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benbyf last won the day on May 4 2022

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    Bristol, UK

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Community Answers

  1. So I did another install using the blank site theme and that worked so must have been a mismatch between the exported site and the database setup on both maybe? anything that can rectify that situation short of having the same environments?
  2. Hi everyone, having a similar issue installing PW 3.0.229 or 3.0.244. getting lots of SQLSTATE issues on installation of custom site (using site export module). php 8.2.27, compatability check all ticks, errors using both innoDB and myISAM but differently.
  3. yep I have both LazyCron.casche and LazuCronLock.cache both there... should i delete them both to reset??? I ideally want it to work as a module as its needs to be duplicated to other sites and not as a singular modele - e.g. you can install several times to repeat for different needs... also I've made it work in teh past which is mostly whats annoying me that it no longer works as ive previously done it.
  4. I get messages turning up fine in my logs when used in my templates but not working (nothing happens) in my module for some reason. Here's what I have roughly: class customModule extends WireData implements Module, ConfigurableModule { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( ... 'autoload' => true, 'requires' => "LazyCron", ); } private $cron_check = "everyMinute"; public function init() { // add hooks to CRON $this->addHook("LazyCron::every30Seconds", $this, 'checkFeedForNewPages'); } public function checkFeedForNewPages(HookEvent $e){ wire()->log->save('messages', 'working again'); } }
  5. Hi @benbyf I just wanted to say hello because it's nice to come across a UK person (I'm in Oxford) working with ProcessWire, which I have started using in the last 2 years. Also nice to make a link with you from the Machine Ethics podcast which I've listened to.

    I'm also ethics focussed; I only work for orgs that I think increase hope, work for environmental/social justice etc. As part of that I spend a lot of my time being a pain to my clients by trying to encourage ethical web design (e.g. accessibility, avoiding dark patterns, open source (free) software and sustainability, avoiding dependency/funding problematic companies/people/systems, challenging AI use...etc.)

    I like your "written by human" badges on your site - I'm actually working with someone on that concept: badges/info to declare where content is partially or completely AI generated, or AI-free.

    It would be great to have a chat some day! But I just wanted to wave across to you. Happy 2025!

    rich (they/them)

    web: https://artfulrobot.uk
    email: hello at artfulrobot.uk
    social (fediverse): https://fosstodon.org/@artfulrobot

    1. benbyf


      Hi Rich!

      Nice to hear from you and your general interests we share, keep up the good fight! 🙂

      Please tell your friends about the podcast 😉 let me know if you ever want to knock heads on ethical or good design stuff. Currently trying to do less web and more AI ethics and Games stuff but still love Processwire and have a few clients I tick over on PW sites. I make all my own sites using PW too... though in my heart I would love to move to something in Python as PHP is a pain in the arse 😕 

      Anyways, let me know if you're ever in Bristol.


  6. Is there any working example links at all?
  7. Ha yeah I saw that, I thought it worked well together as the instant visual works with me brain :)
  8. Anyone seen this? https://llmstxt.org/ Wondered how you might achieve a page that has all the text found in the site templates and convert to md using PW???? Could be an interesting project...?
  9. Hi, This is a basic module to add some classes and css to teh logs list page based on the amount of time since the log has been edited. less than a minute: Red -> purple -> grey less than a week https://github.com/benbyford/HighlightRecentLogs I hooked to the ProcessLogger module ___execute() function and basically overwrote it. Felt abit nasty to me, I wondered if there would have been a better way of doing it?
  10. @AndZyk do you include /wire/ in your repo then and why?
  11. Feel like this is a perennial question and probably a duplicate...BUT I have a load of new PW sites and in the past I've git'ed on the template/ folders to gitlab, bitbucket, github or similar. What are people doing to version control with PW as I would love to add more than the templates folder ideally (as I often make custom Modules) but wondered what people's strategies are?
  12. Ok my bad, i think its because i chose a course that had a pop up saying i cant use the form for that course, so a UX problem rather than a tech one in that case.
  13. FYI, just had a quick look on firefox and I get jquery not found errors on the booking form page which means I'm unable to proceed
  14. I'm gonna say yes, but would require some more development to achieve... I've also got a newer version personally that does subscriptions but havent got round to putting it up
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