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Everything posted by Soma

  1. Option 1 or better 2. is the most elegant if you don't need to be able to view those anyway. If you don't have links or urls to those data pages, spider will not find them anyway, so nothing to worry about.
  2. I'm trying to create a Multilanguage profile export. I have changed the title to be PageTitleLanguage. Now the export went well, but when I try to install the profile I get this error Unknown column 'data1011' in 'field list' It installs and all works except that the title field is back to a normal title field, and all titles are gone (empty). Which means it doesn't work.
  3. Wanze why, you're already here This is correct. Just the hook function would be like this. public function greyscale(HookEvent $event){ $img = $event->object; $arg1 = $event->arguments[0]; // do things with image // return image object for chaining $event->return = $event->object; } Which would allow you to do things like: echo $im->size(10,0)->greyscale('arg1','arg2')->url;
  4. But it highlights the images field and ask to really change template then deletes entries in db but physical images stay.
  5. When I change template of a page with images (in this case of home in default install) and the new template has no images field, the images resist in the assets folder. Is something on my local server or is this unintended behaviour? Since image are still there and when I change template back with images field, they also aren't reinserted, which means they're not in database. So they're lost in nowhere.
  6. Superuser always has access but it might need to have access check at least thats what the error suggests. Tick guest give view access and try again.
  7. Why didn't you just modify the home template fromt he beginning. I never needed to change it to another template. I think you messed up with the root with access and changing template to a custom with no access yet defined, now you don't have access to modify it again? Not sure at all what happened
  8. Is it possible you didn't see the "language_published" field to define published languages individually? Without this field it will throw 404 not found. It's in the module setting at bottom: "Page field name for defining the languages that are published. Create a field i.e. language_published of type 'Page'. Under Input > Selectable Pages, set the template to the one you use for the proxy pages. Set input field type to checkboxes. Set inputfield type to checkboxes. You also want to include a check in you selectors for navigation or lists to determine if a page in the current language is really published." It's also explained in the readme here https://github.com/mcmorry/PW-language-localized-URL/blob/master/README.md#enabling-specific-pages-for-specific-languages Though if this field is not installed/created to the templates, it will just show default language. I'm also creating a little install profile with this module installed and working.
  9. Just let me know when I can refresh Captain Hook.
  10. Ahh sorry, should've seen it, I was talking about page references themself showing links to the linked pages Your's is the other way round... got it.
  11. What I meant was for accessibility only the app like for mobile is available. Works nice thx for sharing mats
  12. Cool idea but isnt it too disconnected from the page fields? I have somthing similar but inside below the page select.
  13. There was request for a project to do something exactly like yours. It even had to be accessible wac2 aa+. I said its not possible as the mobile version of gmaps is only as app available and not for gmap api. Maye I'm wrong but the budget wasnt there to make everything possible as it even had to be responsive. I also dont have the expertise to do it in a reasonable time.
  14. Those two urls are the two language localized urls generated by the module using the language title for each language on the page. That's what the module is for. It's the same page but different urls. en/about/ => /about/ de/ueber-uns/ => /about/ So the language title is taken of the /about/ and not the name. Since there is only one name field, the module takes for example "Über uns" and runs it through sanitizer->pageName() to generate the url which then becomes "ueber-uns".
  15. You must create only one language_gateway template and create the pages /en/ /de/ with it. It only needs a title field. Also you need to create a empty language_gateway.php file. Enable urlSegments on that template too if you haven't. The module will take the title to use as the urls segment, name isn't used. So urls would be: domain.com/en/about/ domain.com/de/ueber-uns/ if you get a 404 on all those urls event with domain.com/about/, does the site work without language url module? I think it would be good to have a profile with the module enabled and working for those wanting to start.
  16. Hello. http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2263-resized-images-%E2%80%93-purge-originals/
  17. Hey Wanze, I somehow forgot about the "let's discuss..." :/ It would have been no issue if you wanted to take my WIP, it's up to you, no matter if not. PM me if you want to discuss about it. Or sometime on IRC? However, I tried your module already a couple time now and have some little feedback. - It would be nice to have the edit link more visible. In my theme (heh) it's hard to see. Maybe also just make the title edit link. - After editing a set of pages it wouldn't it be nice to have the modified pages still there visible? Like saving the selector. Keep up the good work!
  18. Finally tried it out and very cool module! Thanks a lot tepp for the work. I had some time to get how to get it to work as I was looking for the configuration. I didn't realize there's two modules... only after reading the get started again slowly it clicked. I always looked in the process module. Sometime those module that have more than one .module can get confusing, almost annoying. It would be cool in general to have modules grouped together. It's all there but sometimes when installing a new module hard to find if you don't know/remember what to look for. I noticed when looking for help, that there's version 091 on modules.processwire.com but it downloaded the one from github anyway with modules manager, but wanted to let you know you'd have to update that version on modules.processwire.com to get recognized as new version in modules manager.
  19. It doesnt matter when and if you add or remove field. It should assuming you mean a selector be 'field=' have you tried that?
  20. This is simple and you can do it like this: Have the subdomain dns point to the same root as the domain. In the Template you could use: if($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'm.exampledomain.com'){ include('yourmobile_tpl.php'); } else { include('yourdesktop_tpl.php'); } or whatever you can make out of it, you can also just define a constat or variable to use in code.
  21. Thanks Ryan. The name was in my head since a long time. All these hooking... It's easy, it takes me 5 minutes to update. Download new repo, file search in sublime, copy result file over, hit refresh, upload new index.html.
  22. Sending a file using url doesn't work, it has to the full server path.
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