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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2016 in all areas

  1. We've got some great updates for you this week, especially for those still running ProcessWire 2.x. ProcessWire 3.x also got a lot more stable this week. In fact, this week ProcessWire 2.x and 3.x got a lot closer! https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.21-and-2.8.21/
    6 points
  2. @Macrura May I suggest using WireData instead of StdClass. This makes code more resilient to missing properties and prevents lot's of isset() nonsense. $a = new \stdClass(); if($a->test) echo $a->test; // Will generate a PHP Notice "Undefined Property: …" $a = new WireData(); if($a->test) echo $a->test; // Does nothing; $a->test === null
    5 points
  3. I just wanted to share this library here: http://barbajs.org/ It's a pjax implementations specifically for handling page transitions without full page-reload as simple as possible. It's super lightweight and can literally be installed by pulling the library in, adding two classes to your pages and a single line to initialize the whole thing. I've just added this to my personal site (https://kobrakai.de/) and beyond some js refactorings – mostly so that animations are not only triggered on page loads – it was a very smooth experience to add. Also I've probably only scratched the surface on this simple site. The docs look like this could handle even more complex setups if needed.
    4 points
  4. I just needed to fiddle around some more to find my answer. $image_fields = $fields->find("type=FieldtypeImage"); Looking at the data for a field I guess you can also find fields by id, flags, name and label. Nice!
    3 points
  5. Just uploaded v019 with the collapsable asmSelect fields update. The screenshot in the previous post was updated because there's always an icon in the beginning of the row to make the hierarchy easier to see (there was only a "+" icon beforehands). Double-clicking on the ending item also collapses the section. The update does not contain the ctrl+s CKEditor feature, I need to think it through how to organize.
    2 points
  6. Welcome Mélanie, would definitely go for 3x devns, I'm already using it on live projects and am working on migrating others, too..
    2 points
  7. I'm really loving all the new stuff on 3.x (and now 2.x). Have a great weekend Ryan, and thanks again for being a badass.
    2 points
  8. I solved this - it was due to a module of mine in which I use the admin image thumbnails. I just needed to adjust the module code to account for the new default thumbnail height of 260px.
    1 point
  9. ok great, yeah i just changed to that and all appears to work fine... Will update the code above with the 'final' answer...
    1 point
  10. This would cache only the xml for an hour. <?php $goodreads_api = 'xxxxxx'; foreach($page->children as $bundle) : foreach($bundle->goodreads as $goodreads) : $xml_string = $cache->get($goodreads->isbn, 3600, function() use($goodreads_api, $goodreads) { return file_get_contents('https://www.goodreads.com/search/index.xml?key='.$goodreads_api.'&q='.$goodreads->isbn); }); $book_xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml_string); foreach ($book_xml->search->results->work as $book) : // content goes here endforeach; endforeach; endforeach;
    1 point
  11. I already commented the blog post, that I especially love the multi-language toggle.. I think it would be great to be able to change almost any field setting in template context..
    1 point
  12. Thought I would release a pretty simple module I made that integrates the awesome OneLogin PHP SAML toolkit into ProcessWire so you can use SSO with your ProcessWire website. Mainly developed for my own purposes as I have used SAML plugins with WordPress for many years and now that ProcessWire is my go to CMS I sort of missed the convenience of having SSO between sites and services. This is my first attempt at a ProcessWire module, it's probably not the best in terms of code, but it has been pretty stable in my tests. Here's a little demonstration of the module in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWcsV6RTh90 GitHub repo and Installation Instructions https://github.com/adamxp12/ProcessWire-SAMLAuth Any feedback would be appreciated. Even though this is quite a niche module.
    1 point
  13. It's surely possible. Recently I've done a very similar newsletter solution, see screens here. Basically you need to send an email with contents of the newsletter page body (or other) field. Things get complex when you need things like preview email (which is a must imho), subscriber lists, etc. I've done this addons mainly with JS/Ajax.
    1 point
  14. I can really recommend http://adamwathan.me/refactoring-to-collections/ if you're curious (has a free sample as well). Brought a lot of light into all those functions and their usefulness.
    1 point
  15. just threw together a quick module for this and works well so far.. needs some testing but might be able to get this on github in a few days; in the meantime, here are some screens: Preview Mode: OK, here it is.. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/13486-inputfieldsimplemde/#entry121650
    1 point
  16. @Sephiroth Heads up! If you look for something to design (I mean on specification level), what about a simple newsletter module? This is something I occassionally need and as I know there is no "boxed" solution for it. What I have in mind: - integrate with other modules, eg. WireMailGun (to handle statistics) - newsletter blocks with the ability to include other pages (I use PageTable or Matrix Repeater for this) - newsletter subscription/unsubscription - send preview - css inliner (eg. Emogrifier) I have these functionalities working but at a very low hand-made level. Anyway, just and idea that may get you electrified
    1 point
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