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Everything posted by Knubbi

  1. *bump* A web site staging system is still sorely missed. All suggested solutions are no work around. ProDraft applies to individual pages. There is no central button "RollOut" to make the new version of multiple pages go live in one go. Besides ProDraft is sometimes quirky with repeaters. Is there really not even a thought of implementing a staging mechanism? P.S.: Just noticed that the top title is not ideal. It should be "website staging" instead of just "page staging". Sorry for that.
  2. We sell software in versions which require updates of about 20% of our pages throughout the site which are prepared internally shall then be published simultaneously on product launch with "a press of a button". How would you do that in Processwire? We have the draft module but it is hard to remember all the pages to be made online.
  3. Thanks for the tip. Is there any chance to auto-switch spellcheck language when switching between languages in Processwire?
  4. We do have "version control" but it doesn't hide the latest (work in progress) version. It's kind the other way round. P.S.: Just found, that we do have a ProDrafts license. Any insight, when this might be included in ProDrafts (Quote of description "In addition, fields using a type of Repeater or PageTable are not currently supported for drafts (though support is planned).")?
  5. Indeed, it is about the content. As we make extensive use of RepeaterMatrix, ProDraft may not be a fit. Too bad.
  6. We use the amazingly awesome Processwire as a website CMS. Again, thanks to Ryan and the Community to make it happen! What we miss is a a staging mechanism: The "production version" of a page is visible for the public. A different "work in progress" version of the same page is only visible for specific users (or user groups). Specific users can turn "work in progress" pages into "production version". Does this exist already? Is there a workaround to achieve it or would this be something 4.0?
  7. I edited the php as suggested, however, the change does not seem to be reflected. Is there a another way to reload the module other than pressing "Refresh" which I tried without success? I would suggest to add a checkbox option for Regex (ideal) or alternatively allow to escape slash (less than ideal). Keep up the great work.
  8. How to escape forward slashes to prevent RegEx detection, please? Example: How to escape the search term: /docs/04/
  9. Sorry, but couldn't even find any business address for "m3server" on their webpage. I experimented with setting up our own server and during our failure trying to do that we found a recommendation for php-friends.de which offers managed vServer and was recommended for being very helpful and flexible. I keep you posted about the result.
  10. @mr-fan: 1st experience would be appreciated. Price is OK, but Hetzner also is one of the big ones. We fear that may be as unflexible as we experienced IONOS/1&1. The performance of their shared SQL servers they use for "dedicated" (which they apparentaly are not) servers is inacceptable. @Elabx: Please note, that we are looking for a managed server solution. VPS/Cloud stuff probably rules out.
  11. Thanks for your feedback. Please note, that we are looking for a managed server solution. VPS/Cloud stuff probably rules out. @neophron: Indeed, we are moving away from IONOS/1&1 as their MySQL performance even in the dedicated server package is unacceptable (the SQL server is still shared!).
  12. Thanks for the awesome module! I want to Search&Replace text in content. How to limit/exclude specific language versions of content, please?
  13. We need something managed for around 1 Million visitors with around 3 Million page hits per month. Most visitors come from equally USA and Germany. Quality of Service, Support and Performance would be priority. Any recommendation?
  14. I need to contradict here (at least for the German Ionios/1&1 managed server). We have to move away from 1&1/IONIOS managed server because the MySQL databases are still shared(!) and it has an awfully bad performance. We constantly run into 500 server errors and "too many mysql connections" issues. The processwire website is running pretty slow.
  15. Sad to hear. We are with 1&1/IONOS for 20 years without the slightest issue ever - until we switched to Processwire. Is there anything within the reach of Processwire to limit the number of users? Any recommendation for a solid Processwire suitable hosting? No reseller, no offshore, well managed and based in Germany (because GDPR)?
  16. Thanks for all the input. @dragan: Managed servers don't provide root access -> max_connections can't be changed by user and IONOS refuse to increase it. @Lutz: Thanks for all the insight. Indeed, issues seem to have started with changing from MySQL 5.5 -> 5.7. I was not aware of the drastic underlying change you explained and I somehow feel being scammed by IONOS. I pay an hefty extra for a dedicated server and they still share a core component. Apparently, given the data load, my particular metal seems to be shared with Amazon's frontend. By the way, the "warning" about shared MySQL 5.7 is quite misleading. It says, "Please note that MySQL 5.7 databases are centrally managed and limited to 1 GB memory." Centrally "managed" does not say that they share a server. On the other hand, I hesitate to go back to 5.5 as 5.7 was advertised as a signififcant performance improvement. Any idea, who this strange Processwire user in above errors could be? Is this a ProCache agent walking through the pages?
  17. Please find status screenshot of PHPMyAdmin. I am clueless about the details. Can you see any showstopping issue?
  18. Thanks for your quick reply. Yes, we are using ProCache for many (but not all) pages. The website is visited by guests "only" (only very few editor accesses).
  19. I have managed server hosting with 1&1 and Processwire error logs throws a lot of SQL errors: 1&1 is not willing to allow more connections in the MySQL configuration which would force us to leave 1&1 after more than 20 years. Questions: A) Who/What is user "o210991" in above error message? All errors are caused by the same "user". We do not use any user accounts (except the admin/web editor). B) Is there any way in Processwire to reduce the number of connections? C) If not, do you have any recommendation for a fast German/EU based hosting suited for Processwire? Your help would be very much appreciated.
  20. Thank you! The site is still work in progress but I will be more than happy to check out your tip asap.
  21. A dev consultant implemented the Repeater-based PageBuilder for us (similar to "grizmey"'s approach). The challenge we now have with Repeaters is, that we cannot move/copy contents hold by repeater between different pages of the website. So, it seems, that the page-approach seem to better or is there a benefit of the repeater-approach we missed to realize?
  22. Perhaps the header could turn red if expiration is getting close.
  23. Would be nice to have a timer that shows the time to auto-log out. This would prevent losing work when the user tries to save input while the session was terminated in between.
  24. Great module, thank you! Is there a way to use separate variations of icons, e.g. "fas fa-check" vs. "far fa-check"? P.S.: You might want to point to the icon cheatsheet in the module description. I was confused as well (newbie).
  25. Minimum term is one month, so € 20. But I agree, licensing is less than optimal.
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