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Graphics Tablets


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I know next to nothing about graphics tablets but I want to buy one.

I've always been interested in manipulating photos and graphics, tracing around objects with a mouse and cutting them out in Photoshop but it's not an exact science with a mouse, plus I would like something with the precision to draw some icons for a few projects.

In all likelihood I wouldn't use it every day or even every week, but I might find myself enjoying it and using it more over time.

Any recommendations from you arty types out there?

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Hi Pete,

I've been using an Intuos5 medium-sized tabled for a couple of years and really like it.

The Intuos is great for sketching, paired with Illustrator. I also use it along with ArtRage.

After you use it for a while, it beccomes really natural. But at first using the tablet feels a bit funny (I kept reaching for my mouse for a few days as I was getting accustomed to it).



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I have an ancient old intuos - A3 size, I think  - that I bought about 13 years ago to do cartoons for a website. I had been using pen an ink, but I wanted a bit more speed.

I still use it (it just about works on WIn 7) but I rarely use it for things like tracing stuff out - I am much more likely to use paths.

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I have the medium sized Intuos and its pretty cool. It takes some getting used to. I do not use mine all the time. I have watched hard core tablet users and they make it look easy. I sometimes find myself dropping the pen and reaching for the regular mouse for certain things but this is really not the efficient way to go in my book. Most of the graphic forum threads I researched recommend the medium Intuos as the size to get. It makes the desk ergonomics easier. 

The power of tablets really shines when you use professional graphics software that offer pressure settings for brushes and other tools. If you do pen tool work, masking, paths, free hand illustration and removing backgrounds from photos then a good tablet is worth looking into. I also love my buttonless bluetooth Apple mouse as well though...

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@Pete: I have worked with a A3 intuous for long time. Than I have changed to a power mouse with some additional buttons and the big tablet tooks to much space on the table. Now I use the power mouse and a little Bamboo tablet. I use two desktops, one for the main app and one for the palettes (photoshop). The Bamboo is active for the first desktop, this way it has a reasonable size for masking and retouching.

They also have a shop for "Gebrauchtes": http://de.shop.wacom.eu/Produkte/Sonstige/Gebrauchtgeraete

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