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@bernhardSure ? Module Config (sorry for the mixed labeling, I have the german language pack installed ? ): Publish + Translate to all target languages at once: Publish + Translate to single languages (on the left side of the arrow: source language, right: all available (aka not excluded) target languages):2 points
Hello friends! I have another module for you, which will make your daily work as a Processwire developer easier. Introducing: AppApi This module helps you to create api-endpoints, to which an app or an external service can connect to. Features Simple routing definition Authentication - Three different authentication-mechanisms are ready to use. Access-management via UI Multiple different applications with unique access-rights and authentication-mechanisms can be defined The documentation has become quite extensive, so have a look at the Github repository for details: Installation Defining Applications Api-Keys PHP-Session (Recommended for on-site usage) Single JWT (Recommended for external server-calls) Double JWT (Recommended for apps) Creating Endpoints Output Formatting Error Handling Example: Listing Users Example: Universal Twack Api Routes Page Handlers File Handlers A special thanks goes to Thomas Aull , whose module RestApi was the starting point to this project. This module is not meant to replace this module because it does a great job. But if you want to connect and manage multiple apps or need other authentication methods, this module might help you. I am already very curious about your feedback and would be glad if the module helps you a little bit.1 point
https://www.kaumberg.gv.at/ Hello everybody! Today I want to share a project that I've been working on for a year or so: The new website for municipal Kaumberg - a beautiful village near Vienna. To be honest, this project was way more work than I initially expected. The site has tons of content and the client came with lots of good ideas during the process of building this site. For example after we launched the site several organisations of the village realized that the system works great and is easy to use, so they wanted their own section with their own color scheme... Right now the system is maintained by several user accounts that populate content to the site. Some of them only in the news-section, others are allowed to publish to the sub-sites (eg for the fire department). Recently we won the 2nd price out of 190 cities in lower austria - where Kaumberg was by far the smallest one also having the smallest budget of the top rated cities! ### NOTE ### This system was built with scalability in mind. If you know any other municipals (preferable in a german speaking country) that could possibly need a new website using my setup write me a PM. If you are a marketing guru and know how we can sell this product to 100s of municipals, let me know. I know how to do that from the technical point of view ? ### HIGHLIGHTS ### CONTENT Custom multi-level menu for managing loads of content pages that also works well with keyboard navigation ? --- EVENT MANAGEMENT Events are managed via the PW backend and presented as calendar on the website plus can be downloaded as PDF calendar in A3 format for printing: --- CONTENT BLOCKS I've developed a new (private) module called RockMatrix for versatile, easy and fool-proof content creation for this project. This setup ensures that even non-tech-savvy users can create content that looks nice and works on all devices from desktop to mobile: --- SITE SEARCH Another new module that was developed for this project is RockSearch. I hate site searches that do work on the first sight but do not on the second. For example if they show older results on top of newer ones. Or if they do not index content that is not stored within a regular text field but for example as image description. On the other hand I did not want to use ElasticSearch because it seemed to be overhead to send data to another service that is already stored in the database of my PW installation... RockSearch shows results based on different weighing mechanisms, for exampe a search for the garbage collection schedule first shows results that are nearer to the current date than others (both future and past). That means that a date two days in the future will be shown above one that is 10 days in the past. Also results get different score based on where the term was found - matches in the site title get higher scores than matches in the body or in image descriptions or the like. Each content block is a RockMatrix block that has a render() method to define the output on the website and - for RockSearch - has a method called "searchIndex()" that defines the content that is written to the search index that is queried for every search request: This setup makes it super easy to add new content elements and to add them to the search index ? --- SUB-SITES The client can create sub-sites for different organisations of the village having custom color schemes and managing user access: News can be tagged to show up on different areas of the website: --- OTHER The site uses no cookies and can therefore be used without an annoying cookie banner. Page hit statistics are gathered by PageHitCounter and shown by RockHitCounter Some other little features are short-links for social media (eg https://www.kaumberg.gv.at/goto-1027 ) or the possibility for creating custom subdomains for sub-sites like http://araburg.kaumberg.at/ I'm quite sure I forgot lots of great stuff, but I hope you enjoyed reading this article nevertheless ? Looking forward to your feedback!1 point
Bonjour, We have a complex RepeaterMatrix field with several presentation scenarios. We were wondering if it would be possible to adopt a visual presentation or at least add a meaningful icon to each choice. Another option would be to be able to create a note attached to this field with an HTML markup. I imagine this could be done through a javascript embedded in the Admin template. Is there any other way to do this?1 point
Please read this blog entry. You can use images, links, a dropdown or your own custom solution for adding new matrix items: New Repeater and Repeater Matrix features (processwire.com)1 point
Wow, that was way easier than I expected. I must have been typing the wrong search terms in, and still new to ProcessWire so reading through documentation as I go along, but wasn't sure how to find this in particular. Thank you for the help! ?1 point
At the moment not, but if you think that would be worth to have you could add that here and create a PR: https://github.com/BernhardBaumrock/RockMigrations/blob/dc9dba1b050469ea085af9dca1201746e2422960/RockMigrations.module.php#L984-L9901 point
1 point
Indeed… Like I said, the code is the best documentation. So I guess it’s $page->setAndSave( [ 'title' => "($id) $template_label | $address, $ort" , 'name' => "$id $template_label $address $ort" ] , null , [ 'noHooks' => true ]);1 point
The easiest solution would probably be to add all fields to your template and then just hide the ones you don't need via hook: <?php $wire->addHookAfter("ProcessPageEdit::buildForm", function(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->object->getPage(); $form = $event->return; if(...) $form->remove('yourfield'); });1 point
$rm->setFieldData("yourfield", [...], $rm->getRepeaterTemplate("yourfield"));1 point
That's the tricky part. Each category should have his own selection. I already thought about page fields but then they will repeat everywhere. For example T-Shirts have got "sizes (S, L, M, etc.)" and Batteries will also have the sizes field. Just an example.1 point
That caused the same error.. hmm1 point
Confirming that the expressions of interest is now closed. I will collate the responses and get back to all who registered. I am working on a getting started frontend that will help with the testing. I am also working on a minimal API documentation to help you put it all together. Thanks to all who have responded and/or have an intention to support this work in the future ?.1 point
Hi @Pixrael! At the moment, this is not possible. In the AppApi module, a route must be specified that is not yet occupied by a classic ProcessWire route. AppApi uses a hook on 404 (Page not found) error and then replaces the return with the AppApi content. I am facing a similar problem right now. I would like to use ProcessWire exclusively as a headless CMS for an app. If you have access to the domain and subdomain settings, it might work to run ProcessWire under a subdomain and link the main domain to /api. However, I've been thinking for a while about how to add api responses to existing ProcessWire pages (e.g. the root page under "/").1 point
Great news! Version 1.2.0 is here! The changes in the code are actually not huge, but all the bigger are the additional possibilities we have now: With the new version, modules can register their own endpoints. These endpoints are then merged with the traditional definition in Routes.php. You may ask: But @Sebi, why are you so excited about this? Well. This means that endpoints can now be easily installed and updated. And we can now easily share our great and useful endpoints with the ProcessWire community! I'll get started then: My first AppApi module is AppApiFile. This module provides the /file endpoint for retrieving files uploaded to ProcessWire pages. I have extended the wiki with a small tutorial and sample code for creating an AppApi module: https://github.com/Sebiworld/AppApi/wiki/4.0:-AppApi-Modules I can't wait to see what you people will do with it! ?1 point
@thomasaull is right. I have added an example in the Wiki, in which I demonstrate the output of a RepeaterMatrix-field "contents" that I use in most of my projects: https://github.com/Sebiworld/AppApi/wiki/3.1:-Output-Formatting#complex-data I hope, that helps. Generally speaking, you can output anything you want via api. You only have to transform complex structures like ProcessWire-Pages, Repeatermatrix-fields, ... into something that is JSON-encodable.1 point
Hi everyone! I just wanted to give a quick sign of life. The time of Christmas vacation is finally reached and I can finally invest time in open source project again. Thanks a lot for your input. In the next days there will finally be an update for the AppApi module. I would then like to provide you with a development state for testing before a new master version is released. Let us list the feature-requests: Error when importing database dump: Cannot add foreign key constraint (by @thomasaull) Multi Language and ProCache do not work Weird HTTP status responses (by @David Lumm, thanks for PR ?) [Feature] Add multiple levels to routing config (by @David Lumm, thanks for PR ?) Optional extended logging like @benbyf said earlier. Created Issue #10 on Github so I don't forget it. I will look into the other bugs and issues discussed here as well. Did I leave something out? Thank you for your help and stay tuned for the next updates!1 point
If I get specific questions about WordPress, WordPress plugins and/or other services, I will (sometimes, not always) ask the client (or client to be), something like: I understand that you have the need for [general tool description, i.e. SEO editing tools ]. What part(s) of [specific tool name, i.e. Yoast SEO] do you find most useful, and would like to use? Maybe a custom solution would fit your needs better, and save you time on a daily basis. Also, we could look at what could be done automatically when it comes to [short tool description, i.e. SEO] if we look at a custom solution.1 point