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Module: Comments Manager


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This module installs a page on your Setup menu in the admin where you can manage comments (assuming you have a comments field installed).

Download from the modules directory at: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-latest-comments/

Features include:

  • Easily find the latest comments needing approval or moderation.
  • Shows comments from all pages on 1 screen, paginated and in chronological order.
  • Enables you to change the status of any comment, edit the text or delete.
  • Filtering by status/type, cite, email or IP address



I've been wanting to build this for a long time, and something like this should have been there from the beginning, as it's a bit tedious to keep track of all your comments on a large site without this. So this module may be moved into the core for version 2.3, in which case it'll be renamed to ProcessComments, so as not to conflict with those that may have this installed.

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  • 1 month later...
When translating "Approved", "Pending" and "Spam" the filtering links stops working.

Are you sure you have the latest version? I recall this problem in an earlier version, but thought I fixed it.

A bit OT: Will the FieldtypeComments modules become translatable?

The FieldtypeComments modules already are translatable? Though the translation phrases are not actually in the module file. They are in:



Though let me know if you've found some phrases I'm missing and I'll be glad to make them translatable.

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I have the latest release from Github and the problem persists.

The phrases that are missing (i can't find them anyway) for the processlatestcommentsmodule:

"Comments Manager"

"Manage all comments field data in chronological order. Provides a simpler interface for managing comments vs. the page-based comment editor."

Here are some other phrases missing:




I translated the files in your post, but they doesn't seem to translate the comments fields on the pages with comments. Also the encoding for the å,ä,ö characters seems wrong.


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I have the latest release from Github and the problem persists.

The phrases that are missing (i can't find them anyway) for the processlatestcommentsmodule:

"Comments Manager"

"Manage all comments field data in chronological order. Provides a simpler interface for managing comments vs. the page-based comment editor."

This is not part of FieldtypeComments, this is a 3rd party module (though it's one of my 3rd party modules). I'll make it translatable before it's out of beta.


Now these ones are part of the core FieldtypeComments module. Looks like I missed these before -- I will update.

I translated the files in your post, but they doesn't seem to translate the comments fields on the pages with comments. Also the encoding for the å,ä,ö characters seems wrong.

Make sure your site is outputting in UTF-8. If your server is overriding to some other character set, you may need to add this meta tag in your <head> in your markup:

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ryan, it's on the admin side the å,ä,ö characters doesn't work. Sorry, wasn't clear enough.

Another thing i noticed is that on a reload of successful comment the same comment is added again.

(Maybe this should be moved to the comments module thread?)

Edit: In the comments manager the characters works, but in the comments field they don't.

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I'm still a little confused. I can't duplicate any issues with the å,ä,ö characters you mentioned, as they are showing up correctly whether I go to the comments manager, the page-editor comments field or the front-end. However, in checking this I did notice a problem in the page-editor comments field in that it wouldn't let me open/close the comments by clicking their header. I went ahead and fixed that and pushed an update. But I'm thinking this isn't what you were talking about? If not, can you try posting a comment at the bottom of this page, containing an example phrase, and then tell me where to look to observe the problem? I'll keep an eye out for your comment. Or a screenshot might work too.

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I posted a comment on the module page. At the bottom it says åäö ÅÄÖ.

Image attached so you can se the encoding in "my" admin.

Thanks for looking in to this!


EDIT: Added another image for clarity.


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Thanks for posting those, the screenshots answered it. Looks like I had an htmlentities() call without the 'UTF-8' in it for that header cite line. This has been fixed and committed to the source.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For the Comments Manager (ProcessLatestComments) you could also drag its page out of the 'setup' menu and into the admin root. I actually kind of prefer the comments manager at the admin root level anyway, so that's what I've been doing here already. If the user doesn't have access to Fields/Templates then they shouldn't see the Setup menu anymore, once you get the Comments out of there.

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Thank you for this module, very useful. I have imported comments from my old website to pw (through MySQL script into field_comments table) and for some reason I can not approve/delete any of the new ones I post, the 'save' doesn't do anything. But this module sorts the things out, well done.

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