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Everything posted by Soma

  1. See them as "not" fields but a system property that is consistent with when a user edited or created a page that never changes. Don't try to use this as the article created or modified, instead I advise to use custom datetime fields. This makes sure you get a "real" creation and modified date you can rely on for maintenance or rechecking what happened when and so on. Many times this can be good to have. Adding custom date fields for the editor is then only used for output.
  2. Soma

    End-User Usability

    Just to tell you I'm not a coder, I'm a designer and artist who happens to like coding as it's also a creative process. I used Tpyo3, Wordpress, Joomla, WebEdition, Modx and other CMS when starting with CMS's. I barely could code php. I only struggled with those platforms and had to deal with stuff I didn't want to, be it security issues or updating, learning something arbitrary platform specific. Modx happen to be a tool I worked with before ProcessWire. Within days and many hours I had a prototype of a module which didn't do anything other than say hello. All those system never really let me do what I wanted without getting in the way or installing some plugins that didn't work really. It's because they're too opinionated to be useful in a wider range of contexts. They're all cluttered (I think you got that all wrong). Which all lead to frustration and hours and hours of wasting fighting a system. They try to save you time but in fact they put you in constraints that often make little to no sense. Now all those systems try to solve certain issues by putting yet another layer of complexity and so on. Then I discovered PW and finally I was in charge, saving time, focusing on things that really matter. Within an hour I had my first module "HelperFieldLinks" working without even reading a manual other than the HelloWorld.module. It's so simple, it didn't take me long to see the simplicity and power of PW. I am able to put contrains where the project demands and not the system. It's all so simple even I could as a non coder. PW makes me shine, and people think I'm a good coder. lol. So wrong. I have built websites for my mom and sister, and never had to explain or show them how to edit their site, they found out them self, which speaks a lot of the usability of PW.
  3. Ok. Now I'm hungry and thirsty.
  4. Soma

    End-User Usability

    ProcessWire IS successful. I've not read all but think it's all kinda way off to what PW is in its philosophy and core. Sorry, but I usually am too lazy to read more than 2-3 paragraphs. You need to work on your end-user usability (me reading your post, or not).
  5. Interesting. But then you're logged out?
  6. Soma

    Joomla! is the best!

    You can thank me later
  7. Soma

    Joomla! is the best!

    That proverb we don't know. It's the opposite here. I say nothing if I'm happy, and it's urgent and important to say something that you don't like. Anyway sorry that I said something.
  8. Soma

    Joomla! is the best!

    Just saying honest what I think, if you feel this insulting then yes ok. I'm not speaking here as a representant of PW. This is my personal thinking. I'm sure you have reasons to do it all the way it is. I know how it works and what is takes to build such a website and make a living. The downsides of it you need to flood it with banners and ads and that get a little annoying. Either have a sponsor and 1-2 logos or have 10+ banners, that's how it is. Sorry, I'm not the only one ignoring websites that have lots of banners popups etc in general. It's just I don't feel at home. It's I get lost to where I want to go and where I am. Too much noise. Then it's maybe also the "hard" serif font, colors etc making it worse. It just don't makes me wanna click somewhere It's really not against you or cmscritics as per se. I just don't feel at home there. You can't make everyone happy. I know and really like that you're trying to push others like PW, and that's great! I judge books by cover. Edit: btw I thought my feedback was clear in that why: "I lost interest in cmscritic since I get overhelmed by the content flooded by banners. "
  9. Soma

    Joomla! is the best!

    I don't want to step on anyones foot (maybe), so ignore my ignorance and take it as a kidding post. I lost interest in cmscritic since I get overhelmed by the content flooded by banners. Edit forgot the
  10. Soma

    Joomla! is the best!

    I'm not sure what Unreal game you're refering to, but my avatar is a hand(mouse) drawn pic I did 15+ years ago on a mac.
  11. Soma

    Joomla! is the best!

    Not. https://www.cmscritic.com/2014-best-open-source-php-cms/ Best? Rather the largest community that voted. How comes there's devs that think it is the best? How comes I don't care.
  12. New ProcessWire module for generating base64 placeholder images in templates http://t.co/9sHemOwNTt #processwire #CMS

  13. Welcome Lauren can you elaborate a little more on the case? Front end? I think there's ways around that but need more info.
  14. Add this to your site/template/admin.php before the require() line in there $whitelist = array( '' ); if(in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $whitelist)){ if(!$user->isLoggedin()) $session->login("admin", "xxx"); }
  15. This works with an autoload module hooking into ProcessPageEdit::buildForm() protected function hookPageEditForm(HookEvent $event){ $page = $event->object->getPage(); if($page->template == "basic-page"){ $form = $event->return; $contentTab = $form->find("id=ProcessPageEditContent")->first(); $field = $this->modules->InputfieldMarkup; $field->label = "Some Label"; $field->value = "Some Text"; $contentTab->prepend($field); } }
  16. Just added demo example using lightning.pw http://radium-0rq.lightningpw.com/
  17. PlaceholderImage A simple placeholder class to generate base64 data uri string that can be used to create placeholders for prototypes or as placeholders for lazy-loaded images. Original credits for the PHP Class go to Patrick van Marsbergen. https://github.com/marsbergen/PHP-Placeholder Use this module in templates to generate placeholder images. It doesn't create a physical image but a base64 data uri string to use as the src of image tag. You can get the base64 code or the complete img tag for convenience. Example chained call: $base64 = $modules->PlaceholderImage->width(640)->height(480)->background('DDDDDD')->render(); Then insert the string as the src like: <img src="<?php echo $base64?>"> Or pass true to render() to get a complete <img> tag $imgTag = $modules->PlaceholderImage->width(640)->height(480)->render(true); Or static calls for convenience: $base64 = PlaceholderImage::image(150,100); $base64 = PlaceholderImage::image(150, 100, 'FF0000', 'FFFFFF', 'Custom text'); $imgTag = PlaceholderImage::imagetag(150, 100, 'FF0000', 'FFFFFF', 'Custom text'); Github repo https://github.com/somatonic/PlaceholderImage On PW modules http://modules.processwire.com/modules/placeholder-image/ Live Example on lightning.pw http://radium-0rq.lightningpw.com/
  18. @muchdev I went ahead and submitted a new version with a option to turn off automatic script injection. See https://github.com/somatonic/AjaxSearch#module-settings for further infos as you need to output the js config var used by the AjaxSearch.js manually too. After all I'm not sure why you need this module at all. Just take the AjaxSearch.js and deinstall the module, as there's no reason to have it installed at all. This module was more a little fun helper back then, I'll maybe remove it from the modules.processwire.com.
  19. You can't convert a formatted field to a unformatted. $page->of(false) // turn off outputformatting $page->body // unformatted $page->of(true) // turn outputformatting on $page->body // formatted or directly as you already have $page->getUnformatted("body");
  20. Via the field print_r($fields->body->textformatters);
  21. The txtfirmatter doesn't return but modify the variable instance. No need to $new = ... See ,xamples in this thread marked as solved.
  22. RT @processwire: New blog post: ProcessWire 2.5.6 updates and more– https://t.co/loxfhtHYbz

  23. It is cause filter is runtime memory while find is db query.
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