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Everything posted by idea96

  1. You guys awesome I love PW and this is amazing community.... figured out my question. Thanks Guys Have a great day
  2. Hello Everyone. I am using PW shop module and have question in the same direction as the above post. Currently when shopping cart is showing product name, quantity, price. How can I show a Part ID field to the cart and to paypal when it interacts. Any advice would be great, I am 96% not a programmer Thanks Teja
  3. Hello everyone... I am trying to get a variable (path of the page) sent to a login form, which will use the get value received for session redirect... $_GET["pageroute"]; $setpath=htmlentities($_GET["pageroute"]); if($session->login($input->post->user, $input->post->pass)) { $session->redirect('$setpath'); any suggestion please... Tj
  4. Where can I download latest form builder
  5. Created two Images fields one for large thumbnail and another for list of smaller thumnails... and did this code... works for me... moved around the code.... <?php echo ""; $items = $pages->get('/artwork/recent-work/')->children("limit=6"); // Here we take children of portfolio page (limit=6) foreach($items as $item) { //Loop through them $image = $item->images->first(); $thumb = $image->size(267,186); echo"<div class='grey_text'>{$item->title}</div>"; echo "<div class='gallery_thumbs'><a href='{$image->url}' rel='imagezoom(group1)'><img class='gallery_item' src='{$thumb->url}' alt='{$thumb->description}'></a></div>"; if ($item->thumbnail_images) { // randomize some images $image2 = $item->thumbnail_images->getRandom(150); foreach($image2 as $images2) { $thumbnail = $images2->size(201,147); $larger = $images2->size(800,600); echo "<a href='{$larger->url}' rel='imagezoom' ><img class='photo' src='{$thumbnail->url}' alt='{$image->description}' /></a>"; } } echo "<div class='inside_left_right'>{$item->body}</div>"; echo"<div class='clear'></div>"; } echo ""; ?>
  6. Hello I am trying to figure out how I can do this particular thing... when I upload a bunch of Image in a page I would like to make the first Images as a big thumbnail and rest in smaller thumbnails... I could not figure how I can manipulate each image separately.. hope I make sense.. Teja
  7. Hello Guys, I am new to this platform. so far love the idea behind system. however i am facing a small problem relating to login any help or suggestion will be really useful... Scenario: I have created a seperate login page for members on my website, login works great and redirect to after login page which is perfect.... but when i logout of the page and immediately try re-login... it give me login failed error... but if i wait for couple of minutes and login, it works... i am not sure what i am missing... any ideas... TJ
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