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Reactions is a module that collects reactions for pages from site users/visitors based on a click of a reaction button. It's basically the same thing as those "did you find the information you were looking for" thingies you see on some sites.

An example of what the buttons might look like:


There is also a very simple process module that displays pages along with their reaction counts for each enabled reaction type.

Needed this for a project and was kind of in a hurry, so it's not super polished, but seems to work well for basic use cases. One thing that's kind of fun (or scary) about this module is that it modifies the structure of the reactions database table automatically based on active buttons; this is done using ProcessWire's built-in features ?

Getting started

You can install the module the usual way; clone or download the code, or install via admin. Or via Composer:

composer require teppokoivula/reactions

The easiest way to define available buttons is via site config:

$config->reactions = [
	'reaction_types' => [
		'like' => [
			'title' => 'Like it',
			'icon' => '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="24" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="24"><path d="M720-120H280v-520l280-280 50 50q7 7 11.5 19t4.5 23v14l-44 174h258q32 0 56 24t24 56v80q0 7-2 15t-4 15L794-168q-9 20-30 34t-44 14Zm-360-80h360l120-280v-80H480l54-220-174 174v406Zm0-406v406-406Zm-80-34v80H160v360h120v80H80v-520h200Z"/></svg>',
			// optional attributes, either as an associative array or as a string, e.g.:
			// 'attrs' => [
			// 	'data-some-attr' => 'value',
			// ],
			// 'attrs' => 'data-attr="value"',
		'love' => [
			'title' => 'Love it',
			'icon' => '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="24" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="24"><path d="m480-120-58-52q-101-91-167-157T150-447.5Q111-500 95.5-544T80-634q0-94 63-157t157-63q52 0 99 22t81 62q34-40 81-62t99-22q94 0 157 63t63 157q0 46-15.5 90T810-447.5Q771-395 705-329T538-172l-58 52Zm0-108q96-86 158-147.5t98-107q36-45.5 50-81t14-70.5q0-60-40-100t-100-40q-47 0-87 26.5T518-680h-76q-15-41-55-67.5T300-774q-60 0-100 40t-40 100q0 35 14 70.5t50 81q36 45.5 98 107T480-228Zm0-273Z"/></svg>',
		'haha' => [
			'title' => 'Haha!',
			'icon' => '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="24" viewBox="0 -960 960 960" width="24"><path d="M480-260q68 0 123.5-38.5T684-400H276q25 63 80.5 101.5T480-260ZM312-520l44-42 42 42 42-42-84-86-86 86 42 42Zm250 0 42-42 44 42 42-42-86-86-84 86 42 42ZM480-80q-83 0-156-31.5T197-197q-54-54-85.5-127T80-480q0-83 31.5-156T197-763q54-54 127-85.5T480-880q83 0 156 31.5T763-763q54 54 85.5 127T880-480q0 83-31.5 156T763-197q-54 54-127 85.5T480-80Zm0-400Zm0 320q134 0 227-93t93-227q0-134-93-227t-227-93q-134 0-227 93t-93 227q0 134 93 227t227 93Z"/></svg>',

... though you could also add them programmatically, e.g. if you wanted to manage them via admin:

$wire->addHookBefore('Reactions::setReactionTypes', function(HookEvent $event) {
	$reaction_buttons = $event->wire()->pages->get(1)->reaction_buttons;
	if ($reaction_buttons->count()) {
		$reaction_types = [];
		foreach ($reaction_buttons as $reaction_button) {
			if (!$reaction_button->title) continue;
			$reaction_types[$reaction_button->name] = [
				'title' => $reaction_button->title,
				'icon' => $reaction_button->icon && $reaction_button->icon instanceof Pageimage
					? $reaction_button->icon->filename
					: null,
		if (!empty($reaction_types)) {
			$event->arguments(0, $reaction_types);

The module has basic styles and scripts bundled in, though you'll have to load them yourself:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?= $config->urls->Reactions ?>styles/reaction-buttons.css">
<script src="<?= $config->urls->Reactions ?>scripts/reaction-buttons.js"></script>

... and then call the render method to render the buttons in your template file(s):

<?= $modules->get('Reactions')->renderReactionButtons() ?>

For those interested in doing stuff like displaying something based on the answer, bundled JS triggers an event that you can listen to:

document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('reactions-updated', {
	detail: {
		pageID: pageID,
		reaction: reaction,
}, { bubbles: true }));
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