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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2025 in all areas

  1. I’m happy to report that today the dev branch has been merged to the main/master branch with our latest version: 3.0.244. This is after about a year on the dev branch. Relative to the previous main/master version (3.0.229) there’s a lot to cover. That’s what I’ll be working on this coming week, writing a new blog post outlining all that’s new and all that’s changed. Like with most ProcessWire versions, it should be an easy upgrade, swapping out the old /wire/ directory for the new one. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more details next week!
    8 points
  2. @zilli Some great questions! I spent many years writing vanilla PHP template markup. For Occam's Razor, have the leeway to apply as many or few features a tool offers. Your mentioning Markup Regions is a good example, I use many features of ProcessWire but have never used Markup Regions (I have no opinion, it just coincidentally never became part of my workflow). Both MR and templating engines aim to overcome challenges introduced when using PHP (like any language) alone for output. So it's up to the preference of the developer and needs of a project, a la "there are no wrong answers". My limited experience with MR make me a less than ideal candidate to draw comparisons or speak to compatibility. My first thought it to flip the question of complexity and see how it applies to tools you/me/we may already use. Page Classes are a layer of complexity to abstract logic out of presentation, ProcessWire itself is a layer of complexity to abstract database transactions/data management. Templating strategies are a layer of complexity that make your workflow less complex. Tools like MR and templating packages do that as well while sometimes affording some extra tools. My experience with templating solutions was born out of bumping my head on limitations and moments of thinking "there has to be a better way to do this". I ended up using creative tricks to make 'require' and 'require_once' carry the load but ended up making my code harder to manage, more files to make it work, and felt like I was breaking good practice rules. Consider this simple example: <!-- /site/templates/inc/header.inc.php --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title><?=$page->title?></title> <?php if ($includeGoogleAnalytics ?? false): ?> <?php require_once '/path/to/google_analytics.inc.php' ?> <!-- GA code here --> <?php endif ?> </head> <body id="$pageId" class="<?=$pageClass?>"> <header> <img src="/path/to/logo.png"> <h1><?=$headline?></h1> </header> Then I have my home.php and to make this work, I have to start setting big scope variables to be made available to the 'require_once' code. This got worse as the site needed more features and the header and footer became more complex. Later I had to create a new headers for other parts of the site, so multiply the code above a few more times, and add some more 'require_once' lines to each of them. <?php namespace ProcessWire; // /site/templates/home.php $pageId = 'stuff-here'; $pageClass = 'stuff-there'; $includeGoogleAnalytics = true; require_once __DIR__ . 'partials/header.inc.php'; ?> <!-- We haven't even added one line of markup/code for the home page --> <?php $includeCallToAction = true; $includeTestimonials = false; $anotherOne = true; $iHearYouLikeOutOfScopeVariables = false; require_once __DIR__ . 'partials/footer.inc.php'; ?> Here's an actual snippet from a site I build years ago. If you look at a partial or component and it has a lot of if statements, sometimes but not always, it says "I'm a file that does too much" and it becomes increasingly difficult to manage. <!-- Real snippet of production code from /site/templates/partials/footer.inc.php --> <?php if ($mainNav): ?> <?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../inc/site_nav_overlay.inc.php' ?> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($salesCtaModal): ?> <?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../inc/cta_sales_quote_modal.inc.php' ?> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($solarCleaningCtaModal): ?> <?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../inc/cta_solar_cleaning_modal.inc.php' ?> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($solarRepairCtaModal): ?> <?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../inc/cta_solar_repair_modal.inc.php' ?> <?php endif ?> Is this how everyone does it? Maybe not, hopefully not, but every project runs the risk of becoming Frankenstein's monster. With a templating solution approach this would have been solved with 4 files. You can significantly reduce the number of if statements because each of these have a job to do, they know what it is, and when you're maintaining the site, or adding new features, there is zero confusion about where to go. Working on the blog parts? Go edit the blog templates and blog layout. The service/maintenance pages know they'll need the "cleaning" and "solar repair" modals so that whole if block doesn't exist anymore. Cake. <?php namespace ProcessWire; // This is the base layout. The layouts below declare this as *their* layout and pass data if needed $this->layout('layouts/base'); // For the majority of pages on the site $this->layout('layouts/main'); // For the pages dedicated to customer service and maintenance rather than sales $this->layout('layouts/service_mainenance'); // For all blog and blog related pages $this->layout('layouts/blog'); ?> Long story short, the complexity would have been immediately reduced by introducing a templating tool with a predictable set of features and functions to use. To contrast, as a longtime user of preprocessors myself, I can say that those have the potential to introduce a lot of things that fundamentally change how you work with the language itself. Sass/Less bring nesting, loops, variables (before custom properties were available), mixins, includes, file imports, modifier functions, if/else control flows, custom functions, (the list goes on) and an entire JavaScript toolset to handle it. You can solve a lot of problems you don't have! This isn't an argument against preprocessors, but there is a higher level of discipline you must have to keep this from going off the rails and being so clever you outsmart yourself. On the other hand, templating is so incredibly fundamental to producing apps and websites that the constrains start to tighten much sooner and it becomes more clear how many workarounds and "bending the rules" of good practice are present. The benefits of introducing templating tools bring a higher number of benefits that are more impactful faster. You're also adopting a common development practice, so it is leveling up your skillset. I have to mention that these benefits are not unique to Plates. Layouts, and enhanced insert/include features, are common to pretty much all templating tools. Pick the one that feels right be it Latte, Twig, Smarty, or Plates. My only argument in favor of Plates is that if templating is something that you're introducing into your projects for the first time you may be up to speed faster because: a) the core features set of Plates is very limited (intentionally), and b) it's the same PHP syntax you already use. The concepts and strategy you use with Plates will translate to other templating tools. In the case of this module, the potential amount of complexity is almost entirely due to the custom extensions I built which is why they are optional and disabled by default. You can safely ignore everything in my post above from "Plates for ProcessWIre Extensions" on down and still get simple yet powerful tools. If you have any Q's, post them here.
    3 points
  3. Congrats @ryan and thank you @matjazp for helping with all the github issues! Great achievement and great start into the new year 🚀🥳
    3 points
  4. Hi all, just in case https://github.com/virtualgadjo/pw-30244-lang-fr as always, core tranclations only,, maybe one day i'll do the same for some modules, well, maybe 😄 have a nice day
    1 point
  5. Oh, sorry, of course! 🙈 Thx @matjazp!
    1 point
  6. I guess you meant @matjazp perhaps?
    1 point
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