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Selector for Pagetable or. Filter Pagetable ?


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Is there a way to filter a pagearray you get from the pagetable?

As I know something like this wouldn't work because you can't filter pagetable i think?

Is there probably an alternative how i coud get this to work:

//get all dates of the current acitivty Page from the pagetable where date_from is bigger or equal to today.
$filteredPagetable = $page->activity_create_date($selector[e.g "date_from>=today, sort=date_from"]); 

//check filtered pagetable array & get the latest date from the first item in array.
$dateFrom = (count($filteredPagetable)) ? $filteredPagetable->first->date_from : "";

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You can use all the api function, which you can use on other pageArrays as well, just keep in mind that it's using the runtime selector engine, which isn't as powerful as the db selection. E.g. there's no automatic replacement for the today keyword.

$today = time();
$filtered  =$page->activity_create_date->find("date_from>=$today, sort=date_from");
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You can use all the api function, which you can use on other pageArrays as well, just keep in mind that it's using the runtime selector engine, which isn't as powerful as the db selection. E.g. there's no automatic replacement for the today keyword.

$today = time();
$filtered  =$page->activity_create_date->find("date_from>=$today, sort=date_from");

Thank you very much!

Regarding to the today keyword. Ryan mentioned in this thread that it could also be used.

For now I used your option with $today = time(); but I had also examples on my side where I used 'today' keyword and it worked.

Something like that:

    $lastmonth_end = _data_last_month_day(); 
    $dateString = "date_from>=today, date_from<=$lastmonth_end";

    $limit = 10; // the "limit"-setting used on this page

    //get all dates from the current month
    $dates = $pages->find("template=date, $dateString, sort=date_from, sort=start_time, limit=$limit");
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