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Phalcon - a different PHP-framework


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Today i found a new, at least for me, kind of PHP-framework, which does look very promising. It may be a bit off topic for processwire, but for all programmers here that were using a framework like symfony or laravel, it could be a very interesting alternative.

The project is called Phalcon and here is what they are saying about it:

Phalcon is an open source, full stack framework for PHP 5 written as a C-extension, optimized for high performance. You don’t need to learn or use the C language, since the functionality is exposed as PHP classes ready for you to use. Phalcon also is loosely coupled, allowing you to use its objects as glue components based on the needs of your application.

Phalcon is not only about performance, our goal is to make it robust, rich in features and easy to use!

I have not used it myself, but not only the perfomance does look promising (from two to four times faster than every other PHP-framework), also the framework is feature-rich. It does not make assumptions about directory-structure.

Have a look and tell me what you pros here think about it.

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I've spent so much time experimenting with various MVC frameworks (CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Yii).  I discovered Phalcon a few months ago, and gave it a try.  Since my background is in C derivatives, it seemed interesting to me.  The speed boost Phalcon promised was really enticing.  After trying it out, I will say I like Phalcon.  But the speed advantages may not be relevant to you unless you are running really intensive sites.

In recent months, I've spent much more time delving into ways to use ProcessWire as a framework.  I've written about this here on the forum (https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2393-processwire-framework).

To me, the ProcessWire framework runs circles around some of the ones that get so much attention.  Yes, I'm looking at you Mr. Laravel.



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Well, I can not say much about frameworks, but someone mentioned PW is also a framework - and as such - I really starting to like it so much I don't think I will look at anything else (except naked woman bringing me a pint!)

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