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PW3 - Wierd Displaying of Images inside Figure Element in Admin


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Reference: PW 3.0.62 and uikit3 based site using the Regular-Master profile.

I wonder if anyone has come across the problem of displaying images within the <figure> element before.

When editing a page:

If an image is added inside <p></p> tags without any align assigned, it displays normally at the size the user has specified. See screen grab example 1.

If an image is placed inside the <figure> element and left or right alignment applied, the size the image is displayed as in the editing view is significantly reduced. See screen grab example 2.

If an image is placed inside the <figure> element and center alignment applied, the size the image completely disappears in the editing view with only the caption text showing. See screen grab example 3.

The code used to display an image in <p></p> tags without aligment assigned is standard:

<p><img alt="" src="/<path-to-image>/image.jpg" width="128" /></p>

Examples of the code automatically being generated by PW3/UiKit3 from within the image editing interface are:

<figure class="align_left"><img alt="" src="/<path-to-image>/image.jpg>" width="128" />
<figcaption>Caption text</figcaption>

<figure class="align_right"><img alt="" src="/<path-to-image>/image.jpg>" width="128" />
<figcaption>Caption text</figcaption>

<figure class="align_center"><img alt="" src="/<path-to-image>/image.jpg>" width="128" />
<figcaption>Caption text</figcaption>

Important Note: The images and and captions actually do display correctly when the website is browsed, but from the editing perspective it is not practical.

Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.




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