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Found 8 results

  1. Hi, Please find the screenshots attached. We have a repeater field on the test1 page. On the test2 page, we would like to select values of titles created in the test1 page. Please suggest. Thank you.
  2. Hi there Short version of question Let's say I have a page in the admin that contains a field... Is it possible to output the content from that field on another page in the admin? Almost like a reference. Longer version of question (with example) A house builder with multiple (60+) developments. They want to be able to create notices/messages that can be added to one or many developments. Handy for things like regional covid lockdowns or temporary office closures due to bad weather. My approach for the admin editing options: Add each message to each development Pros: You edit the message on the development page in context Cons: Very time consuming and repetitive if the same message needs to be applied to 60+ developments Control all the messages from one admin page and say which development each message should be applied to Pros: Easier to add/remove messages to more than one development at a time. Control all messages from one place. Cons: Content is not added on development page, which is where typical admin users may expect to find it I went for option 2 due to flexibility, and created a page within the admin for global development notices. This contains a repeater with: Field for message to display Checkbox list of all developments. The user can select which ones to apply each message to It's working really well but the only thing is that if the user goes to a specific development in the admin, the relevant messages aren't displayed in context (as they aren't edited on that page and instead on the global development notices page)... which may cause confusion when a new staff member / content admin tries to edit the text but there is no field when they go to the development admin page where they expect to see it... Solution??? I don't require the message(s) to also be editable on the development page, but I wondered if there was a nice way to show it/them somehow. I feel like I am missing something really simple as I'm sure ProcessWire will have a nice way of achieving this, or maybe there are field settings that allow this kind of thing to happen? Any ideas on approaches or similar experiences would be much appreciated, even if it is just a much simpler example with the content from one field being shown on another admin page to get the ball rolling. Thanks in advance for any advice :)
  3. Hello, I am currently building a intranet with hundreds of posts. One planned feature is, that each logged-in user can see what post he has already read. So I have added a page reference field „readPosts“ to the user template and save each post as page to this page reference field when visiting the post. This could lead to hundreds of pages in this single page reference field. Because of this I was wondering, if anybody has experience in how good the page reference field can scale? Can it handle hundreds of page references or could there be a downside to the performance? As far as I can see, in the database only the user id, page id and sort number would be saved. So theoretically there would be no performance issue. The alternativ would be to save the user directly in the post as page reference. Would that be the better solution? ? Regards, Andreas
  4. Alright. So I'm converting a site I already have to Processwire (really enjoying it so far!). I wanted to convert the previous tables that I had data in to Processwire pages. But I'm wondering what the optimal way to structure pages would be. So basically, I have three main tables. Users (and all accompanying information) Items (and all accompanying information) Aquariums (each user only has 1 aquarium. Currently, user_id is a FK) Fish (type of item. Aquariums may have multiple fish) Aqua_settings (Things like lightness, temperature, etc) So in my current setup, there are a lot of Foreign Keys. I could accomplish essentially the same thing by using the Page Reference field. Alternatively, I could make fish and aqua_settings both be children of Aquarium. I could differentiate by doing $aquarium->children('template=aqua_settings'); or something. So my question is...should I be using the Page Reference field or structuring the pages as children? (Or are both equally fine depending on how I want to go about doing things)
  5. How do I get the output of a field that is a FieldTypePage? I've tried echo $page->first_name . " "; but it just prints numbers instead of picking data from that page it's referencing to. Couldn't find any info on how to use this module/field either.
  6. Hi at all What's the best way to check a page reference chain like this: content (page) -> category/ group (page) <- user (page) It should be a simple access check. Users added to groups via page reference field. the groups added to content pages also with a page reference field. So far it's simple. How should a check the reference chain (also with a critical look at the performance...). In words: Is the user referenced to the content via one (or maybe more) group(s)? I think it should be possible with selectors, but don't know what's the best/ simplest way to do it. Regards pwFoo
  7. On this topic: I've asked (and answered myself) how to get the field name on a page used for uploading files. Now, what if I'm using a repeater field to upload files? How can I get the name of the page of the item uploaded to? I'm using a InputfieldFile::fileAdded hook and even if I try to get the $event->arguments(0)->page->name I get the internal name of the repeater page, not the name of the page where the field is. $event->arguments(0)->page->parent->name is almost what I need because I get the name "for-page-xxxx" and xxxx is the id of the page where the field belongs. Is there any easier way to reference this page name without, I don't know, parse this string to extract the numeric id and then search for the page name?
  8. Hi guys and gals! I'm pretty new to ProcessWire, and trying to figure out as much as I can myself, but I'm totally stuck on this little piece though. • I've got a one-page scrollable site, and am using hashtags to jump to the next area (which is incidentally of course also a $page) • what I'm looking to do is link the next-page to an href, so I figured I could use $page->next, but that gives me a number (1007 in this case). Same goes for the siblings. What I thought would happen would be the following; just as $page->name gives me the current name (and thus the current hashtag) I figured 'next' would give me the name of the 'next' page. But I probably didn't do my homework. $page->next->name gives me 1007->name so that clearly isn't working. So to end this query: How do I get the name of the next page displayed so I can use it in my href? thanks for the help! p.s.: ->next is shown here: http://processwire.com/api/variables/page/ but not here: http://processwire.com/api/cheatsheet/
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