@alexmercenary Thanks, glad that you are liking this module (saw your post in the FormBuilder board too). Makes my day actually, thank you. This is a module that I thought was necessary to build before December, when SCA in Europe will apparently be a requirement. I wasn't able to find a way that the existing Stripe Inputfield could be updated to support 3D Secure, at least not in a way that would be reliable with the form workflow. Basically, with 3D Secure, the charge takes place at the time the user inputs the card and an independent popup verifies it. So if the card collection is part of another form (as the Stripe Inputfield is), and someone pays but never submits the form (or submits but never fixes validation errors), you end up with an orphan charge. Stripe's solution to this scenario is that you should issue a refund. I thought that was too much for people to keep track of (charges that are missing a form submission). So thought it was necessary to build this module and include it with FormBuilder, especially for any of those in Europe that might already be using the Stripe Inputfield.