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Everything posted by JayGee

  1. Hi @Cybermano - just to let you know I've seen your continued hard work on this module ? which is awesome! I'm pretty sure it's all a million times better than my implementation but I've been so busy at work last few weeks I've not had a chance to review it all. I'll make sure I'm onto it this weekend and merge it all in. P.s. as you can see from my GH my real name isn't Guy (it was an obscure Simpsons reference)... I might change my name on here as it feels really silly otherwise ??
  2. @Cybermano ? - thanks for the PR on this module. Will check this out over the next few days ?
  3. Ah ok - I didn't clock the PHP 8.0 requirement apologies. I just installed on auto pilot without thinking as have used your module before ?. It's odd though as I thought that operator had been supported pre 8. It wasn't a fresh PW install it was an existing project. I don't recall seeing the warning about PHP version, but Tracy Debugger intercepted the syntax error when I refreshed the modules, so I didn't see the default PW messaging. But all running smoothly now anyway thanks.
  4. @bernhard went to install RockMigrations to a new project today and the install fell over at line 2564 of RockMigrations.module.php on PHP 7.4. Seems like 7.4 didn't like the Elvis operator for some reason. Version bump to PHP 8 resolved it - but thought you might want to know for backward compatibility.
  5. I've not actually checked the errors myself yet but I guess if you can supress them without issue for the time being that's going to get you out of jail until there's a fix. ?
  6. Hi @tires We're actually doing a little bit of work on this module to fix some issues we noticed with the upgrade path from sites running the old/original version to the more recent branch @adrian started. We'll test latest PHP at the same time and see if we can fix.
  7. Ah this may be what I was thinking of thank you. Not quite right for what we were trying to do but good to solve the mystery!
  8. Thanks @bernhard - that's a simple way of doing it thanks. Could have sworn I saw a module for organising pages in folders.
  9. I've seen previously on here somebody had a module or method to organise pages in the site tree visually into folders, whilst still keeping the root path for the page. Now I need it for something I can't find it! E.g. Instead of: Home -- /Page1 --/Page2 --/Page3 I would like to organise as follows: Home --/folder -- /Page1 --/Page2 --/Page3 whilst still keeping the URL as {site}.com/Page1 not {site}.com/folder/Page1 We're migrating a site from WP with significant number of pages with a URL structure that currently runs off of the root for every page URL and I'm trying to avoid a tangled mess of rewrites and htaccess edits! TIA, J
  10. Came to get an ETA on TinyMCE frontend editing compatibility and found you've already pushed it! Amazing work as usual @ryan ?
  11. Definitely sounds like they would be better off with a proper API to make for a shorter round-trip - but I know it can be hard sometimes to get people to change their ways! ?
  12. We have this kind of setup on integrations for a number of clients. It's a bit old fashioned and clunky but still seems to persist as a common way of working particularly in certain industries, e.g. fulfilment and ecommerce price lists. We have mainly used a couple of approaches. 1) Creating cloud based endpoints to which files can be sent with cloud functions (E.g. Google cloud) sitting behind them. So the relevant processing is triggered automatically when the data arrives to the endpoint. Not quite a full API but not traditional FTP either. 2) Time-based send-and-receive using SFTP and CRON tasks to trigger the processing by regularly checking for files in certain folders on the FTP servers. The biggest challenges we find are more about process and safeguarding the quality of data exchange rather than technical issues. E.g. should files be overwritten on arrival at the FTP sever? What is the naming convention for the files? What is the protocol for handling missing or overlapping data - e.g. if 2 files have a row with the same ID number should data be overwritten in your database? How are people notified if data exchange fails or there is a file parse error?
  13. It's important that this is the case too because otherwise you could potentially be informing search engines you are using a different primary domain to one your site it actually using.
  14. Ah ok that all makes sense - maybe I misunderstood the original question sorry! Re: the 404 page I can't see why your approach wouldn't work - but I think you can just do if($input->urlSegment2) btw to check for the segments. ?
  15. @Robin S I just wanted to post back and confirm that now I know not to look for ___upgrade() method firing on module refresh alone I can see everything working exactly as you described. Thanks all. ? An aside - I wonder if the wording here would be better as 'applied when each module is next loaded' just to clarify that the refresh itself doesn't guarantee a module loading... although it may just be me that made this mistake!
  16. @Martinushas summed it up pretty well. This is basically the same approach I use. So you build your navs/links up using your category (or sub page names) rather than a 'traditional' link to a sub-page url and append them to the parent page URL. <a href="<?=$page->url.{CAT-NAME-GOES-HERE};?>">Example Category</a> Then you can get retrieve the url segment from the page URL and use it in your selectors for filling out the dynamic content.
  17. @msavard You add custom styles by editing the CK Editor JS file which (from memory) is located at something like /site/modules/InputfieldCKEditor/mystyles.js. But you may wish to first check out this thread as there is a new RTE incoming for ProcessWire ?
  18. @Martinusif I understand what you're trying to do correctly, I think url segments are the best approach. I frequently use ProcessWire for organising and displaying categorised data and usually approach this sort of thing with url segments rather than working with the actual pages (if that makes sense). So put all your items under a /items page rather than in a set structure. You can then you can create category pages as views of different sub pages by using the url segments in your selector. The advantage is that you can have your items in multiple categories without any duplication of pages, you only have to maintain one parent 'category' template and from an SEO perspective the url segments appear the same as regular URLs. (You may need to manually inject them into your sitemaps though).
  19. Thanks @szabesz that adds good context as to why it works like it does and it makes perfect sense.
  20. Hi @Robin S thanks for your help on this. I have a few personal modules I want to update and then later submit on a couple of public modules we've adapted in-house, so wanted to be sure I got my head round what is going on with how upgrades are meant to work, so everybody's assistance and time here is much appreciated. ? Yes I typically would carry out a more in-depth debugging but in this case, as it seems you have confirmed, I suspected that I may have been misusing the method rather than other bugs being at-play so was trying to keep things simple to start with. But definitely agree with your advised approach. Agree this isn't clear - I've always thought the hooks were optional. Ok this is interested as the module I was experimenting with is definitely set to autoload and this hasn't been my experience... so there's likely something else going on I need to troubleshoot. But now at least I know where not to be looking!!! ? I'll update and close the issue I raised accordingly.
  21. I've checked now. Making it hookable doesn't seem to make any difference. The method just doesn't get called and the test message is never displayed. I'm not misunderstanding the functionality am I? The method should be called whenever the version number bumps right?
  22. Hi @BitPoet - I'm pretty sure I did try both with and without defining it as hookable, but will do another test to double check and report back.
  23. Yes, I've been using the module refresh to trigger the change but it doesn't seem to fire and it does register the change in version number and displays the default upgrade message. But no custom functionality within the upgrade method seems to get called. I've raised an issue now on GitHub just now actually: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/1634 As an aside - I've tried setting the version both up and down... I presume as the version numbers are strings not numbers any version change should trigger the upgrade method?
  24. Yes of course, feel free to DM me - always great to network with other UK based ProcessWire fans too ?
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