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PW 2.3 download link has 2.2.9

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Hi Folks,

On the PW download link:


the link to "download the zip file" comes up with PW 2.2.9.

When you go to github, and click on the zip file link, it downloads as 2.3.

I've downloaded both, and unzipped both, and the unzip directories are different.

So... I used the github version, but I thought that since I'm just starting with PW, I should make sure that's the right one.

Any thoughts on the differences?



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Hi Peter - a quick answer from a relative PW newbie - I would go with the github version to ensure you get 2.3. I am using it in production, as I think are many folks. It has lots of great new features. Agreed it does seem a little confusing as to which is the current stable version.

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Not sure what the issue was with GitHub, but their ZIP download URLs have changed a bit. Rather than the filename "master", it is "master.zip". I'm guessing they setup static redirects to ensure that the "master" links would continue working, when they made this change. But that redirect is pointing to PW 2.2.9 rather than 2.3, so thanks for letting me know Peter. I have added ".zip" to the end of the URL and now it seems to be pointing to the right version. 

Also fixed the GitHub summary text, thanks interrobang. 

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