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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/2022 in all areas

  1. This week I've been focused on a client project, building out this Reviews section (still a work in progress). There's a few hundred URLs within it, but it's just one page/template. The reviews are via ProcessWire's core comments (FieldtypeComments) field and primarily uses the FieldtypeComments find() method for filtering and sorting of comments/reviews. On this same site, this week Pete launched this very nice blog called Tailwinds, which he told me is using Tailwind CSS (and powered by ProcessWire). The name of the blog (Tailwinds) actually precedes the use of Tailwind CSS, but if you've got a blog named Tailwinds, Tailwind CSS certainly seems like the appropriate framework. ? On the core dev branch we've had a few commits resolving issues and minor improvements, but not enough for another version bump this week. Have a great weekend!
    10 points
  2. It took some investigating and it would be great to have this made more obvious in any documentation for $config->pagefileSecure... Behind the scenes pagefileSecure is using $files->send(): And $config->fileContentTypes forces download for certain extensions based on whether the content type is preceded by a + sign. You can override the default for the pdf extension in your /site/config.php and then the files should display in the browser: $config->fileContentTypes('pdf', 'application/pdf'); // No plus sign before the content type
    2 points
  3. @zoeck Thanks for pointing that out I think it's all fixed now. Curious as I was very sure I'd enabled page numbers already. This blog was a conversion from a Wordpress website to ProcessWire where the aim was simply to keep exactly the same theme and migrate the content. Rather than use the existing files and unpick it from Wordress, I opted to rebuild using Tailwind CSS which I've become addicted to lately and it's always a pleasure as you can pretty much just take a design and get going only occasionally needing to come up with custom styles in your stylesheet. Some tips that you may find useful: 1. preg_replace your content to add native loading="lazy" to all images: preg_replace('/<img((.(?!loading=))*)\/?>/i', '<img loading="lazy"$1>', $content); 2. A tailwind shade generator: https://www.tailwindshades.com/ for example enter #ff9900 then click the colour and you can see all the shades, but more importantly copy and paste them into your Tailwind config file to have them available in your code: for example I can then use: <p class="text-orange-peel-800">My orange appears to have gone rotten</p> ?
    1 point
  4. https://50thbirthday.londonfriend.org.uk/ This is a site we created to celebrate the 50th anniversary of London Friend which is the UK's oldest LGBTQ+ charity. It has a timeline that covers significant events of the charity's history together with a showcase of 50 inspirational Londoners who have made a difference to life in the capital. The technical side of things is pretty much as you imagine. One choice we made was not to use ajax for loading the timeline events but instead loading all of the html and then leaning hard into caching and lazy loading of images. We did use @markus_blue_tomato 's imageBlurHash module to produce placeholders for our lazily loaded images - although honestly you rarely get to see them. For some of the pages the client wanted to be able to add footnotes so we created a text formatter than moves any text in a content block surrounded in square brackets into footnotes section and creates an anchor link. I'll tidy that up and pop it on GitHub when I get some time but feel free to nag me if you think it might be useful to you. Other modules of note were ProCache and (of course) TracyDebugger. We also have some galleries on the site that use PhotoSwipe which is still our g to script for phot galleries. We got great marks in Lighthouse, Observatory and Wave (even the timeline itself which is a complicated page still does very well). It was great to be part of the celebrations (just a shame that I'm on holiday when the launch party happens... dammit)
    1 point
  5. Thanks @adrian something odd going on with caching assets there so I've turned it off for now ? It was working 10 hours ago but will probably be something simple.
    1 point
  6. Thanks Robin, I was able to confirm that the $config->fileContentTypes addition works, and is obviously an easier solution to implement for the problem I described originally. gebeer, the code I used is unchanged from what you wrote. I expected to have to manually handle the URL correction to use the proper prefix, but the functions related to pagefileSecure were firing after your code while continuing to respect your 'forceDownload' => false parameter. It looks like I won't have a chance to work on that textformatter until sometime next week. It's not necessary when using Robin's solution, but I kind of like the extra level of file location obfuscation that the download template provides.
    1 point
  7. I am working through several color calculation options that will be part of my style module. I will let folks know when it is ready. Yes, UIKit's use of default, primary, secondary, muted provides a lot of color options. My interest is in being able to offer option for selecting up to three colors and having caluclations to provide adequate palettes for each, including UI contrast concerns. And yes, those highlights are part of the issue, as well as highlights/focus color changes on certain inputfields, and yes, there are buttons that appear in different places with either reno coloring or default coloring (like the delete button in certain areas). Likewise, the alert color schemes don't always necessarily fit well with different color schemes. That's what I am experimenting with at the moment.
    1 point
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