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Everything posted by horst

  1. Diogo thank's for explaning. I never have heard of that. - But the "a" is one of the points why I like Muli. ?! But also you are right, with Muli the chance to read it as a "o" is much greater than with Arimo. And at least I have the choice to modify the css-file for my personal use.
  2. with the colors=futura I find it a bit difficult to identify the hidden pages. With the setting of opacity from 0.75 to 0.5 it is much better: .content .PageList .PageListStatusHidden:not(.PageListItemOpen) > a.PageListPage { opacity: 0.5; } /* original: 0.75 */ Have I allready said that I like the new admin theme?
  3. Oh WOW! massive and high improvements and discussion here! I like the results! I want contribute a screenshot to the fonts discussion about Arimo with 0.875em on WIndows 7 etc. AND I want to promote the font Muli instead of Arimo, because allready at this stage the new admintheme is so modern that it suits better with modern font like Muli than with Arimo IMO. Also it seems to be little bit better rendered at 0.875em than Arimo (best click on imgae to view it at 100%):
  4. when I switch in images field from listview to the thumbs view and drag to reorder them, they open a modal window with big sized image after dropping. I would like to disable that. e.g. when in thumb view modal opening is disabled or only available via doubleclick! would be good solutions. Or is this behave only with my firefox 24 ?
  5. No problem! But when I want to be picky, your question was how to reach the last post. That's with the date-link. The dot or star that soma suggested is linked to the first unread post, not the last one. Also the dot-link is gone when read the whole thread, the date-link stays forever!
  6. Ok, I have good working solution I think: set the tree-parent-page sort-setting to "Manual drag-n-drop" when it is empty. (empty == has no children now!) Then with the importer script I use this code: $parent = wire('pages')->get('template=TreeParent'); // get your tree-parent-page $first = $parent->child; // get the first child $p = new Page(); ... $p->sort = (0!=$first->id) ? $first->sort -1 : 99999; $p->save(); that way I get this output with my foreach loop: 99991 :: jh2142 99992 :: jh2141 99993 :: jh2140 99994 :: jh2139 99995 :: jh2138 99996 :: jh2137 99997 :: jh2136 99998 :: jh2135 99999 :: jh2134 and after some manual changes (2134 to top, and 2142 to bottom, and 2135 above 2140) and adding one new page to it with the importer script, I get this: 99990 :: jh2143 99991 :: jh2134 99992 :: jh2141 99993 :: jh2135 99994 :: jh2140 99995 :: jh2139 99996 :: jh2138 99997 :: jh2137 99998 :: jh2136 99999 :: jh2142 You only need to set the startvalue high enough, I think. [ max can be 2.147.483.647 ]
  7. @adrian: before it does not work, e.g if the sort-settings is none or manual There was a entry in my DB table pages_sortfields for the treeparent-page that get not altered when changing the template setting ?? After I have deleted this row (the only one in that table) this page reflects the selected template sortsetting again. I want to add multiple pages with an importer script. Somas script works with one single page for me, but not with multiple pages. When I try to add 7 pages and after I'm finished I output $p->sort and $p>customId in a foreach loop, I get this: 0 :: jh2140 1 :: jh2134 1 :: jh2135 1 :: jh2136 1 :: jh2137 1 :: jh2138 1 :: jh2139 I have sort setting 'Manual drag-n-drop'. I have dev branch from last friday.
  8. @sshaw: what you are describing is what I have called proxy-script in my opening post. I don't want that for frontend output, because it is not needed and I want avoid overhead. All images that should have public access can be accessed directly. Others (the originals) are blocked to the public. Thats fine. The only downside is that an admin in backend also cannot access the originals. What I'm looking for is how I can define this in htaccess file: all images that are now blocked for direct access should be not served but handled by a proxy script.
  9. please, when in desktop mode, hover your mouse over the dates (e.g.Yesterday, 09:17 PM) under the authornames of the last post, wait a second and you will read 'go to last post' - then ... click
  10. the base-sorting could be something like -dateCreated but I also want to be able to break that rule and drag some pages manually around. therefor somas solution to emulate -dateCreated like it works with childrens-sortorder set to none would be perfect!
  11. thanks Adrian! this solution from soma works partially: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1428-create-new-child-as-top-sibling-rather-than-bottom/#entry12845 1) It does the right sorting if parent sorting is set to none in template. But than I cannot do manually sort by dragging. I get an JS-Message:"Your sort was not saved because these pages are automatically sorted by ..." BUT that's wrong! It was set to this before I have changed the sort to none. Don't know where the error comes from. I have searched a mysql dump of whole DB, but there isn't a sort-setting in the DB for my parent-folder-template! Could this be a bug? From where is the JS-Message generated? ----- 2) When setting the parent template child-sorting to 'Manual drag-n-drop' I can do a manually sorting, but Somas script doesn't work right anymore!
  12. Hi, I'm sure the answer is here to find in forum, but after searching for a while now, I gave up and want to ask for it. How can I add / sort new (via API) created childpages to the top of the parent-tree? I want to have a descending sort order in the backend.
  13. http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php
  14. Is there something new to this, since this thread is over a year old? @Nico: if you have done it, - how have you done it? In the backend I want to have pagetree children sorted by a archive number descending, but also want to be able to manually drag some pages to the top of the tree. All new childpages will be created via API bootsstrapped script. If it is possible with API to add each of them to the top of the page tree, this would allready solve my needs. Any pointers for that?
  15. Uah, - ugly! The thumbs are a bit small, but as I can see everyone has: one black pix at the top left a black line at the left and (not totally sure) some black dots around the people Could it be that there wasn't a 100% transparency at this images parts?
  16. Maybe something like domain/processwire, but a referrer header could be set to anything one want, I guess. Better could be to use the REMOTE_ADDR. Does someone know how a variable for apache could be set by script? If this could be done everytime a superuser log in I could set this IP to a apache / environment variable for which access is allowed.
  17. hellomoto, welcome to the forums. I don't know this plugin. A quick view to it tells me that it handles some sort of FTP-Requests. If you like you can specify what you want to achieve with it in PW, - maybe someone here can help out with ideas or informations on how it could be done.
  18. Hi, on a site I want to disable access to original images and only allow to access thumbnails and watermarked image variations. EDIT: A good solution for protecting original images can be found a bit down in this thread: Old content of this initial post:
  19. I have had same behave. My Session-Key adminThemeColors is 'main' I also have copied over the main-classic.css to main.css to get the right PW-feeling Nice work, nice improvements, Ryan! PS: using the GET-Var in URL has only switched for one time to classic and with next loading (without GET-Var in URL it goes back to warm) I also have killed all session files etc. pp, - only copying main-classic.css to main.css worked for me.
  20. Not a good decission. Do you know all other tablenames (all none-PW-tables)? If yes, then take all but not this. If no, you may look for all tables beginning with field_ and minimum the tables: pages pages_access pages_parents pages_sortfields templates modules fields fieldgroups fieldgroups_fields But there may be more, depending of your installed thirdparty-modules! For example I have a table session_login_throttle and a table process_forgot_password in one DB. EDIT: and for those who are looking for backup tools, we have had already some threads/post about that: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/771-is-there-a-way-to-get-a-db-backup-from-within-pw/#entry6452 http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3052-open-dynamo-webspace-backup-tool/
  21. Hi Chrizz, welcome to the forums. Here is code for a module that hooks into the event you are looking for. Maybe it is a good starting point for you: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4517-random-images-file-name/#entry44392 --- Also worth to look at, (if you don't know it now), is Somas ImagesManager: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3219-images-manager-alpha/ and maybe for watermarking the PageImageManipulator: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4264-release-page-image-manipulator/ --- EDIT: @Chrizz: after rereading your post I think the best way for you would be to use Somas ImagesManager because it does most of what you want and if you need to adjust something you also can hook into it like I have done with this module: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3398-working-with-processwire-getting-exif-data-from-images/#entry33552
  22. @Raymond: 1) As a first workaround you may install PiM too, and set $config->imageManipulatorOptions sharpening to none. That way you can leave $config->imageSizerOptions as is, while all CropImages should be handled by PiM (the automaticly created) and with the manual created you need to select none in the dropdown-list. 2) can you send me or upload an example of this black lines/dots noises? There is a BUG in GD-Lib with Alpha-Transparency in PNG. It isn't recognized by some functions.
  23. on GitHub: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/pull/237 and https://github.com/horst-n/ProcessWire/commit/33e5b168a11bf2c6648d0ae7dc7e8d8c88e56305 in Forum: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3768-processwire-231-dev-branch/page-5#entry43253 I'm on hurry, ...
  24. How do you adjust the crop? Can you provide code example? EDIT: Have not seen your second post when (sloooowly) writing this on mobile, Great you already have solved it!
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