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Everything posted by Luis

  1. As yesterday promised, the preview of the actual version. This Video shows the dependencies of the single modules. Dependencies of clients, invoices and accounting. Creating a client, creating a quotation assigned to this client, converting the quotation into an invoice, adding some invoice items and finally close the invoice and handle it over to the accounting module. https://youtu.be/WOUz3jfKOeM For those interested I attached a screenshot of the pagetree:
  2. Thanks a lot Ryan, feels like to be knighted by you. Developing goes on, tomorrow comes a new preview. A big hug goes also to totoff for his suggestions and neat remarks during the beta.
  3. Hey Marc, How did you implemented the code? Sorry for the error, I didn´t tested the code just copy and pasted the snippet and edited it in the browser. Well my thoughts where the following: New Page called Albums. -> Status Hidden to exclude from search and nav. Children of Albums are the Password protected pages. New Template called Album. -> works as template for these children. Album template contains the following fields: password body images the template file should look something like this: <- Password / login code -> <- normal page code like head, foot and your assigned fields -> So you create a new child and enter your wished password in the assigned password field. After entering the password you should have access to the page.
  4. Yes, create a New Template called "optionspage" create New Fields named like the Option you want. Assign Those Fields to the New Template. Create a New Page and assign the created Template to it. There you go.
  5. Did I understood right? 1 Page with only a Password form? According to the password the user will be redirected to the common album? How secure has the login to be? I think the fastest way to achieve your needs would be a template with a input field -> site Password and the main content. In the Template file you could do something like this: <?php // check for login before outputting markup if($input->post->pass) { $pass = $input->post->pass; if($pass == $page->password_field) { // login successful $session->redirect($page->url); } else { $session->login_error = 'Please check your Password'; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Login</title> </head> <body> <? if($input->post->pass) { echo "<div class='error'> " . $session->login_error . " </div>"; }?> <form method="post" action="./" accept-charset="UTF-8"> <input type="password" id="pass" name="pass" placeholder="Password" required /> <button type="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-block">Login</button> </form> </body> </html> <? die(); // don't go any further if not logged in } // end !logged in ?>
  6. create: new $user (example name: article_creater) new $role (for example creating_articles) give the user this role new template -> set permission to the new role and delete the others new page with the new template, set to hidden to exclude it from navs and search. create the template file for the template and look at this topic for login: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/107-custom-login/ set the url after login to the same page look at this thread to generate content from frontend http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2174-writing-from-front-end-to-back-end/page__hl__login#entry20453 hope could help you
  7. hmm, would be possible, but I think it´s some core stuff. My solution would be the page selector in the template. If ($page_should_be_saved_with_empty_field -> very_important_field) render it else !render it should be the easiest to fit your need.
  8. just released preview part 3 of my Office Suite.http://t.co/1JDcMZiI

  9. i like. clean, simple, focused on content. good job
  10. Part 3: The Client and Invoice Management. Not finished at all but handling the data is almost ready. https://youtu.be/d6lWyfk53mg
  11. Hi soma, thank you Yes, I´ve implemented the following: http://datatables.net/blog/Twitter_Bootstrap And you are right, lots of work But the main part is already finished, as I mentioned in previously posts, I started to develop the app in PHP/MySQL., think round about 6 months ago before I discovered PW. I´m now just porting it to PW. So no more needs to think about the core functionality. Once i´ve finished I benefit from a deep insight into PW and know what could be done with PW. Well at this moment I don´t really know what couldn´t be done with PW
  12. Hey Diogo, i've worked on the invoice module today. Didn't found enough time to create the site profile. You get your copy tomorrow.
  13. hey diogo, thank you i try to finish the $user module today, when i´m finished I create a new profile and send you
  14. I´ve just published 2 preview videos of my upcoming intranet office suite:check them out: http://t.co/qfFWIYU3

  15. still developing but here is a little preview of the accounting and the system settings module. sorry for the bad quality, first time screenrecording on the mac. the videos show the actual frontend, every data is generated from there. my aim is to use the backend from PW as a maintenance system. in the settings module video you could see me creating "mitarbeiter" (employees) , they are created as $user, so every employee got his own login data and you could assign the supposed role according to what he is allowed to do and see in the system. enough words. Part 1: the settings module https://youtu.be/dMhri_H3UXY Part 2: the account module https://youtu.be/sds9kNcFp7s
  16. I will publish a new preview of my office management suite tomorrow. Made with love and the help of #processwire hope you like it

  17. Many thanks to all beta testers. I´m looking forward to your replies
  18. hi totoff, Thanks for your comment, don´t know freefibu yet, looks quite interesting. It looks like a tool to save the expense for a tax consultant, which is not the purpose of my app. The app, once i´ve finished, should support customers creating their files for the yearly tax in collaboration with their tax consultant. It ´s just a small little tool to help you with your business and the bookkeeping part is just a part. Before I discovered Processwire I developed the app completely from scratch in PHP/MySQL and decided then to port it into the PW CMF to gain the benefits from PW like User Management. So the purpose is to give you the ability to manage your invoices, your bookkeeping, your customers in one place and to be the master of your data. If you want I can send you the Site Profile, which contains the bookkeeping part, the other parts are still in development. You only need a fresh installation of PW.
  19. Hi PW Fans, I´m developing a little webapp in cooperation with an local tax consultant. Not really styled so far, the focus in this moment is setting up the functions and logics. General needs: - accounting - rudimentary client organization - invoice management - creating invoices - multi user possibility with different page-permissions Done so far: - accounting The app meets the needs of german bookkeeping for small business. Also it could be used for the so called "Kleinunternehmer" by just setting a checkbox. Well, the next thing to be done is a export function for "Datev" a german tax software. If somebody is interested to beta test the suite just put your hand up and I will send a copy (Attention: no multilanguage. Everything is in german). Some screenshots:
  20. Luis

    ProcessWire on the web

    Maybe the upcoming German Key Account Manager when PW is taking over the world? @MadeMyDay: Nice Podcast and now I know what you where doing all the day in your room
  21. Hey, I think I could need some little help. I got some Problems with deleting a page from the frontend. I´m trying the following: Click on a link and give this link via GET the $page-title. In the next step I render a form and put this GET Variable in a hidden field. After submit the script searches the page and delete it. But it always throws me an error. Here is my code so far from the delete page: <?php $choosen = $sanitizer->text($input->get->delpage); include ("./head.inc"); include ("./buchhaltungNavigation.php"); ?> <div class="row"> <div class="span12"> <hr /> <?php $success_message = "<h3 class='alert alert-success'>Gelöscht</h3>"; $success = false; // we assume it and set to true if form sent $error = false; // set and sanitize our form field values $form = array( 'delpage' => $sanitizer->text($input->post->delpage) ); $required_fields = array( ); // check if the form was submitted if($input->post->submit) { // determine if any fields were ommitted or didn't validate foreach($required_fields as $key => $value) { if( trim($value) == '' ) { $error_message = "<h3 class='error'>Please check that you have completed all the required fields.</h3>"; $error = true; } } // if no errors, delete the page if(!$error) { $c = $input->post->delpage; $p = $pages->get("/buchhaltung/buchungen/")->children("title=$c"); $p->delete(); echo $success_message; } } ?> <?php if(!$success) { ?> <?php if($error) { echo $error_message; } ?> <form action="./" method="post" id="submitform" class=""> <?php $delpage = $pages->get("/buchhaltung/buchungen/")->children("title=$choosen"); ?> <input type="hidden" name="delpage" id="delpage" value="<?php echo $delpage; ?>" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" class="btn btn-primary" /> </form> <?php } else { echo $success_message; ?> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php include ("./foot.inc"); ?>
  22. Building a webbased finance tool with #processwire and i'm amazed. Never thought developing could be this easy. Awesome!

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