This week we have a new core version available on the dev branch. Relative to the previous version, 3.0.212 contains 32 commits, 16 issue fixes and 3 PRs. Here's a list of what's been added:
Improvements were made to InputfieldImage so that you can now add your own image actions with hooks. More details in this post and ProcessWire Weekly #455.
Significant refactoring and improvements were made to the ProcessPageEditLink module. One of the most notable is that it now will retain HTML class attributes on links, even if not specifically configured with the ProcessPageEditLink module. This is useful if you've added custom classes for links in TinyMCE or CKEditor, but haven't also added them to the ProcessPageEditLink module configuration.
Improvements were made to Text fields so that HTML Entity Encoder is now automatically added. This was covered in detail in last week's post and in ProcessWire Weekly #457.
InputfieldEmail has been updated with optional support for IDN emails and UTF-8 local-part emails, per request.
Two new $sanitizer methods have been added: htmlClass() and htmlClasses(). These sanitize HTML class attributes, and it's part of what enables us to support the custom class attribute support added in the ProcessPageEditLink updates mentioned above.
Added feature request #480 to support configurable file extensions for translatable files (beyond .php, .module and .inc).
Added a new uploadName() method/property to Pagefile/Pageimage objects that returns the original unsanitized filename as it was uploaded. Applies only to files uploaded since this feature was added. Be aware the filename is unsanitized so be careful with it. This was to partially answer feature request #56 and this solution was suggested by Bernhard Baumrock.
Demonstrating the above, InputfieldFile now shows this original filename if you hover the file icon, and InputfieldImage shows it if you hover the current filename.
HTTP requests that contain an accidental double slash in the URL now redirect rather than render the page.
The PagesParents class was refactored so that it is now a lot faster in saving its data to the pages_parents table. This is very noticeable if you have a site with more than million pages when changing the parent of existing pages, especially those having children. Previously there was a [potentially very] long delay at large scale, now it is instant.
More details on these updates, and additional updates can also be found in ProcessWire Weekly #455, #456 and #457. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!