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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2022 in all areas

  1. This is apparently a really old hat and common in many editors, but it’s the first I’ve heard of it and it just blew my mind. Did you know you can name heredoc strings “HTML” to get HTML syntax highlighting?! I kind of try to avoid heredoc, but this seems pretty neat.
    2 points
  2. This week the ProcessWire core version on the dev branch has been bumped to 3.0.207. Relative to the previous version, there are several minor issue resolutions and improvements (commit log). I also recommend this version if you are testing out the InputfieldTinyMCE module, which will likely be merged into the core near the end of the year. Speaking of that module, it also received updates this week with the biggest being the addition of improved lazy loading modules for the Normal (non-inline) editor. Rich text editors are one of the most heavyweight input types you can use, so not having to initialize them all during page load is a major performance benefit, especially when you've got multiple fields using them at the same time. With these new lazy-loading modes, the Normal editor has many of the benefits of the Inline editor in terms of page editor performance, but without any of the drawbacks. The new default setting is to "load editor when it becomes visible". This ensures that resources aren't spent loading editors that are hidden behind editor tabs, fieldsets or language tabs, until they are needed. The other lazy-loading option ("load editor when clicked") is the most aggressive lazy loading option. It shows a preview of the editor content but doesn't actually load TinyMCE until you click the preview to edit it. Lastly, I've also been working on a new module (WireSitemapXML) that generates sitemap.xml output, but in a way that I think is more configurable than the other modules available for it. It also supports multi-language sitemaps, URL segments, various hooks and more. While I've got it in use already, I'm going to spend more time on the documentation before releasing it. That's all for this week, have a great weekend!
    1 point
  3. @bernhard updated it! For anyone that might come across adding something else on the admin theme's markup, here's a recommendation from Ryan: $src = "https://unpkg.com/alpinejs@3.10.2/dist/cdn.min.js"; $this->wire()->adminTheme->addExtraMarkup('head', "<script src='$src' defer></script>");
    1 point
  4. Yeah sometimes good old strings are just a whole lot easier/faster to write. $scripts->add("foo.js", "defer") vs. $scripts->add("foo.js", ["defer" => ""]); Why not add support for strings in your PR? if(is_string($suffix)) ... elseif(is_array($suffix)) ... else ...
    1 point
  5. Great! Was about to dig into RockMigrations tomorrow. So happy to see you so active! Thanks a lot!
    1 point
  6. In v0.2.0 I've added a Pageimage::megapixelsDimensions() method that returns just the dimensions needed to resize an image to a target megapixel value. I used this recently to create a gallery of sponsor logos in normal and high dpi variations. Example from the updated readme: foreach($page->logos as $logo) { $dimensions = $logo->megapixelsDimensions(0.01); $width = $dimensions['width']; $height = $dimensions['height']; $width2x = $width * 2; $height2x = $height * 2; echo "<img src='{$logo->size($width, $height)->url}' srcset='{$logo->size($width, $height)->url} 1x, {$logo->size($width2x, $height2x)->url} 2x' alt='Logo' width='$width' height='$height'>"; } I've also added the module to the PW directory.
    1 point
  7. It's important that this is the case too because otherwise you could potentially be informing search engines you are using a different primary domain to one your site it actually using.
    1 point
  8. I always watch carefully your videos. You've put so much thought into it, it really shows how you've found the advantages and drawbacks of each solution. I also started experimenting with the first option where you basically need to set up the container, rows and columns first before working on your content. Template-wise, I figured that tracking depth could get complicated quickly, and I abandoned the idea, but it sure looks like the most flexible, less "hacky" way compared the new, third option you're proposing. Sure, it requires thinking about design first before inputting your content, and I'm not sure I would offer that option to most of my clients as it requires some learning and a designer/developer frame of mind ("what's the deal about those rows and container anyway?" is what I'd imagine they'd say), but if I'm the sole editor, I'll love to have that option! The classic option is of course always a good, although obviously more limited option, that is intuitive and supported out of the box without some clever hack and double modals such as the new, hybrid approach. I can't shake the feeling that the third option is going to be brittle and need an ever-growing set of workarounds for all the use cases out there. Personally, I've gone a different route. That's probably going to sound half-baked to you, but it might be of interest to some. Instead of trying to cram all the blocks on the same page, I'm using subpages as containers for those blocks. In other words, from the parent page, I loop through all the children to build my page out of this series of containers / sections. So each child page is basically a section of the parent page, where I only need to apply columns, then place my blocks inside. If I need to change the order of those sections, it's just a drag and drop away: I simply move the child page up or down below the parent page. I've not fully explored the possibility, and I'm still experimenting with this on a couple of sites, but I've found it flexible enough for most of my uses, and easy to code. On each child page, first there's a combo (pro) field that holds the basic design settings for the current section, such as margin, padding, background color, width, etc. Then I set up my columns with a simple text field that holds predefined tags for responsive widths and optionally offsets and additional classes, and inside my blocks. Here's a screenshot (in Spanish, sorry) of something very similar to what you've shown in your video: a text on the left, and image on the right.
    1 point
  9. this may also be of use: https://gist.github.com/pamelafox-coursera/5359246
    1 point
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