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Get children of parent page within a function


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Hi, I've been on this for the past couple of hours but can't translate something from a template into a function. I want to print a menu like this:

Link 1
Link 2 (active)
 - Link 2.1
 - Link 2.2
Link 3
Link 4


Link 1
Link 2
 - Link 2.1 (active)
 - Link 2.2
Link 3
Link 4

...where the child links are visible when on the parent page AS WELL AS when on a child page.

I had this in a template:

// main.php
<div id="main-menu-wrapper">
        <div class="container">
            <nav id="main-menu">
                    $arr = $home->and($home->children);
                    echo renderMenu($arr);

    <!-- sub navigation -->
    <?php if (!($page->id == 1)): ?>
        <?php if ($page->numChildren > 0): ?>
            <div id="sub-menu-wrapper">
                <div class="container">
                    <nav id="sub-menu">
                        <?php echo renderMenu($page->children); ?>
        <?php endif; ?>

        <?php if (count($page->parents) > 1): ?>
            <div id="sub-menu-wrapper">
                <div class="container">
                    <nav id="sub-menu">
                        <?php echo renderMenu($page->parent->children); ?>
        <?php endif; ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

...and the function was this:

 * Render navigation from array of pages
 * @param PageArray $items
 * @param $menuClassName
 * @return string
function renderMenu($items) {

    // if we were given a single Page rather than a group of them, we'll pretend they
    // gave us a group of them (a group/array of 1)
    if($items instanceof Page) {
        $items = array($items);

    $str = '';

    foreach ($items as $item) {

    if ($item->showInMenu == true) {

            $menuText = $item->get('menuLinkTitle|title');
            $currentClass = '';

            if ($item->id == wire('page')->id) {
                $currentClass .= "class=\"current\" ";
            elseif (wire('page')->parents->has($item) && !($item->id == 1)) {
                $currentClass .= "class=\"current-parent\" ";
            else {
                $currentClass .= '';

            $str .= "<li><a " . $currentClass . "href=\"$item->url\">$menuText</a></li>";

    // if output was generated above, wrap it in a <ul>
    if ($str) {
        $str = "<ul>$str</ul>";

    return $str;

Now I've changed my layout and want just a single menu, but with the same functionality. I'm doing it like this:

// main.php
                <nav id="main-menu">
                        $arr = $home->and($home->children);
                        echo renderMenu($arr);

...with a function like this:

 * Render navigation from array of pages
 * @param PageArray $items
 * @param $menuClassName
 * @return string
function renderMenu($items) {

    // if we were given a single Page rather than a group of them, we'll pretend they
    // gave us a group of them (a group/array of 1)
    if($items instanceof Page) {
        $items = array($items);

    $str = '';

    foreach ($items as $item) {

    if ($item->showInMenu == true) {

            $menuText = $item->get('menuLinkTitle|title');
            $currentClass = '';

            if (wire('page')->id == $item->id) {
                $currentClass .= "class=\"current\" ";
            elseif (wire('page')->parents->has($item) && !($item->id == 1)) {
                $currentClass .= "class=\"current-parent\" ";
            else {
                $currentClass .= '';

            $str .= "<li><a " . $currentClass . "href=\"$item->url\">$menuText</a>";

            if (!(wire('page')->id == 1)) {

                if (wire('page')->id == $item->id) {
                    $str .= renderMenu($item->children);
              // if the current page has omre than 1 parent (i.e. on level 2)
                if (count(wire('page')->parents) > 1) {
                    // send array of the children of the current pages parent to renderMenu
                    $str .= renderMenu(wire('page')->parent->children); // this is where the function poos the bed

            $str .= "</li>";

    // if output was generated above, wrap it in a <ul>
    if ($str) {
        $str = "<ul>$str</ul>";

    return $str;

So it works ok when on 'Link 2', you get 'Link 2.1' and 'Link 2.2' printed in a nested list. However, clicking on Link 2.1 or Link 2.2, just a spinning wheel in the browser and a timeout, like I'm stuck in an infinite loop.

It's obviously wrong, but can someone please explain what's wrong with it? Why does:

<?php echo renderMenu($page->parent->children); ?>

...work in the template, but:

$str .= renderMenu(wire('page')->parent->children);

...fails in my function? A bit confused here. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

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Ok, so this gets me some output when the conditions are correct:

// _func.php
if (wire('page')->id == $item->id) {
    $str .= renderMenu($item->children);
if (wire('page')->parents->has($item) && !($item->id == 1)) {
    echo "stuff";

Still unsure how to get:


...into my template.

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Hold the bells! This works:

// main.php
<nav id="main-menu">
        $arr = $home->and($home->children);
        echo renderMenu($arr);

// _func.php
 * Render navigation from array of pages
 * @param PageArray $items
 * @param $menuClassName
 * @return string
function renderMenu($items) {

    // if we were given a single Page rather than a group of them, we'll pretend they
    // gave us a group of them (a group/array of 1)
    if($items instanceof Page) {
        $items = array($items);

    $str = '';

    foreach ($items as $item) {

    if ($item->showInMenu == true) {

            $menuText = $item->get('menuLinkTitle|title');
            $currentClass = '';

            if (wire('page')->id == $item->id) {
                $currentClass .= "class=\"current\" ";
            elseif (wire('page')->parents->has($item) && !($item->id == 1)) {
                $currentClass .= "class=\"current-parent\" ";
            else {
                $currentClass .= '';

            $str .= "<li><a " . $currentClass . "href=\"$item->url\">$menuText</a>";

            if (!(wire('page')->id == 1)) {

                if (wire('page')->id == $item->id) {
                    $str .= renderMenu($item->children);
                if (wire('page')->parents->has($item) && !($item->id == 1)) {
                    $str .= renderMenu($item->children);

            $str .= "</li>";

    // if output was generated above, wrap it in a <ul>
    if ($str) {
        $str = "<ul>$str</ul>";

    return $str;

I guess I could combine to two ifs into an || but would make one huge difficult to read line. Maybe just talking this out to myself writing it helped me out. Anyway, any improvements are now welcome :)

I still don't understand what 'wire('page')->parents->has($item)' does. Not just being happy with it working, I now have to know why it works... so testing output, I get this:

// _func.php (in loop)
echo $item . " | ";

// main.php
<nav id="main-menu">
        $arr = $home->and($home->children); // this same thing passed on every page
        echo renderMenu($arr);

// when on home, outputs:
1 | 1015 | 1018 | 1019 | 1022 | 1023 |

// when on contact page, outputs:
1 | 1015 | 1018 | 1019 | 1022 | 1023 |

// when on about page outputs:
1 | 1015 | 1016 | 1017 | 1018 | 1019 | 1022 | 1023 |

// when on subpage of about, outputs:
1 | 1015 | 1016 | 1017 | 1018 | 1019 | 1022 | 1023 |

// when on volunteer page, outputs:
1 | 1015 | 1018 | 1019 | 1020 | 1021 | 1022 | 1023 |

// when on subpage of volunteer, outputs:
1 | 1015 | 1018 | 1019 | 1020 | 1021 | 1022 | 1023 |

I'm a little confused here. I thought the array going into 'renderMenu($items)' was the same every time?!

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A few minor optimizations:

  • the "else" block isn't necessary
  • no need to put the "class=\"something\"" into the variable, you just need to store the class name
  • HTML attributes can also use single quotes, which makes assigning them in interpolated strings easier to read
  • you have two identical if/elseif conditionals for the class and for rendering children, so you can set a flag in the first place
  • storing the result of wire('page') in a variable (I used $page) shortens the code
  • $a != $b is (to me) more readable in complex conditional expressions than !($a == $b)




// ...

function renderMenu($items) {
    $page = wire('page');

    // if we were given a single Page rather than a group of them, we'll pretend they
    // gave us a group of them (a group/array of 1)
    if($items instanceof Page) {
        $items = array($items);

    $str = '';

    foreach ($items as $item) {

    	if ($item->showInMenu == true) {

            $menuText = $item->get('menuLinkTitle|title');
            $currentClass = '';
            $renderChildren = false;

            if ($page->id == $item->id) {
                $currentClass .= "current";
                $renderChildren = true;
            elseif ($page->parents->has($item) && $item->id != 1) {
                $currentClass .= "current-parent";
                $renderChildren = true;

            $str .= "<li><a class='$currentClass' href='$item->url'>$menuText</a>";

            if ($page->id != 1 && $renderChildren) {
            	$str .= renderMenu($item->children);

            $str .= "</li>";

    // if output was generated above, wrap it in a <ul>
    if ($str) {
        $str = "<ul>$str</ul>";

    return $str;


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Awesome, thanks @BitPoet

I'll get there in the end! :)

Can I just say, points 1, 2, and 3 were to avoid this:

<li><a class='' href='/'>Home</a></li>

I prefer double quotes in all my HTML and empty classes seem pointless. That aside, the logic seems more sensible.

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