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Hi Everyone! I'm glad to show you guys my first Processwire project: http://www.ihera.com.br/

It's a simple yet tailor made website I did for a clinic specialized in women health in Brazil. We've designed/coded several templates for the backend, used the Skeleton CSS Framework (http://www.getskeleton.com/) to help making it responsive adn some some minor javascript to some pages - and of course, made it very SEO friendly with custom titles and meta description for each page.

I'd like to thank Ryan again for this amazing tool! I've never done such a tailor made CMS (Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, CMS - I've been there) that's so easy to use that my client didn't need more than 10 minutes of "training" and is super happy about the outcome and the ease of maintaining it. Simple, amazing and beautiful.

Best of all: the code is clean and since you code the templates from scratch, you know exactly what is what and speed and great clean markup is an obvious result of it...

Let me know what you think!

Tks a lot!


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Dang, cool site! Love the graphics style, interface design and how easy it is to navigate around.  

And yeah, the mobile style menu is simple and sweet. The little details such as the closable menu and transforming search bar are really neat. 

I'd like to thank Ryan again for this amazing tool! I've never done such a tailor made CMS (Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, CMS - I've been there) that's so easy to use that my client didn't need more than 10 minutes of "training" and is super happy about the outcome and the ease of maintaining it. Simple, amazing and beautiful.

Best of all: the code is clean and since you code the templates from scratch, you know exactly what is what and speed and great clean markup is an obvious result of it...

^ Agree

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I viewed this mostly on mobile using an iPad with Safari and Chrome.

Very nice! The site is easy to navigate and has a very friendly feel -- which is important for something like this where your audience is not technical and needs to feel welcomed. You did a great job keeping a consistent stucture throughout. I really like the doctor bio pages -- they have just enough information to be informative and link nicely to further "official" information. You came up with a nice structure for navigating to various parts of the site.

Four comments/questions:

1. In the left nav, "HOSPITAIS CREDENCIADOS" is wider than other listings. Is this intentional?

2. Page titles that run more than one line are cut off in the middle of the second line (on mobile).

3. Search results items sometimes have a title and intro text, other times only a title. Is this intentional?

4. How did you determine whether pages are accessed via the top nav or the side nav?

Thanks for sharing! You did a great job.


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Hi Matthew -

I'm glad you had a positive impression and tks for your comments! Overall the >768 breakpoint still needs work, it's behaving weird and not optimized well, I might just get rid of it for now, we'll see.

To your points:

  1. Not right, definitely needs to be adjusted.
  2. On the phone breakpoint I got rid of that background, might do the same there;
  3. Yes, this is on purpose. If the content type has a "summary", it'll be displayed;
  4. The side nav items are static links to hidden pages. Please let me know if there's a smarter way of doing this! :)

Tks again!


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