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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2022 in all areas

  1. The latest site of the week reminded me of https://senderkataster.rtr.at/ that I built with a friend some time ago and that I want to share. Tech: ProcessWire (obviously) https://getuikit.com/ (also quite obvious ? ) https://tabulator.info/ for all kinds of filters https://leafletjs.com/ for the map https://basemap.at/ using an Open Government Data License Some GDAL command line magic to transform the overlay source data into PNGs that are stored in ProcessWire pages and can then be queried and correctly placed on the map. ProcessWire has been a great platform for that project! If you need help with a ProcessWire project that needs some geo-magic or powerful web maps drop me line ? I'm not responsible for the red background ? Show details of a tower Choose a program by name or type and show its radio coverage (not in the screenshot): Expert mode for nerds:
    7 points
  2. Just a quick update this week, as yesterday was a holiday here and it becomes kind of a holiday week with kids out of school. On the core dev branch, the built-in PageFrontEdit module has been updated to support the new InputfieldTinyMCE rich text editor module. In addition. The $sanitizer->email() method has been updated with several new options. These include support for emails with Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs), UTF-8 local parts and an option to validate the DNS of the email domain. Currently all of these options are off by default but can be enabled with a new $options argument. These options will likely be translated to configure options for email fields (FieldtypeEmail) in the next week or so. In addition, a new version of the ProFields Combo has been released and this version also adds support for the new InputfieldTinyMCE module. I'm also working on updates for ProFields Table and Textareas for support of InputfieldTinyMCE as well, but those updates aren't quite ready to post just yet. If you opt to use TinyMCE with PageFrontEdit or Combo, make sure you grab the latest version of InputfieldTinyMCE, as it also received related updates this week. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    6 points
  3. This week the ProcessWire core version on the dev branch has been bumped to 3.0.207. Relative to the previous version, there are several minor issue resolutions and improvements (commit log). I also recommend this version if you are testing out the InputfieldTinyMCE module, which will likely be merged into the core near the end of the year. Speaking of that module, it also received updates this week with the biggest being the addition of improved lazy loading modules for the Normal (non-inline) editor. Rich text editors are one of the most heavyweight input types you can use, so not having to initialize them all during page load is a major performance benefit, especially when you've got multiple fields using them at the same time. With these new lazy-loading modes, the Normal editor has many of the benefits of the Inline editor in terms of page editor performance, but without any of the drawbacks. The new default setting is to "load editor when it becomes visible". This ensures that resources aren't spent loading editors that are hidden behind editor tabs, fieldsets or language tabs, until they are needed. The other lazy-loading option ("load editor when clicked") is the most aggressive lazy loading option. It shows a preview of the editor content but doesn't actually load TinyMCE until you click the preview to edit it. Lastly, I've also been working on a new module (WireSitemapXML) that generates sitemap.xml output, but in a way that I think is more configurable than the other modules available for it. It also supports multi-language sitemaps, URL segments, various hooks and more. While I've got it in use already, I'm going to spend more time on the documentation before releasing it. That's all for this week, have a great weekend!
    1 point
  4. Tested @bernhard and it works fine Screenshots Environment PHP 8.1.10 ProcessWire 3.0.203 MySQL 8.0.30
    1 point
  5. Admin template already allows page numbers. Whatever is happening is a bug (but I am yet to try and replicate to rule out 'implementation'). Setup > Templates > Filters: Show system templates.
    1 point
  6. I thought pagination was not meant to work on the backend but I just tried and it seems to work just as expected. I didn't do any settings regarding url segments... https://github.com/baumrock/PaginationDemo
    1 point
  7. Why did you create a new user account to ask the same question like again? This could be considered spam. You should better ask follow up questions in your first thread. Did you read @millipedia's answer? It pretty much explains how you would go about. For rendering your "pagination" links you can use something like this simplified sample code: foreach ($mygallery as $gallery) { echo "<a href='{$mygallery->url}{$gallery->title}'>{$gallery->title}</a>"; }
    1 point
  8. Grouping your posts by year is a different use case than pagination which is just showing a fixed number of posts per page. For example you might have a year with dozens of posts that still need to be paginated. When we've needed to do this in the past we've used URL segments to pull out a year and then build a selector from that. We can then use the results from that query for pagination if need be. The code below uses a URL like /blog/by-year/2020 ; you could easily build a subnav that has the years in you need to filter by. Obviously you'd need to update the code to match your fields but hopefully it will point you in the right direction. <?php namespace ProcessWire; $filter_title=''; // Do we have url parameters? if ($input->urlSegment1 ) { // in this example we only filter by year if($input->urlSegment1 =='by-year'){ $year=(int)$input->urlSegment2; $year_end=$year . '-12-31'; $year_start=$year . '-01-01'; if($year > 2000 && $year < 2050){ // not really santizing but I just don't want to encourage any Widdecombe of the Week behaviour. $filter_title=$year; } $results = $pages->find("template=news_item, publish_from<=".$year_end.",publish_from>=".$year_start.",limit=12, sort=publish_from"); }else{ $filter_title="Sorry - unknown filter."; } }else{ $results = $pages->find("template=news_item, limit=12, sort=-publish_from"); } if($filter_title){ echo '<h2>' . $filter_title .'</h2>'; } if($results && $results->count){ $pagination = $results->renderPager(); echo '<div class="news-list">'; foreach($results as $result) { echo '<div class="news-item">'; echo '<div class="news-title"><a href="'.$result->url . '">' . $result->title .'</a></div>'; echo '<div class="news-date">' . $result->publish_from .'</div>'; echo '<div class="news-summary">' . $result->summary .'</div>'; echo '</div>'; } echo "</div>"; echo '<div class="text-center">' . $pagination .'</div>'; }else{ echo '<div class="news-list">No results found.</div>'; }
    1 point
  9. This week I've been focused on a client project, building out this Reviews section (still a work in progress). There's a few hundred URLs within it, but it's just one page/template. The reviews are via ProcessWire's core comments (FieldtypeComments) field and primarily uses the FieldtypeComments find() method for filtering and sorting of comments/reviews. On this same site, this week Pete launched this very nice blog called Tailwinds, which he told me is using Tailwind CSS (and powered by ProcessWire). The name of the blog (Tailwinds) actually precedes the use of Tailwind CSS, but if you've got a blog named Tailwinds, Tailwind CSS certainly seems like the appropriate framework. ? On the core dev branch we've had a few commits resolving issues and minor improvements, but not enough for another version bump this week. Have a great weekend!
    1 point
  10. https://50thbirthday.londonfriend.org.uk/ This is a site we created to celebrate the 50th anniversary of London Friend which is the UK's oldest LGBTQ+ charity. It has a timeline that covers significant events of the charity's history together with a showcase of 50 inspirational Londoners who have made a difference to life in the capital. The technical side of things is pretty much as you imagine. One choice we made was not to use ajax for loading the timeline events but instead loading all of the html and then leaning hard into caching and lazy loading of images. We did use @markus_blue_tomato 's imageBlurHash module to produce placeholders for our lazily loaded images - although honestly you rarely get to see them. For some of the pages the client wanted to be able to add footnotes so we created a text formatter than moves any text in a content block surrounded in square brackets into footnotes section and creates an anchor link. I'll tidy that up and pop it on GitHub when I get some time but feel free to nag me if you think it might be useful to you. Other modules of note were ProCache and (of course) TracyDebugger. We also have some galleries on the site that use PhotoSwipe which is still our g to script for phot galleries. We got great marks in Lighthouse, Observatory and Wave (even the timeline itself which is a complicated page still does very well). It was great to be part of the celebrations (just a shame that I'm on holiday when the launch party happens... dammit)
    1 point
  11. I'm really happy with InputfieldTinyMCE so far. And as threatened to in reply to an earlier core updates post, I took a stab at migrating my autocomplete module over from InputfieldCKEditor. All in all, it was quite a pleasant experience and the JS side was really straight forward. The change also involved a lot of refactoring, and in the aftermath of that there's still a good bit of house cleaning to do, but for anybody willing to toy around with it, there's an alpha release of InlineCompleteTinyMCE on GitHub. A snapshot of InlineCompleteTinyMCEActionUsers in action: And the corresponding configuration in the field's "Input" tab (added to the TinyMCE config section): I haven't tested it with lazy loading or the inline editor yet.
    1 point
  12. This week I've worked through a few minor issue reports in both the core (ProcessWire) and InputfieldTinyMCE repositories. In addition, a new version of InputfieldTinyMCE was released that includes various improvements. We'll likely go through a few minor versions of this module before it is added to the core. I recommend downloading the latest posted version (6.0.3). Thanks to all that have been helping to test and report issues as they come up. I'm going to give the core another week or so of updates before we bump to the next version there. If you've recently launched any new sites, please add them to our sites directory at processwire.com/sites/submit/ when you have a moment. And if you aren't already subscribed to the ProcessWire Weekly updates email be sure to subscribe. Thanks and have a great weekend!
    1 point
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