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Object not found


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Hello, I've just installed processwire. There were no errors during installation.

"The requested URL was not found on this server" etc... That's what apache tells me when I try to access http://localhost/web/processwire/processwire/ (also about, templates)

The main page (http://localhost/web/processwire/) works fine, and so does Wordpress, for example I can access its admin panel (http://localhost/web/wordpress/wp-admin/)

My xampp installation is on the disk C:,  but processwire and wordpress are in D:\Web

I have an alias in httpd.conf for that

<Directory "D:/Web">
	Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
	AllowOverride All
	Order allow,deny
	Allow from all
	Require all granted
Alias "/web" "D:/Web"

^That is appended to the end of httpd.conf. Can the alias be a problem?

If yes, should I use a Virtual Host? My knowledge of apache is very limited, unfortunately...


(I should have posted that in General Support, sorry, please delete)

Edited by vick
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Sorry about doubleposting. I thought the question was more suited for General Support and a mod would delete this thread, in Getting Started

Martijn Geerts, no I didn't and there is already .htaccess file in D:\Web\processwire, but no htaccess.txt

No worries. I think installation problems are fine on "getting started" too.

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  • 2 years later...

Did a deployment today where I did a backup of the live environment first, but the backup script skipped copying  .htaccess.
Had to abort the install and redid the deployment and I started to get an error message saying "The requested URL was not found on this server".

Funny enough, the home page would load perfectly though.

After 15m of doing my best headless chicken impression, I realise the .htaccess file was missing. Luckily I managed to find a copy from a backup several versions back.


Thought I'd share this in case people didn't fancy doing the chicken dance in the office ...

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The homepage does work because apache does simply call the index.php without arguments, whereas the .htaccess does convert urls to something like index.php?it=/path/ which is still the same file.

So, assumedly, PW serves the home page if ?it=something is not specified? (Still wish that PW used index.php/something instead.)

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