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Login big problem


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Hi, after an image upload my processwire site http://www.cosascegli.it go to refresh... i've tried to enter with http://www.cosascegli.it/processwire/ with my pc with 4 browsers and with another pc but don't go!!!

I'm sure 100% that user and password are ok... what is the problem? I don't have message on screen about the login, only a fast refresh...

Can be a problem with the session/cache? I've see database and i haven't see problems... now there are a lot of problems in the site, specially in the language system...

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Hello Guys,

I am new to this platform. so far love the idea behind system. however i am facing a small problem relating to login any help or suggestion will be really useful...


I have created a seperate login page for members on my website, login works great and redirect to after login page which is perfect.... but when i logout of the page and immediately try re-login... it give me login failed error... but if i wait for couple of minutes and login, it works... i am not sure what i am missing...

any ideas...


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Beyond my response from your PM, I'd also suggesting doing a redirect after the logout, just in case that's causing any issue here.

if($input->get->logout) {

Also make sure that no data is sent before the logout and/or redirect. Cookies (sessions) and redirects happen as a result of http headers, which are sent before any output. Once output is sent, headers are no longer applicable. So you could get unusual behavior if you'd output anything before the $session->logout() call.

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