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Everything posted by adrian

  1. @ryan - I have been thinking about that save() API example on the homepage and my complaint about the fact that as is it will fail with an error. It has made me wonder why the pages->save() method can't automatically turn off outputformatting itself? So I started looking around and found @thetuningspoon 's excellent thread here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10485-simplify-output-formatting-when-saving-pages-via-the-api/ Obviously when saving via the admin, PW takes care of turning off outputformatting, so, I am curious why it can't handle this for us automatically via the API as well. I know you must have a good reason (you always do), but the only thing I can think of is that it's basically an educational thing - it helps users to understand what output formatting is. If so, I agree this is important to understand, but I still don't see why the save method can't do this for us. Thanks for your thoughts on this.
  2. @flydev - it's not currently possible, but I am interested in implementing something along these lines. The question is how and what. What format would make things easiest to compare? What info do we need to export? What panels are relevant? Should we have a separate export that combines certain key data from multiple panels? Any thoughts?
  3. Thanks @Macrura! One note about the readme - it says: $mail = WireMail(); I think this should be changed to: $m = $mail->new(); or at least it should get the case correct so it's wireMail() instead of WireMail() Regarding a config setting for the public send() method. I think the way you are thinking, but I think we need to work towards it not being there by default. I think if you do a major version number bump before your fork goes into the modules directory we can get away with this. I just think it has the potential to break other modules because of the issue with hooking into send(), most notably is Tracy's Mail Interceptor which I use all the time for testing which I expect others use too.
  4. I do like the style - sorry if that came across incorrectly. I just it could be trimmed a little, but not a big deal.
  5. Ryan - thanks for all the work on those docs. I'm afraid my concerns around mixing approaches in the examples on the homepage still stand, but it's definitely great having the differences / pros / cons documented, even if a little verbosely at the moment. I am kinda curious why the procedural functions are documented now. Perhaps there are still several that don't have object oriented versions, but I guess for consistency I'd rather see them all have an OO version available and make it clear that those are the primary methods to use. Or do you find yourself using the procedural versions in certain situations still? Could you please document when you would use these over their OO versions?
  6. Nope, I just tried and it was converted to: minitab-statistik-datenauswertung Based on what you are seeing with BCE and PageRenameOptions, I feel like maybe you have some other code that is hooking into page name generation and messing with things.
  7. Hope you like it - I can't imagine using PW without it ? , especially during the development phase.
  8. @dragan - any chance you have the Settings tab hidden? If the title isn't changed, nothing gets updated. It shouldn't be relevant, but do you have PageRenameOptions installed? If so, what settings?
  9. Is it a Vue issue or CORS with AJAX in general? https://codepen.io/adrianbj/pen/QzXwGz?editors=0010 If it's just Vue related, I use AXIOS for this stuff: https://vuejs.org/v2/cookbook/using-axios-to-consume-apis.html PS, it's looking great! PPS - why AJAX - given how small the JSON for all the modules is, why not just load everything at once via PW's $http->getJSON()
  10. I doubt that Ryan has rejected you for any such reasons. I would PM him and see what he says
  11. Actually, I've had another look at this and actually it seems to be working just fine. Given that you have the "Allow user to change "Overwrite Names" setting checked, are you then actually checking this in the edit interface:
  12. I guess I am talking about the approach that module uses of loading up an admin page in an iframe. Perhaps you could adapt it to your needs to allow access to certain parts as a guest user. Not sure - sorry if I am completely off-base with what you are looking to do.
  13. I still really like this solution:
  14. Of course Gitlab has: "Unlimited private projects and collaborators" but this move by Github will probably have me move from Gitlab for most things.
  15. Awesome! Can I make a request to remove the public send() method so that it doesn't break hooks to ___send ? The catch with this is that it's a breaking change for anyone using: new WireMail() but I think it's an important change. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
  16. Yes, it's about automatically changing the name to match the new title. Not sure - it's working here: Change title and save: EDIT: I just figured out that there is a bug when the "Allow user to change "Overwrite Names" setting is checked. Can you confirm that it works for you without this? I'll fix shortly. PS - any idea why those table headings have outlines?
  17. Hey @Macrura - these sound like very useful additions - I haven't had to deal with multiple domains for the one site just yet, but I can see it coming up for me shortly. I'd love to see this module have a new life. I used to use WireMailSMTP with MailGun, but recently it started having issues with CC'ing so I decided to start using this and it's so much faster using the MailGun API compared with SMTP. I don't suppose you'd like to step up and take on supporting this? I'd like to, but I already have way too many modules. Cheers!
  18. PS - you can also do this to get the second page of results. So 400 + 161 shows the total 561 modules currently in the directory. I still think we should be able to get all in one call, but this is still useful to know.
  19. BTW, if you try 500, then you'll only get 10 returned. 400 is the highest valid limit. See my revised screenshot in the last post where you can see the 400 items.
  20. Sorry if I wasn't clear - the idea was to have it one the PW homepage instead of (or in addition to) the API examples so potential users can actually play with them and generate output returned via AJAX - just like the Console panel. This sounds really great, but is there actually an interactive code console that can run code, or do you need to edit template files with your code editor?
  21. New version committed and it is now named Admin Tools.
  22. I totally understand. It's a shame though - I feel like this module is going to be lost. I am a big fan of MailGun and I know Ryan is using this but I'd love to see that send method removed in the official version - I think it's cons outweigh its pros. Getting a bit OT, but I think in general PW needs to figure out how to handle modules written by folks who've moved on.
  23. On the issue of page() vs $page it's actually unfortunate that page() can't be overwritten because I often use the Tracy console in the admin when editing a page. $page is automatically set to the page you are editing, but of course page() will return the "/admin/page/edit/" page. I don't think this is a valid reason to NOT promote the use of page() as the default approach, but it is something to be aware of.
  24. I've suggested this a couple of times above - making use of the Tracy Console panel - either as is, or more likely using the code behind it to have something that can be embedded in an iframe on the page itself.
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