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Selectors sort by parent title|id


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I have an event page were you can select multiple sub-categories with a page field using checkboxes. Now i want to display all the sub-categories but also have them sorted by their parent category. I tried something lik below but that didn't work.

$tags = $event_cat->find("sort=$event_cat->parent");
foreach ($tags as $tag){
	echo $tag;

Any ideas?

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Hi Tim,

What is the structure of your tree? I've read your question twice, but can't seem to understand what you mean. You can sort by subfields like:

$pages->find("template=test, sort=parent.title, sort=page_field.sort");

Perhaps that is what you are looking for?

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If your parent categories are siblings you can do this:


(You can do it anyway even if they're not siblings but the sort might not make much sense in that case.)

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