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3fingers last won the day on December 7 2022

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About 3fingers

  • Birthday 04/22/1981

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    Turin, Italy

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Community Answers

  1. Hey @bernhard, the "disable tracy" button in the debug bar is invoking a js method "disableTracy()" which does this: function disableTracy() { document.cookie = "tracyDisabled=1; expires=0; path=/"; location.reload(); } Maybe you can then, in your hook url, use the WireHttp:setCookie() method and do the same as above? Let me know :)
  2. The root of the site is one more level up from that location though..... Usually when I need to pass some php var to js I do this: $jsconfig = array( 'subscribe' => $urls->root . "myPhpFile.php" // the key "subscribe" can be whatever you want of course. // it points to the root of the site, close to "site" folder, one level up the "template" folder. ); echo "<script>var pwUrls = " . json_encode($jsconfig) . ";</script>"; ?> Then in js I reference that var like this: pwUrls.subscribe
  3. I usually use this (or similar) extensions when I use Mobile Detect while developing. Switching the user agent to mobile and not having to reload manually the page every time. Then revert back when done.
  4. Even easy with this module: https://processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-select-ext-option/ ✌️
  5. Hey Jonathan, I think this post should get you started: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/735-session-time-for-logged-in-user/?do=findComment&comment=6173
  6. Thanks for all of your responses! ? @wbmnfktr This is a very valuable feedback from your side. Kudos for all the insights you gave me! @pwired As I mentioned at the beginning of the post, my course will be for the benefit of those beginning and/or intermediate developers. So I think the sweetspot will be to not leave out the basic aspects of approaching processwire but at the same time focus on somewhat more advanced aspects, such as the ones you suggested, which seem to me to be excellent and absolutely doable. So, let's try to get serious here: I prepared a small landing page to validate how many of you would be willing to take the course, so that we would have a rough estimate of how many people would be willing to take the course. ? Show me your interest here ? It goes without saying that if, a month or so from now, I see a small number of consents perhaps I will understand that it will not be the case to proceed further. In any case, go visit the page and leave me your contact information (it is mentioned on the page but I would like to reiterate: none of your contact information will be retained by me, each e-mail is salted and hashed and handled securely by the newsletter service I have hooked up -- Mailjet in this case). Let me know what you think, let's keep comparing ideas. ?
  7. Hello @szabesz! I recently implemented this feature for a project done for a client, and I am very pleased with the result. Unlike how Ryan did it for the Skyscrapers profile I used ajax (through js's native fetch() functionality) to communicate with the filtering logic. It works very well and is very versatile. It will definitely be a topic of discussion. ? Why not? It is one of several alternatives and/or combinations for categorizing data along with Page Referece Fields (they can also be used together). I will take this into consideration! ✌️ @gebeer It is indeed and it's going to be treated with proper attention ? ...and yes, I'm using some Emoji's to grab your attention too (I usually don't) ?
  8. Hey @gebeer, thanks for taking the time to answer ? I realize that I did not explain myself correctly in fact. I'd like to teach how to create a medium-complex site like the one for an online magazine might be, because I think it could cover a variety of aspects that would be useful for many other projects, even of a different nature. This could be a solution; I am evaluating different platforms and their pros and cons. Thanks for the suggestion! Certainly they will be topics covered in detail. So in your opinion it would be better if all the design part of the page components were already in place and later implemented through the different strategies available. This could easily be one way to go without any problems, I would also like to have other opinions to consolidate, or not, this idea. Thank you, I will do my best! ?
  9. ? [[ UPDATE December 6, 2022 ]] ? I prepared a small landing page to validate how many of you would be willing to take the course, so that we would have a rough estimate of how many people would be willing to take the course. ? Show me your interest here ? ------------------------------------------------------- Hello to the entire wonderful Processwire community! I am here to announce my willingness to create a video course for beginner/mid-level developers interested in learning more about the main aspects of our beloved CMS. I have been working with Processwire continuously for years now, so I feel confident that I can share what I have learned to other developers interested in becoming faster and more efficient in their day-to-day work. I have noticed that lately many people here in the forum have complained about a lack of material and tutorials for taking the first steps, and although so many resources are already present within the board, I understand how complicated it can be to be able to connect the dots and have a clear reference on how to get started or how to find clear answers in a short time. As you know Processwire is a very broad tool, very flexible and able to be adapted to any need, so it will not be possible to dissect every aspect in this course, especially the more advanced ones that can help in rarer cases (at least in my personal experience). ? But don't worry, I plan to explain with many practical examples many tips and tricks that can help you in developing sites, even particularly structured ones! ? So I am here to test your interest and ask you what aspects you would be most interested in me covering, even those related to design (css, scss, postcss, tailwind) or javascript libraries/frameworks integrations (vue, alpine.js, greensock for animations,etc.). My idea would be to create together a magazine with a restricted area for users, newsletter integration, catalog filtering according to different parameters (year, author, topics, etc.) and much more.? It will be a paid course, I have not yet decided what the price will be, but it will be affordable for everyone ?. For a small period of time, I would be pleased if you would give me pointers and ideas, so I can see what your real interest is (if any!) and also motivate me ? Let me know! Thanks! ?
  10. Hello @sodesign, may I ask you why you need that kind of functionality?
  11. Hey adrian, can you give us a short code example please? Thanks!
  12. Actually that text is located inside the <head> of your page, but the browser moves it in the first line of the body since it's an unknown piece of nothing. Take a look at your source code there and try to find something related then...
  13. I think I would go with - raster - image masks, like mentioned here: https://css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/m/mask-size/ Nowadays the support is very good and it covers the problems you are facing.
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