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.htaccess settings crashed site


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To use the MediaElement.js video and audio player, it is recommended that the following code be added in an .htaccess file placed in the root of the website:

AddType video/ogg .ogv

AddType video/mp4 .mp4

AddType video/webm .webm


These settings were recommended to stream video files, and I never thought they would interfere with processwire.  Unfortunately, I can not even access my admin panel so .htaccess must have overwritten key system code.

Does anyone know what may have happened and how I can get access back?  I have deleted the .htaccess file, but the harm was already done apparently.

Thank you.


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I have just solved my own issue, but I want to document the solution in case other happy processwire users encounter the same problem.

The solution is to simply rename the htaccess.txt file that was downloaded when processwire was installed to .htaccess and upload the renamed file.  Apparently the renaming process occurs automagically upon installation so I was not aware that I was overwriting a critical file.


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@wjkaluza - you might try using a 'live editor' like Coda or Sublime Text, or even a different editor in conjunction with an ftp client that supports live editing (such as Forklift); then make sure your settings show 'invisible' files, since on some OS, files with a . are invisible by default. You'll very likely need quick access to edit your files quite often this way, including the htaccess, where you might need to add gzip compression code, (and occasionally AddType), though i use mediaelement and did not have to add those things to htaccess.  good thing about those sorts of editors is you can also quicky change permissions on files, like the config

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