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Everything posted by Soma

  1. I also have Hanna code installed and is working fine - this is an existing project.
  2. I update to 2.5.9 and still can install it. You need to have those installed before: ProcessHannaCode, TextformatterHannaCode
  3. I can install it just fine in 2.5.6.
  4. I use this: $fg = $fieldgroups->get("basic-page"); $fields->saveFieldgroupContext($fg->getFieldContext("sidebar")->set("label", "aside"), $fg);
  5. Maybe set maximum width and height to 0?
  6. ROFL. (some text to get around posting guidance legals and says something meaningful)
  7. Some enlightenment (damn difficult word) tea from Soma would also help!
  8. Pffffff ah, yes correct, wasn't this ever different? Hm guess not lol. I must have been dreaming or experienced something else way back in the early days. Maybe it's just not reading the f***** description as the label doesn't suggest so: "Vorschaubilder im Seiten-Editor anzeigen?"
  9. @Horst like what? Turn off thumbnails? Martin how about lazy load? @horst actually you have to turn them on in the first place.
  10. Or turn off thumbnails on the image field.
  11. "Unfortunately" cause you and I've spend hours to think, link and respond
  12. Whole code? I could imagine a delete flushes pages cache.. something set to a page object in memory before gets loSt. Pretty sure. Or you delete something that is select.
  13. There's a option to set a PageArray as the root page https://github.com/somatonic/MarkupSimpleNavigation#build-a-menu-using-a-pagearray-instead-of-a-single-root-page So you could very well create a top level menu with a multiple page select using asm select for input so you could sort them. Or get the top level pages and then append or insert a page $items = $pages->get("/")->children(); $other_item = $pages->get(1234); if($other_item->id) $items->append(); echo $treeMenu->render(null, null, $items);
  14. I use fontello too, you can also easily create your own using SVG. I don't think it's a good idea for a non designer to make icons There's some lack of consistency and size/detail problems with your icons, they won't work small size etc.
  15. Just committed little update - added support for adding custom services via site config - some minor fixes and improvements - added config for what fields module searched on {title} and {text} placeholder fields - added placeholder field „media“ => pinterest - added services tumblr, reddit (off by default) and pinterest (off by default) - updated themes with {themeUrl} - updated readme
  16. Did you read somewhere that it's possible? No it's not, but feel free to make suggestions what to add. There's already all available social media icons included so only a matter of adding them. https://github.com/somatonic/MarkupSocialShareButtons/tree/master/themes/black/png
  17. Just when you think you got it you see something you forgot. I just commited a few corrections to descriptions and fixes and missing stuff, minor. If you already got it the moment before you may update.
  18. I completely rewrote the module kinda. New version just committed earlier: See readme here for more infos: https://github.com/somatonic/MarkupSocialShareButtons There comes now a GUI in the module config screen to select themes (with live preview), and configure all options like links and url params. Theming has changed a little to make things easier, and the bundled themes use PNG icons instead of SVG. Edit: updated first post too.
  19. Soma

    vs Drupal 8

  20. RT @processwire: New blog post: ProcessWire 2.5.9 core updates–New admin thumb settings, new ProcessHello, System Notifications… https://t.…

  21. The path is the same inside as outside of PHP. Fun time. Good suggestions by the young entrepreneurs. You can also use echo "{$config->urls->assets}/images/IcoMoon/Icons/SVG/globe.svg"; I thought more it was about loading a file within PHP on server using path $file = $config->paths->assets . "/images/..";
  22. Soma

    vs Drupal 8

    Is that a question??? You don't know what Ryan has under his sleeves. Fun times ahead.
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