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Hello, ProcessWire folks


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I've been reading about ProcessWire off and on for the past couple of months to see if it's right for me or if I should stick with WordPress. I'm still trying to wrap my head around some of the concepts; I'm not a programmer, but I am eager to learn. There are things I like about both systems, but I keep coming back to ProcessWire's way of doing things every time I read a WordPress tutorial.

So after lurking on the forums for a while, I'd like to say hello. The community here seems very helpful and kind to newbies. I've had to read some of the forum posts four times before I understand them, so I'll probably ask some dumb questions, but you all come across as a very patient bunch.

I look forward to learning from you.

- Tim

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Hi Tim - feel free to ask away.

This is a good starting point if you haven't already read it:

Other than that, the default installation can actually be quite helpful if you have a look through the templates - certainly the head.inc file has some good stuff in there for fetching data and iterating through it.

It might be worth getting the latest download as well because the core files have changed a little over the past few months.

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Hi Tim,

I'm curious. Are you looking to become a 'programmer' who does sites and apps to make money? Or is it non-paid/hobby/personal projects. If you don't have any experience yet with cms'es i would just install ProcessWire and WordPress alongside eachother and experiment with both. It's good to have different tools in your toolbelt. Different projects have different requirements and while imho ProcessWire is one of the best, if not the best, allround PHP cms around, there can be situations where it would be better to choose a different solution.

If you would want to setup your own social networking site maybe you'd choose BuddyPress.org. Or for some eCommerce website maybe you would want to use lemonstand.com/

Anyways, once you get going with PW i'm sure you will be addicted in no-time.

I also want to mention the Blog Profile, you can learn alot by installing it, see how the fields and templates work together in the admin and after that look at the code in the templates directory.

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Thanks, guys.

I have some experience with WordPress. I've set up a few sites with it. It works ok, and I understand the basic template system. There are a ton of tutorials for WP, and I've learned some basic PHP in order to further manipulate it. I just seem to hit a wall at some point, where it becomes kind of a pain to work with. I've looked at ModX, and thought that was ok. Revolution's back end was very slow for me, and I didn't like my code completely stored in the database.

ProcessWire seems like a good in-between, as someone tweeted not long ago - it's the best of WordPress and ModX.

Right now, I am looking to build/rebuild a couple of personal projects that my wife and I want to work on and a site for my brother. A couple of those are currently WP sites, and I think ProcessWire might be a better fit. Don't know where it will go from there. My regular job is as a print designer.

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