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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2012 in all areas

  1. I was supposed to have jury duty today, and they didn't need me. Since I'd already rescheduled today's client work, I decided it was a good time to finally get a start on the PW modules directory. Here it is: http://modules.processwire.com I just added that DNS host so may not be active everywhere yet. There are only a few of my own modules and a couple admin themes in there at present. I need your help populating it (see below). This is just a start, and I've only had a day to work on it. I've got plenty more planned for it and appreciate any feedback you have. How to add your modules For those that have created modules, admin themes or language packs, I need your help populating the directory. When you get to the directory, you can click "Add New Module" in the sidebar and it will take you to a screen where you can add it. You assign an email and password with each module you add so that you can return to make updates as often as you'd like. When you add a module, it puts it in a pending state just so that I can keep out the spam. It emails me when you add a new one, so I'll approve any modules you add asap. Though you view your own module page and continue to make as many edits as you want to regardless of whether it's approved. Nikola and Soma: I put in one each of your admin themes for testing purposes. I've associated these with your email accounts. To modify your admin theme pages in the modules directory, click "edit" on it and scroll to the bottom in "Authentication" and click the link to retrieve your password. Enter your email address and it'll send it to you.
    5 points
  2. ProcessWire2.+ Minify 1.0.3 This module helps you combine Javascript and CSS files into one, minified file to save on unnecessary HTTP requests and to compress files anywhere up to 80% (including already minified .js files). To use it, extract the attached zip file into your /site/modules/ directory and check for new modules in the ProcessWire Admin area, then install the module. Once installed, go to configure the module and, instead of this configuring anything for you, you can use the drop-down lists to build stylesheet and script code to place in your templates, grabbing a list of any stylesheets and scripts it finds in the /site/template/styles/ and /site/templates/scripts/ directories respectively. It's more of a helper than anything else, but it should take the guesswork out of configuring Minify for your site. Notes: This module contains a third-party library - Minify - which is subject to its own license (a copy is included in the attached zip file). I've left the module in-tact including its unit test files so there are more files than are necessary, but this will make it easier for me to upgrade the module if/when they release updates to that code. This module doesn't insert any code into your templates automatically - I think copying and pasting the code it currently outputs to the screen is more useful/configurable for more situations. It's worth using even if you only have one CSS or JS file as it will compress CSS files by about 80% and JS files by quite a lot too, plus since it handles caching on the server-side and does its own checks of the files it is serving (plus it's a dynamic URL), you can always be sure that it will serve the latest version of a CSS file (no more CTRL+F5 to show the new styles if your browser decides to cache it. You can change the /site/modules/Minify/min/config.php as you could if you were using Minify as a standalone script - tweak cache paths (default is your server's cache path) and other advanced settings here. Updates: v0.0.2 - now produces code that includes paths derived by ProcessWire at run-time so paths will be fine on localhost and live servers, removing potential issues when pushing a site live. v1.0.0 - bumped this up to a major version number since there appear to be no issues with the initial versions to speak of. Also implemented yellowled's input field suggestion (looks much better and easier to select for copy and paste purposes) and turned off autoload at ryan's suggestion. v1.0.1 - now recusrively searches for files inside subfolders under the scripts and styles directories using PHP 5's built-in iterator classes v1.0.2 - pull request from teppo - https://github.com/Notanotherdotcom/Minify/pull/1 v1.0.3 - updated Minify code to v2.1.7 which fixes a significant security flaw: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/minify/cpN-ncKPFZE/kwYVpLMkfDwJ You can download the module here.
    1 point
  3. Fine work again Ryan !
    1 point
  4. Awesome work Ryan! Will try to ad some of my soon.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. I'm always willing to take a fresh look at tools other people like. There was no VIM mode back when I used PhpStorm, so that sounds interesting from that aspect (as does the sublime vintage mode). But should qualify that I'm not naive about this, have spent a lot of time in IDEs, and used dozens of different editing environments over the years. Back when I was a C++ programmer working for another company, I didn't have a choice. I also used PhpStorm for a couple weeks when it was new (with ProcessWire), as well as Zend's IDE for some time. I even grew up in Turbo Pascal and Borland C++ IDEs, using them for years. But my mind always ends up more in the editor than in the code. For me, less has always been more. It's not about what's practical, easy or fast. VIM takes me to a place where I can think, and it took me years to find it. I lose creativity and enjoyment when you take away the minimalism. Coding becomes about work rather than code. I lose track of stuff when something is keeping track of it for me. What can I say, this is how I am about all my tools except maybe Photoshop. No doubt IDEs can be time savers when it comes to certain tasks, but I've not found it worth the tradeoff. (Though TextWrangler is my go-to for anything involving regex search/replaces across mass amounts of files). I will keep trying out tools that other people like and recommend, but I think most of the time we're looking for different things. I'm not trying to sway anyone towards using what I use. It's not practical, and it's slightly insane. In fact, I would say you should avoid the likes of VIM if you enjoy using an IDE. This is all beside the point on PSR-0 changes to the core. I can put up with more files, as the inconvenience is relatively minor. But I thought it was worth asking if there were any compliant conventions for including a similarly-named group of classes in one file. For instance, a file named Selector_.php might include classes beginning with the word "Selector", which are already grouped together in a file by intention and design.
    1 point
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