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Tools to navigate/comprehend a giant XML file?


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Does anyone know of any good tools for analyzing giant XML files? I'm dealing with a pre-web services era feed, which is just a giant XML file (20+ mb). I need to write something that imports it to ProcessWire pages every hour. The trouble is that it's a rather complex feed with thousands of tagged elements. The size of the feed is such that it makes it particularly difficult to analyze. For instance, it's a bit too large to navigate with browser-based XML tree plugins (at least, with those I've tried so far). I'm trying to find a way to break this into smaller chunks so that I can make some sense of it. Does anyone know of any software tools or services that can help with navigating through a giant XML file?

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Thanks guys, I will check these tools out.

Lightweight text editor is what I've already got. And XML files are usually pretty good at self describing themselves. But this XML file is definitely not setup for human readability. So I need something that will parse it and make it human readable. It sounds like there are some good options here. Thanks again! 

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I don't have access to a Windows machine at the moment, so was kind of limited on tools. Found a couple others, but they couldn't handle the file size. I tried a few more browser plugins and found one that worked nicely. A Chrome extension called XV seems to do alright with the XML file. It does take about 5 or so minutes to load this large XML file, but once loaded, it works pretty well as an XML browser. 

I'm feeling lucky--PHP's simplexml loads the file in about 5 seconds and has no problem parsing it. Somebody must have done something right with PHP's simplexml. 

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Yeah, that is pretty common cause of frustration for mac fellows. If you would use it daily, you wouldn't notice updates.

I have been using Win7 few years now (prettty much got it when it was released) and it is hard to find anything bad from it. Very solid OS in my opinion. I am too lazy to learn new tools, when all I need are browser, editor and local lamp.

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I do have access to a windows VM, that I use for browser testing. But that is running WinXP + IE and space for nothing more. It's also very slow (probably because it's a VM), definitely not the environment I'd use to process a large XML file. I've got nothing against PCs, and I've enjoyed them for most of my life. I didn't care for Macs until OS X came into the picture. I'm one of those guys that wanted to be running on *nix and needed Photoshop, so OS X was the only game in town. Now it's been years since I've used a PC, and I just don't encounter them around here that much. 

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I was always working with windows, started with 98 - ME- 2000 - XP - Vista - Win7, I know them all :biggrin:

I'm a Mac user since November 2010 when I started working as web-developper and needed a Mac.

I remember my first problem: Damn, why can't I right-click in a folder and create a new file this way? Create every file from the editor? I hated finder (still think its not a great Explorer). On windows I was working with PsPad Editor, a free editor with Syntax highlighting for all + built in FTP. On Mac, there wasn't a free tool that could do the same :-)

Nowadays, I feel very comfortable on Mac, but I agree with apeisa: Win7 is a great Os.

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I switched to Mac half year before the first iMac. And I've used almost all versions of windows till 7, win 2000 pro i liked the most. 

As wanze said, I use it only to check my sites ones in a while, then turning on and getting an overload of updates & stuff. Thereby running 2 operating sytems & and all other programs isn't a resource givin' thing. 

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Hi all.. this is my first post in this forum, so I'm a bit nervous :P

I've been dabbling with XML before, and the only decent alternative I found to Altova's XMLSpy is Oxygen (http://www.oxygenxml.com/), available on OSX too.

Also, I remember there's a feature in the LibXML2 libraries included in PHP called pull parsing, that could be useful to handle big files. I haven't the need to work with it, but seems useful (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-pullparsingphp/index.html)

Hope it helps.

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I'm late to the party, but I've used SimpleXML before as well for reasonably large files ryan - only 2-5mb in my case though and a looong time ago.

P.S. I'm brave and have Windows 8 Phone and Desktop. So far the world hasn't ended :)

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P.S. I'm brave and have Windows 8 Phone and Desktop. So far the world hasn't ended

Do you also have a hotmail email? ;) (just kidding, the new hotmail, that now is called outlook live, is actually pretty cool)

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