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'Published' date on 2.7 not working


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I've just upgraded a site from 2.6.1 to 2.7 and have noticed that the 'published' date does not seem to be working on new content I publish.

Under the settings tab the info looks like this:

Published on [?]

If I try to output the date anywhere it comes out as:

1970-01-01 01:00:00

Does anyone know why this may not be outputting correctly?

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As of 2.6.16 there is a 'published' property. Could it somehow be related to that, if you already had a 'published' field in your 2.6.1 site?

Warning: if you already have created a field in your site named "published", you'll want to rename it (and update any code referencing it), preferably before upgrading to PW 2.6.16. Though PW 2.6.16 will detect if you have a field with that name and warn you about it too. Hopefully there will be few or no instances where people already have a field with this name, but wanted to mention it just in case.


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As of 2.6.16 there is a 'published' property. Could it somehow be related to that, if you already had a 'published' field in your 2.6.1 site?


Nope, there was no field called 'published' previously and no warning of any conflicts when I upgraded.

Could it be something to do with the hosting environment? PHP version? etc?

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