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Local Mac dev with clamp not mamp


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I've been using clamp http://jide.github.io/clamp/ for a while now, rather than installing MAMP or MAMP PRO.

Like MAMP, it delivers Apache, MySQL (via MariaDB), and PHP.

Unlike MAMP it runs from the command line (the 'c' in clamp).

Also unlike MAMP, all settings and data (database), sit alongside the website files in a .clamp folder (you need to add this to .gitignore to stop dev environment leaking into production).

Apart from being free, it's just brilliant to use.

If you get errors or stuck, check the logs, the docs are brief but excellent.


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I liked this one very much - until recently when I could not get it to run PHP 7.2 using this package for macOS: https://php-osx.liip.ch

Edited the options to use:

"php7_module": "/usr/local/php5/libphp7.so"

But it just won't start anymore. I tried do dig around in the clamp sources to figure something out but don't want to waste any more time there. Maybe it merges the custom config with the default ones so php5_module gets back and conflicts with php7_module. Don't know.

Anyone any idea or solution?

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Hi alan,

yep, I know! There is my issue right next to yours: https://github.com/jide/clamp/issues/28 ... ah, and you mentioned your fix there already!
But I will just wait for the next release now since it is going to be released very soon. Yet, I think your solution is the fix for my problem, too. I had something like this in mind but was to frustrated that evening on to put any more effort into it :rolleyes:

Also nice to see that Apple includes php 7 in 10.13, btw.

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Ah! I'd not joined the dots—didn't realize that was you ^_^

Yep, hear you about the frustrating of getting this type of stuff working when it's not core and you have other stuff you need to be doing.


Yep, can't complain that Apple has moved to php 7, and v. glad the clamp dev is about to address this with a fix, better than my hack ;)

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