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Everything posted by Joss

  1. Fractal Wire? You may have missed a trick here Ryan!
  2. One thing that has just struck me looking at your existing sites, your new one should be a responsive design so that it is nicely viewable on both tablets and smart phones as well as normal screens. Thankfully, since ProcessWire is agnostic when it comes to how you output data into your templates, you can use any sort of responsive template or framework you wish with ease. For instance, this demo mockup (sorry, very incomplete) is using Twitter Boostrap more or less straight out of the box http://pwdemo1.stonywebsites.co.uk/ Sorry, a bit off your original question, but still useful Joss
  3. Ah yes, categories - good point Diogo Is the package reference a news style category. We used to do that sort of referencing in radio - wonderfully oblique and completely unhelpful! You also mentioned that images are rare, but do come up. How are they referenced in the news2 type of file rather than the sport4 type of file? Joss
  4. Okay, I have to find a way of using that script on my profile site somewhere!
  5. Hi So are all files available in both formats? Obviously News2 is a lot easier to deal with, but I notice that sports4 has a call for a comments application at the bottom - are there also comments therefore that need to be imported, or are those going to be ignored? With news2 you could not only import the text and the headline, but you could import and store all the referencing as well, which may well be very useful. Joss
  6. Hmmmm??? Sounds like it is going from one note and then down 12 semitones. You do the sound once then copy it and overlap it with a gentle cross fade (you can hear it coming in.) Then you chop it in half and swap the halves over and join it back up again and voila, you have your loop. Because you are being strict about the starting and ending on the same note (this is playing fifths I think), then looping is relatively easily. We used to do this sort of thing on quarter inch tape running at 30 inches per second for high quality. To get the loop working we would run it down the corridor on mic stands across little tape reels. If you were confident about starting tape machines at the same time you could run it through several and therefore get the playback at several points, dub the result onto a new loop and start again. The famous doctor who theme used rather a lot of this, I believe. Joss
  7. Joss

    100+ modules reached!

    Okay, I am counting the negatives in that sentence .... So, does it exist?
  8. HI Carlos Just a couple of thoughts which are possibly a little less about ProcessWire and more about the possible construction of the site. These come from personal (and quite recent) experience dealing with a campaign. The general rule is that Political Party Websites are always vulnerable and WILL get attacked - this I know from personal experience. So, if you want intranet type functions for party members, host them separately and securely so if your campaigning site gets attacked, that is all that happens. Bare in mind that CRMs inevitably hold confidential information - political party contact lists are highly prized! Although Buddy press type functions can seem a lot of fun and give lots of freedom, they are far better aimed at a general community than a political party. A party website should have very strict editorial control so that articles are submitted for publication and then go through an editorial process before they are published. This stops accidental mixed messages, undermining party policy, bending the brand and so on. The Party website is a huge advert at the end of the day (and there is nothing wrong in that) but like any form of advertising if it is not consistent with its messaging it backfires very quickly. ProcessWire has good user functions which would allow you to set up an editorial process and, of course, you can create any sort of content and a huge variation of templates. Scalability wise, Ryan mentioned on another thread that it can handle huge applications without a problem - probably more a case of making your server solution scalable, perhaps, but I am no expert on this! So, my thought would be to separate out the promotional site from the community site so there is less confusion. I am sure there will be plenty more technically helpful solutions coming along shortly! Joss (Who is a whole ocean away from Connecticut!)
  9. Okay, this is getting into hippy territory (and I am one of the few here qualified to make that judgement) So, if EVERYTHING is a category, like in the whole universe and other places too, would that include each individual user in the sense that they are originating the content and are therefore the logical hierarchical parent? If so, I am going to have to rethink the starting point of my tutorial....
  10. Just in case anyone is looking to thread anything, I found this ages ago which is quite sweet http://www.jongales.com/blog/2009/01/27/php-class-for-threaded-comments/ Obviously it does not do very much in the sense of styling. Joss
  11. I have to agree with Matthew that I have mixed feelings with inline editing. Having said that, where it is implemented to allow basic tweaking rather than complete rebuilding, I think it can have its place. Since most of the JQuery/HTML5 editors are implemented on a tag by tag basis, it is easy from the template point of view to allow inline editing on some parts and not others. Personally, I do like simply clicking on an edit button and going to a neat, proper edit page (either by popup or other) where you have the tools as set out when originating an article and then returning to the published page on save. Consequently, my main interest in the new generation of editors is their clean lines, simple implementation and speed. A lot of this is down to the design of the actual page which is being edited. If you look at Google Sites, you have a very fixed page structure and when you go into edit it will look exactly the same and yet be fully and properly editable. If your page is split up with all kinds of boxes, interrupted with adverts and so on, it really does not work quite as well. In addition, an author should write to make best use of the subject first and layout second. It is up to the editor or editing process to make sure the final piece fits in the necessary hole. Personally, I don't think any edit tool I have come across gets the balance right - they seem to be either too quirky or completely overblown
  12. A script should be able to strip out anything not needed. Obviously stripping out HTML is easy, but you can strip out anything given a few parameters. (Er, I think)
  13. I am partway through that here: http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Page_Field And I am creating categories and tags for myself at the moment, so I will use that as an example spin-off page.
  14. Hey I just went through the general boards and answered one of the two that hadn't a reply .... I was leaving the rest to you, since you have so much time on your hands ....
  15. Hey, I can make it worse - the slowest most plodding machine I have is ......... LINUX!!!!! *runs and hides behind sofa*
  16. I dont need you to edit mine to achieve that....
  17. Joss

    100+ modules reached!

    I must have a go at a module. Mind you I have no idea where to start and only the very vaguest idea of what to make a module for. There again, the most successful piece of music I ever wrote started just like that! Joss PS: I was thinking vaguely of a customisable short-link admin menu thing so you could have a dropdown/button that says "add new blog post" or whatever that is just a short cut. Or does that already exist?
  18. Do you actually have to merge it on download? In theory, you could add something to the installer that looks for a profile zip archive and if it sees that it unzips it and overwrites its normal profile first before starting the install. That means that you can get a profile from anywhere and just shove the zip file in the root of your site before you get installing. Mind you, that could also be seen as clumsy (having to download two archives and unzip one of them) Although, you could do half and half (getting back to where this started) where on the install page you can opt to download a profile from the main repository, or upload one from your local file system or give the external URL to a profile file or use the default. It knows what to then do because you have just told it what file to mess around with. Another extension of that is if you just download an install file (tiny one) and start that. It then downloads PW and a profile as two zips and then proceeds from there. The installer can do all I said in the previous paragraph, plus let you choose from Stable or Dev for the core Wire installation. Maybe chuck in the module manager while it is about it! Just thought I would throw a few spanners around - I am having MIDI issues and I needed the distraction!
  19. Interestingly enough, we have just retired one of the kids PCs as she now has a laptop. It is a basic intel dual core dell with 2 mb ram and windows vista. It is about 3 years old and cost £250. It is nice to have a spare machine around, so I have done the MS cheap upgrade offer to windows 8 pro and ran it as a clean install. It went very smoothly and then I restarted it. 5 seconds boot up. I nearly fainted!!!! So I tried again - yep, 5 seconds. I hit the power button, sit up at the desk and it is all ready. NONE of my machines boot that fast!! Even my huge music computer. Goodness knows what I have done wrong, or right ...!
  20. Hi, HAve you attached the article, or is my browser just not showing it? Just had a forum upgrade and there are a few unexpected results! Joss
  21. Very Mac orientated round this forum! I have three systems - two windows and one Ubuntu My normal everday desk top is just an old quad core running 32 bit win7 - part of the reason for that is that I am trying to rescue some old archive material from Logic 5.5 and I cant get that to run on a 64bit system. But it suits me fine, has two big but cheap monitors and a very large comfy office chair - that is the most important bit. My music computer is an i7 system with 32gig ram, 3 TB of hard disks and some bits. That will, I hope, be upgraded this year to a completely SSD system (4 x 500gb), dual Xeons, 64 gig ram, and backup external USB3 hard drives run as a library. I run 3 large monitors on the system which I will keep. It is interesting that despite Macs having a big impact on the music world, more and more of my co-workers are moving over to windows because of compatibility issues with some devices. Also, on Cubase and Nuendo, which I use, I almost never get crashes where as my Mac loving friends get them rather a lot. But there is also a cost issue. I upgrade more often than most people, so I need to keep that manageable. OH, I forgot, I still have an Atari Mega 4 in working order which I turn on about once a year to retrieve some ancient track or other - I wrote a ton of music for British Pathé News on that!
  22. Evening Dave of Chorley! Yes, the third item could be various criteria, If you were looking at it from a document point of view, it could be said to be in this order of priority Title Oveview Executive Summary Premise/Objectives Research Criteria Research Method Results Conclusion All of those sections could also have linked sections, often taken from other documentation, that expand on methods or practice or analysis and so on. You could just have all these as one document, but it is more interesting to have them as separate items that are combined in this strict order for presentation purposes. So, each could belong to a category that defines what type of text they are (research or results and so on), then separately tagged to see how they link to similar items that are categorised in the same way (say, chemical research, botanical research, etc), and then finally prioritised into document form. Of course, that final form may be subject to separate categorisation ... It could make you quite ill! EDIT: PETE!!! Ordered lists are not displaying..... EDIT 2 Okay, they are now
  23. Heh! It is like going back in time to the very first website I made which was with the then, brand new Corel Webmaster Suite! (actually, second - the first was on WBS - Web Broadcasting Service) Coming from the world of film and radio where content is, by its very nature, linear, I had to start thinking about a hierachy. Though, having said that, one thing I forgot back then is that even working linear, you have to prioritise, not vertically, but temporally; each section or chapter must have its headline, its important facts and then its justification. A vertical Hierarchy should have the same thing somewhere along the line. It almost needs three sorting systems: Categorisation - your standard filing cabinet where a major headline reference is strictly limited to one folder (the old paper variety) Tagging - not a random "I think I want this keyword" system, but a strict, horizontal associative system that creates links between different parts of the hierarchical tree Order of importance, or perhaps Reading Order - where information that is associated either within a category or within a tag linked list is prioritised on the basis of what sort of information it is. That last one is really "out there" and is how a few of my relations like to work - they are heady, scientists (mostly ageing profs, these days) and like to sort information in several ways for research purposes. They all hate WikiPedia, in consequence, because they say there is no subjective or objective prioritisation and without that, you cannot truly judge the importance or context of any particular piece of information. Bloody fussy lot, basically!
  24. Hi Matthew Does this help? http://www.devfuse.com/forums/topic/7566-ipad-editor-only-text-area/
  25. Actually, really it doesn't give any sense of categories at all - so, like with many other things, you are starting with a blank slate. Strangely I am finding that a bit of a problem. I am staring at a blank notepad and trying to work out how I am going to break up my portfolio site. Normally, I would have little choice but follow the normal method of which ever programme I am using - it may not be the best way, but following blindly is an easy thing to do. Now I have rather a lot of options and I am seeing that my waste basket is beginning to fill with discarded scenarios while my notepad is offering little comfort or suggestion.
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