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Issue With Page Field Displaying The Title (Multiple Pages (Page Array))


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I have been transitioning to Page Table from Repeaters for quite some time.  I never had a problem with this transition.  A few weeks ago, I finally figured out how to display a Page Table on the front end of my websites.  Everything worked great.  I believe after upgrading to PW 2.6.2 (not quite sure) when I did the next Page Table I could not get my Page Fields to display any more.

I normally have an "Updates" Page Table that is made up of 3 parts (Date Field, TextArea Field and a Page Field).  Today I created a new installation that had minimal modules and went about structuring my site.  When I got to the "Updates" Page Table, it still would not display the "Contacts" title information.

The field is setup as indicated:


My Contact fields allow for more than 1 person to be listed in the entry.

The following is a screenshot of what I have been getting for over 3 weeks.


Next I added the "Contacts" Page Field directly to the template and changed the _main.php template file to display the field.

$cshcon = $page->crms_show_contact->title;

echo $cshcon;

 I still could not get the Title to display on the Page Field.  I finally ended up changing the setting for the field as follows:


Once I did that, I could get the title to display as it should


Either one of the singular settings worked.  It worked on the singular Page Field, as well as on the Page Table.  As soon as I changed the field setting back to Multiple Pages, it disappeared again.

What caused me the most pain was that whenever I would let the Page Table display the field without the title syntax it would display with the correct Page ID of the particular Page Field.


Github issue opened which references this post

UPDATE:  I was remiss to not include the foreach information:  Thanks, tpr for bringing it to my attention.  It's been a long day already.

$csu = $pages->find("template=crms-updates, crms_status_updates=$page, sort=-crms_start_date");

if ($csu) foreach($page->crms_status_updates as $csu) {
            echo "<strong>{$csu->crms_start_date}</strong>  |";
            echo "  {$csu->crms_comments}  |";
            echo "  {$csu->crms_show_contact->title}";
            echo nl2br("<br />");
Edited by cstevensjr
Updated to show the original foreach loop in _main.php
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If you set the field to be multiple then you should get its values as a (PageArray), that is, using a foreach loop. Your example doesn't tell if you are using a loop or not.

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I meant another foreach loop.

$csu = $pages->find("template=crms-updates, crms_status_updates=$page, sort=-crms_start_date");

if ($csu) foreach($page->crms_status_updates as $csu) {
	echo "<strong>{$csu->crms_start_date}</strong>  |";
	echo "  {$csu->crms_comments}  |";
	// handle multiple page titles
	foreach($csu->crms_show_contact as $csu_page) {
		echo "  {$csu_page->title}";
	echo nl2br("<br />");

(ps. I recommend leaving the styling part to the CSS (and remove  -es from php)

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