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Dev stable and other branche PW


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I am not so used to the github. But in this topic I came across:


it states,

  1. Make sure you are running ProcessWire 2.4.6 (dev branch) or newer. 
  2. Download from GitHub (we will add this module to the Modules directory later).

So I was searching for the dev branch (which is certainly not easy to find), but I guess it is this link:


But the readme file talks about PW 2.4

I would not mind using a dev branch while developing, but I do mind things could be presented a little more clear. For example, a download link to the dev branch from processwire.com was not easy to find. And as I said above, once found, a readme file for pw 2.4 while it resides in the dev branch (apparantly) 2.4.6 makes to me no sence.

Just a thought.

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The readme doesn't state explicitly 2.4.0, so it's still valid since dev is currently 2.4.11. It's actually quite good that a not-for-production version of a software is relatively hard to find...

But maybe it would be nice to have a short URL like http://dev.grab.pw directly pointing at the ZIP of the dev branch :)

Edited by marcus
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Actually, it's not even that difficult to find... http://processwire.com/download/

ProcessWire 2.4 at GitHub
View, clone, fork or download the latest ProcessWire version and/or source code at GitHub. See also the dev branch which always contains the latest updates not yet migrated to the stable version.
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Okay, I agree with you that 2.4 is valid for 2.4.xxx but then you could just say PW version 2. Somehow I feel, like people do with copyright year, just make it automatic. Anyway, it IS 2.4.11 and looks great by the way!

edit - and YES, I did see the link to github, but from the topic I mentioned, I was looking for 2.4.6 !!! So it was confusing.

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