; $out .= "<img src='{$albumimage->size($thumbsize, $thumbsize)->url}'>"; $out .= "</a>"; } } echo "<div class='albumgrid'>{$out}</div>"; echo $albumimages->renderPager(); } For my albumlist it works fine: // Get the list of albums - limited to ten for later pagination $albums = wire("pages")->find("parent=/albums/, template=TUT_gallery, limit=8, sort=-date_img_gallery"); I read on other post that´s not possible to make it like above, because no find() or get() ?? But one picture on one page is not my solution and I don´t understand it.
Hi, thanks for this fantastic tutorial, it works fine for me! Now I want to add a pagination to albumGrid() like in albumList() in TUT_gallery_functions.inc, but I dont get it work. Can you help me please?
Hi ryan, I use 2.3.0 and I figured out something more about: useing the button it works fine in Firefox and Chrome, but not in IE10 (I restartet my System to close out to be a Cache-Problem). It´s angry, because if I make in Blog a Gallery and load i.e. 8 pictures, the page reload, all is ok, but after saving the (admin)page and reload there are 16 Pictures in the image-accordion. And another bug with IE10, when clicking a Picture in image-accordeon there should be a lightboxeffect to see the thumb greater, but in IE10 is only a lighter gray overlay and I only come back with IE10 back-arrow. Here in Austria we say the IE is a "hard dog", I have never seen a new Version of IE where not have been ugly Errors in dialogs or so that works fine before. I hope you can reproduce this in your IE10. Thanks for helping!
Hi, when I upload an image in Blog Posts I get the same Image twice! named image.jpg and image-1.jpg. What can I do? Thanks for help.
I know what you mean, there is a setting in modX, but for correct output you must set the same in the snippet archivist. When you want to be sure about your output it is best you fix this yourself in the templates with setlocale(LC_TIME, "de_DE.UTF8"); where your umlaute are not correct. It also may be a problem when some sites you edit are ansi and not utf8 without BOM. I use notepad++, there I can change this under "Kodierung/UTF8 ohne BOM". When loading from ftp you will see this in the statusbar at the bottom. First thing I do, when I see ansi, I cut the hole sitecode change to utf8 without BOM and paste again the code and save to ftp. With only change and not cut & past your written umlaute i.e. in descriptions will be in cryptic signs. Make sure that there is not anywhere an include that is in ansi!
I tested it, this has no effect, SiNNuT.
Hi, @Wanze: when I set this then the umlaut in "Body" of news are not correct! I have the Blog-Template. My solution: Processwire is: 2.3.0 date-field is: %A, %d. %B %Y %H:%M in /wire/config.php: $config->dbCharset = 'utf8'; and $config->dateFormat = 'd.m.Y H:i:s'; in /site/config.php: $config->timezone = 'Europe/Vienna'; - but when default it doesn´t matter Database should be utf8_general_ci If you set this you get in Blog-News: Posted by admin, Dienstag, 26. M�rz 2013 10:32The only solution I found is to go in source: /site/templates/markup/post.php and include after first line: setlocale (LC_ALL, 'de_DE.UTF-8'); Now you get: Posted by admin, Dienstag, 26. März 2013 10:32 Now take a look at the archive: the month-name in the middle content and in sidebar is not correct. You must include the same code above in two files: /site/templates/markup/archives.php and /site/templates/archives.php This works for me.