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Hi Guys,

I have read through other topics on using PW for multisite setups and am a bit none the wiser unfortunately. Let me explain my scenario:

I have a potential client project whereby they want to have 3 websites all as separate websites in terms of:

  1. content
  2. look & feel
  3. domain names
  4. Users

However, for me to setup up the websites for them it makes no sense for me to be managing 3 separate hosting accounts and them to be paying for all of that. Also, 1 of their websites will be a primary site with a few thousand visitors per month, but the 2 more secondary websites will only have a couple of hundred visitors. Perfect for a multisite install to my mind which wouldn't tax server resources too much.

This to me seemed a perfect opportunity to setup a multisite under one hosting environment whereby domains are mapped to subdirectories or whatever setup I would need.

My problem is that I have no idea as to how I go about setting all of this up in PW. I have done this before with WordPress using the domain mapping plugin under a multisite install. All without dealing with symlinks or much code at all. However, I would really like to use PW for this as long as it's not too complex. With PW I can deliver a client user experience in the admin area that is much more streamlined for their particular use case.

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Which direction you go largely depends on whether you want the sites to use independent databases or share the same one (perhaps for communicating to one another).

If you want them to be technically separate, independently running sites on the same account, then use the built-in multi-site functionality that Diogo mentioned. Here are the docs for that:


If you want them to share data, then use Apeisa's great multisite module:

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Oh, I didn't realise documentation already existed. I was sure that the last time I looked there were only the various forum posts on multisite setups.

Good documentation though - thanks for pointing me to them.

I'll let you know how I get on if I get the go-ahead to do the site.

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