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So this is very much an ALPHA version of what I hope turns into a swiss armory knife payment module. Currently you are able to take payments with the payments form or cross browser payments button (Apple Pay etc).

Please read implementation details here and consider contributing https://github.com/benbyford/PaymentStripeIntents


  • Add subscription functionality
  • Add customer functionality
  • More testing and code clean up
  • More usage examples
  • anything else?
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

@benbyf Hi Ben. I've been trying out this module and modified the form for use with the Padloper shopping cart. (I was using a different Stripe module but I needed to upgrade to one that uses Intents). All is working well, but I've just realised that I've got a lot of 'incomplete' transactions listed in my Stripe Admin panel. I see the cancelIntent() function in the module, but I'm not sure when/how I should call this. Could I use this to get rid of my backlog of incomplete transaction? Sorry if I'm  being thick, but I guess I don't quite understand the Stripe Intents concept. Thanks.

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  On 2/25/2020 at 1:21 PM, strandoo said:

@benbyf Hi Ben. I've been trying out this module and modified the form for use with the Padloper shopping cart. (I was using a different Stripe module but I needed to upgrade to one that uses Intents). All is working well, but I've just realised that I've got a lot of 'incomplete' transactions listed in my Stripe Admin panel. I see the cancelIntent() function in the module, but I'm not sure when/how I should call this. Could I use this to get rid of my backlog of incomplete transaction? Sorry if I'm  being thick, but I guess I don't quite understand the Stripe Intents concept. Thanks.


Great to hear its working for you. I have the same issue but its nothing that is wrong per say. Everytime a intent is created it creates an incomplete transaction on your account which is then followed by a completed transaction or failed depending on the user suceeding in the transaction. If you can work out how to get around this let me know, but I thought it was just a quirk of the new way of working.

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Yeah, that's what I thought. While I was building the site, I hit the Stripe form page a lot (testing the layout, shopping cart, etc) then back again. I think I must have generated quite a few incomplete transactions! Once people start using the site, I don't think it will be a big problem. Maybe I'll just disable the intents during development in the future. But I'll probably look into a way to delete them via the API. I'll post my results if I get any. Thanks for the module.

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  • 2 months later...
  On 4/27/2020 at 11:19 PM, Rob(AU) said:

Hi Ben, I've been using another Payments module. Am I understanding correctly that yours does not depend on the PaymentModule?

If not I can uninstall the unused modules ...




It does, but doesnt really need to. it uses the PaymentModule for inhereitance of structure. As my module doesn't totally adhere to the render structure it might be worth striping out the dependancy at some point.

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Anyone done much with plans/products/subscriptions? going round in circles abit. looking to create a customer, add and plan/subscription, and charge them for the first installment, but cant seem to work out the API flow to put it all together ?

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  • 3 months later...

@B3ta possibly. what where you thinking?

I’m mostly interested in input to help me, as it’s a bit rough Around the edges at the minute and wondered if anyone had feedback or PRs.
I’ve recently done a lot more on it on a clients version which I’m looking to roll in soon, but am looking for enthusiasm for it so it’s not wasted work.

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I usually avoid picking up on Alpha/Beta plugins since everybody can spin a plugin with a cool idea and list it on a github. 
The lack of updates from developer usually don’t inspire too much trust and most of the time the other developers tend to create their own plugins. 
With this being said, probably there are 100 versions of stripe payment gateways plugins on developers private repos. And that’s bad!!!

Processwire and the whole community is AMAZING, but the only thing that I think that is missing... is the part where developers start to create, sell and maintain their plugins.  

By creating a premium PW plugin marketplace the following scenario will happen:

1. @ryan will/can receive a comision on each sale. This will be a well deserved token of appreciation for all his amazing work invested to build and maintain PW.
2. Plugin creators will be constantly motivated to build, maintain compatibles and improve the quality of their plugins.
3. The developers that will pay and use the premium plugins and they will save thousands in development time. Probably their clients will be happier with smaller project fees and shorter delivery times.

I’m suggesting this since I’m always looking in Craft cms plugin marketplace and I have the feeling that they have a plugin for everything. 
Some are silly some are amazing... i know..
But in the moment you browse it, you always have the feeling that the only thing you have to do in order to create a big project is just to put the puzzles pieces together. 

I’m paying for some premium plugins that Ryan built. And i would happily  pay for SEO, shop/payments, reservations, crm, marketing and integrations with other widely use systems.  


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Thanks @B3ta -  I feel like yours comments are somewhat off topic from this module specifically, so keen to get your feedback there if you have any. 
however, I do concur you thoughts on premium market place and there is actually a couple, one of which I started building myself then got busy and never got finished. It would be easier if we could all just use one central place, and easier for new PW users.

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  • 5 months later...

I'm trying to implement this module as a replacement for the original PaymentStripe module for a custom payment form.
I've found everything in the readme file except one: how does one output the form?
This module doesn't have a render method so I am confused.

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  On 1/13/2021 at 8:21 AM, Jozsef said:

This module doesn't have a render method so I am confused.


Look like you have to call $res =  paymentCheckout() which return an array with the form. Then you just echo the form (echo $res[0];).


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  • 3 years later...

Hi ! I was wondering if this module would allow to have multiple stripe users within the same PW website? My case is that each product is sold by someone different, it would be amazing if they could then receive their payment directly. Any way to achieve this?

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@marie.mdna I did something similar using one of Stripe’s hosted pages (I think it’s their Checkout system: https://docs.stripe.com/checkout/quickstart?lang=php). Stripe has something called Connected Accounts, which allow you to take a payment through a “main” account and pass on it (all or a portion of it) to a Connected Account. When you onboard someone’s account (I.e, you make them a Connected Account on your site), you get a special account number which you pass to Stripe during a transaction. I built a form that saves the product details, buyer info and the seller’s name as an unpublished page then redirects the user to the Stripe Checkout page. When a successful transaction occurs, the order page is published and an email is sent to the buyer, seller and site owner so the order gets fulfilled. It works pretty well, but it’s a bit fiddly setting up the accounts. 

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@benbyf thank you for your answer, I'm pretty interested in seeing it someday !

@strandoo Oh this is very interesting ! I had no idea the it was possible to connect accounts, definitely something I'll have to look into ! Also your specific case seems to be exactly why I had in mind, would you be able to share some snippets of your pw structure ? Also, I am curious to know if there is a link to see the final product in a live environment 🙂

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@marie.mdnaI've been a bit busy this week, but I'll try to get you some details. In the meantime, this is the site: https://www.collegeofbowenstudies.co.uk and the process starts on the Booking page. You can fill out the form and proceed to payment without having to enter any payment details. This will at least show you what the Stripe-hosted page looks like. I'll try to have a closer look later in the week. - Paul

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  On 9/10/2024 at 8:18 AM, strandoo said:

@marie.mdnaI've been a bit busy this week, but I'll try to get you some details. In the meantime, this is the site: https://www.collegeofbowenstudies.co.uk and the process starts on the Booking page. You can fill out the form and proceed to payment without having to enter any payment details. This will at least show you what the Stripe-hosted page looks like. I'll try to have a closer look later in the week. - Paul


FYI, just had a quick look on firefox and I get jquery not found errors on the booking form page which means I'm unable to proceed

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@benbyf Did you consent to the cookies? We use Termly to manage our cookie settings and permissions. If you don't consent to all the cookies, you will get the errors (on all pages, not just the booking form). If you click on the 'Consent Preferences' in the footer, you will be able to accept all cookies. Please try that and see if you can submit the form. TBH, adding the consent stuff is sometimes a pain, since not accepting sometimes break scripts in non-obvious ways.

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