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Release: Compliance Admin Theme


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Fantastic theme; I was reluctant to give it a try, but I'm glad I did.

I am not really sure whether this is issue of backwards compatibility, or forward compatibility, but there seems to be issue with WireTabs. They sport a FOUC fix, where every inputfield is hidden, until document.ready removes class 'fouc_fix' and everything is visible, and your theme doesn't have the remove trigger. I'm talking about this line: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/templates-admin/scripts/main.js#L54

I'm not sure how you could release this without it (mainly because I don't see any UI at all, just big grey rectangle), but I'd like to know whether this is something local, or does happen for anyone else.

Hey adamkiss, I haven't seen this problem before, though I only ever use PW 2.3 (dev) and I have changed the compatibility to just list 2.3 on the theme directory. I brought the code for the field focus over from the default theme (main.js) for 2.3, it seems I removed it at some point, maybe I was having this issue.

Anyway, thanks for the heads up, hopefully this fixes things for you.

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  • 2 months later...

This is a very nice theme!! I have installed the languages module and the spanish language pack... In the standard theme everything is translated, but in your theme everything stays in english!

Hope you can help me out.

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I found the solution: duplicate wire--templates-admin--default-php.json and name it site--templates-admin--default-php.json

I have a problem with the search box on IE8, the "Visit Site" button is overlapping it... Any idea on how to solve this??

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I have a problem with the search box on IE8, the "Visit Site" button is overlapping it... Any idea on how to solve this??

do you mean in Teflon? Because this thread is of Compliance Theme. Better post about Teflon in the right thread.

because of IE8: just tested with Teflon version 2. Also found some small problems.

Best will be not to use this outdated browser?

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Hi, I like this very much!

My only concern: The numbers in the flie lists are on the right and to o far away from the files.

What is hard already (identifying files with children) will be much harder this way.

(I would really appreciate a different icon actually, if there are children. None of the templates I tried has that.)

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