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Everything posted by danielholanda

  1. Hello again, I have the pictures working and also with the videos from youtube and vimeo included. The last step would be to create an option for the rel="" field. I read your post but there is one thing I do not understand... If I create a new text field as for example gallery_name as mentioned above how does this link to the field where I have the images? So, there are two fields, one called images and the other gallery_name. HOw are these linked so I can have different galleries? Another method I thought about is using the name of the fields. Therefore if the field was called friends at park the value inside rel would be rel="{friends at park}". This way when the client creates a new image field with a different title it will create a different gallery. Is this possible?
  2. Hello, I have the following fields inside one page: title text: introduction text: news text: about me text: contact text: booking background images photos/video music Everytime I open the page index for admin purposes I get the same problem. Everything opens and its quite annoying. How do you change htis? Another question which is very important is that I want to have a detemined order of these fields. How do you do this?
  3. Hello, I'm trying to create the CMS for the music section. The client will basically have its music uploaded via soundcloud. The client could copy and paste the embed option of soundcloud and insert it into a field. This could be echoed trough a foreach loop. What I dont know is how will I do this. Which field should I use and which method is the best? What do you reccomend?
  4. Hello, I already found a way to upload pictures and videos which are already uploaded in youtube or vimeo. I'm know trying to create the CMS part for the music. The client will basically have its music uploaded via soundcloud. The client could copy and paste the embed option of soundcloud and insert it into a field. This could be echoed trough a foreach loop. What I dont know is how will I do this. Which field should I use and which method is the best?
  5. Hello, I found a solution for displaying video and photo as the client wishes. Please let me know how I could have a cleaner code as it seems a bit lousy. <?php foreach($page->photo as $image){ $description = $image->description; $img = $image->url; if(strpos($description, '@') !== false) { list($description, $link) = explode('@', $description); } else { $link = ''; } $thumb = "<img src='{$image->getThumb('thumbnail')}' width='50' height='50' alt='DJFemke photo/video'>"; if($link) $out = "<div class='single'><a href='$link' rel='prettyPhoto[gal1]' title='$description'>$thumb</a></div>"; if(!$link) $out = "<div class='single'><a href='$img' rel='prettyPhoto[gal1]' title='$description'>$thumb</a></div>"; echo $out; ?> Thank you very much!!!
  6. Hello, Just used your code and I do understand it. Strpos and explode was new for me so it took me a while. The videos do work correctly using this system. Everything fine but now I have another problem. I have 6 images uploaded and 2 of them have been converted into videos with your system. The videos are shown but the images are not displayed as an image. The thumbnails is shown for each image, but if you click them they do not work anymore as a link. So you cannot zoom via prttyphoto and the CSS does not apply. This was the code I had before: <?php echo "<div class='single'><a href='{$image->url}' rel='prettyPhoto[gal1]' title='{$image->description}'><img src='{$image->getThumb('thumbnail')}' width='50' height='50' alt='DJFemke photo/video' /></a></div>"; ?> This is the actual code: <?php foreach($page->photo as $image){ $description = $image->description; $img = $image->url; if(strpos($description, '@') !== false) { list($description, $link) = explode('@', $description); } else { $link = ''; } $out = "<img src='{$image->getThumb('thumbnail')}' width='50' height='50' alt='DJFemke photo/video'>"; if($link) $out = "<div class='single'><a href='$link' rel='prettyPhoto[gal1]' title='$description'>$out</a></div>"; echo $out; ?> As you can see in the image the videos have applied the style of class="single" and the video works as such. I tried by placing in the href of the link the variable $img you see in the second example. This did not work. I would like that the user can decide to put images and if they want to put videos they can do it with the system description@link.com. Suggestions? Thanks in advance!
  7. Hello, I'm using prettyphoto to display pictures and I already linked it to PW. Good! Prettyphoto has the option of uploading youtube, vimeo and more video formats. I would like to have a field which accepts video. I've tried to use the field of images but it only accepts img formats. Prettyphoto works in a simple way. This would be the upload of an image: <div class="single_left"> <a href="_img/examples/image-1.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gal1]" title="it works"><img src="_img/examples/thumb-1_50.jpg" alt="" /></a> </div> This of a video: <div class="single"> <a href="http://vimeo.com/19880686" rel="prettyPhoto[gal1]" title="me with my friends in festival bu bu"><img src="_img/examples/thumb-6_50.jpg" alt="" /></a> </div> As you can observe the only thing that changes is the href from a url where the picture is hosted to the link given by vimeo in this example to embed in your website. Therefore there should be a field or something which lets you print this link into href. I don;t know if to use a field or some manipulation... In this moment this is the code for the list of pictures displayed with PW. It does work and I would like to create the same system for the videos if possible: <?php foreach($page->photo as $image){ echo "<div class='single'><a href='{$image->url}' rel='prettyPhoto[gal1]' title='{$image->description}'><img src='{$image->getThumb('thumbnail')}' width='50' height='50' alt='' /></a></div>"; } ?>
  8. Hello, Just starting. I've tried to look to the files head.inc and foot.inc. I'm trying to find the way to assign text from CMS to the html. I already have applied this as a template and it works. I have the images working and all links working. In this website there are several different parts which I need to put text which can be transformed with PW. I need to do: Intro News About me Booking info Contact Therefore, as you can see there will be several independent text boxes. My html/css is a horizontal layout so everything is one one file index.php. Each div is a section. I think this is quite easy so please let me know... Thank you.
  9. Hello, Solved!!! It works perfectly. The only doubt I have is of the field alt="". This field is always shown. Of course... I can just leave it empty but I would like to know for which reason this is displayed if the image and the description is displayed. Let me know if you have any idea. For now... this is not so important but it just made me think. Before beginning with video I would like to leave photos 100% finished. With prettyphoto you have the option of making some pictures be from the same album. How? Via rel="prettyphoto[album]" In the examplo displayed above its [gal1]. Therefore I would like to give the option with the CMS to insert this information without hard coding. Therefore there would have to be an input as for example: name of album and if this would be inserted between the [ ] it would work. Any ideas of how I can reach this? Really thank you very much!!!!!
  10. EUREKA!!!! The pictures are displayed!!! YEAH! I did again all the steps with the field. Seems I did a mistake before as it works at this moment!! All the pictures are displayed and the thumbnails works fine. There is only one funny detail regarding {$image->description}. In your code you apply this code to the alt="". If this is done the text is displayed above the frame where the big picture is displayed via prettyphoto. I took a look in my html/css and it's placed correctly, as the prettyphoto uses the field title="" for the description and has its CSS style applied to it. So I thought, simple... just apply this description field to the title. But then nothing is displayed. Under you have the actual code I have in this moment. With this code what happens is that above the picture frame you see DJ Femke photo\video and the description is not displayed. I have 2 doubts: 1. Why doesnt the {$image->description} work in the field title="" 2. Why does the alt="" field display. I thought this only displays is the picture is not displayed. <?php foreach($page->photo as $image){ echo "<div class='single'><a href='{$image->url}' rel='prettyPhoto[gal1]'><img src='{$image->getThumb('thumbnail')}' width='50' height='50' title='{$image->description}' alt='Dj Femke photo\video' /></a></div>"; } ?> I have a picture to ilustrate but I've tried to upload it with no success and I have no idea how in this forum. I've tried via the button image, but I have to put the url of the picture. This picture is on my desktop, is there a way to upload this?! I think it will be more clear for you. Many thanks!!!
  11. sorry, it just worked... I dont want anybody to waste their time with this. It all works, it was a strange display issue. Magically solved! You can delete this...
  12. Hello, Just beggining with PW. I've managed to create the url of the html document correctly with this code: <?php echo $config->urls->templates?> . Ok, easy. I have assigned to different divs a background image with CSS. This is an example of one of them: #music{ background: url(../_img/bg_pages/HBP-Music.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; } My file structure is as the picture I uploaded shows for any hints. With this actual file structure it works perfectly when its not in PW. Do I need to paste a code to redirect it? I have several images loaded by CSS and none of them work. I also have checked the template example and I see nothing special within the url. Could you help me out?
  13. Hello Diogo, Its is showing an output, I can see in the screen the output of [color=#000000][size=2]echo [/size][/color][color=#008800][size=2]"<br>{$page->title}<br>{$page->template}<br>"[/size][/color][color=#666600][size=2];[/size][/color] In the web you can see DjFemke ($page->title) and under you can see index ($page->template). Therefore is has to connect with processwire to retrieve that info. I think that was what you wanted to experiment right? I've changed the mistake I've done with the incorrect closed <a> tag. Now its correct. Even like this its not working with the pictures... I dont see anything. In this moment this is what I have. HTML: <div id="thumb_box"> <?php foreach($page->my_images as $image){ echo "<div class='single'><a href='{$image->url}' rel='prettyPhoto[gal1]'><img src='{$image->getThumb('thumbnail')}' width='50' height='50' alt='{$image->description}' /></a></div>"; } ?> </div> CSS LEFT BOX: (This will be the next step. Once the pictures are displayed I would like to make every first picture have these settings so they can be displayed horizontally.) .single_left{ float: left; clear: right; } CSS BOXES: .single{ float: left; margin-left: 1.5%; line-height: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -ms-border-radius: 4px; -o-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 112, 162, 0.3); } What should I do???
  14. OK, I'm not so sure of how to apply this to my html, should it be like this? I'm a beginner INSTEAD OF THIS: <div id="home" class="item"> SHOULD BE LIKE THIS?: <?php echo $image = $page->images->getRandom(); "<div id='home' style='background: url($image->url});' title='what ever' />" ?> THE STYLE WILL BE APPLIED VIA CSS: #home { -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover } <a name="home"></a> <div class="content" id="content_home"> <nav id="nav_home"> <ul> <li><a href="#home" class="panel">HOME</a></li> <li><a href="#about_me" class="panel">ABOUT ME</a></li> <li><a href="#booking" class="panel">BOOKING</a></li> <li><a href="#photo_video" class="panel">PHOTO\VIDEO</a></li> <li><a href="#music" class="panel">MUSIC</a></li> <li><a href="#contact" class="panel">CONTACT</a></li> </ul> </nav> <div id="home_intro"> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a orci aliquet ipsum luctus suscipit vel vel odio. Nullam molestie porttitor elit, nec ullamcorper ante cursus non.</p> <a href="">Read more >></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" /></a> </div> <div id="news"> <a href="">NEWS</a> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p> </div> <aside id="social_home"> <a href=""><img src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>_img/social_butt/twitter.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="" class="right"><img src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>_img/social_butt/facebook.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="" class="right"><img src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>_img/social_butt/email.jpg" alt="" /></a> </aside> <address> <p><a href="">Buro</a></p> <p><a href="">Dani</a></p> </address> </div> </div>
  15. Hello, I tried finding a methid to upload an attatchment with this forum to past all the output but I dont find a way. So I will paste you the gallery output: I took the JS connections out. Let me know. <!-- PHOTO/VIDEO SECTION --> <div id="photo_video" class="item"> <a name="photo_video"></a> <div class="content" id="content_photo_video"> <nav id="nav_photo_video"> <ul> <li><a href="#home" class="panel">HOME</a></li> <li><a href="#about_me" class="panel">ABOUT ME</a></li> <li><a href="#booking" class="panel">BOOKING</a></li> <li><a href="#photo_video" class="panel">PHOTO\VIDEO</a></li> <li><a href="#music" class="panel">MUSIC</a></li> <li><a href="#contact" class="panel">CONTACT</a></li> </ul> </nav> <div id="thumb_box"> <br>Dj Femke<br>index<br> </div> <aside id="social_pmc"> <a href=""><img src="/djfemke/_cms_processwire/site/templates/_img/social_butt/twitter.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="" class="right"><img src="/djfemke/_cms_processwire/site/templates/_img/social_butt/facebook.jpg" alt="" /></a><a href="" class="right"><img src="/djfemke/_cms_processwire/site/templates/_img/social_butt/email.jpg" alt="" /></a> </aside> </div> </div>
  16. I need javascript to make the image by random everytime somebody loads in the web. I also need the code of the background to cover and resize once the window is done bigger or smaller. Woudl that work for me? I think what you say works if you have only one image to apply. Am I correct? $image->url} is used to connect woth processwire?
  17. Ummm so it does work for you... I wrote the code as you said but I don;t feel this is correct: <?php echo $page->my_images; foreach($page->my_images as $image){ echo "<div class='single'><a href='{$image->url}' rel='prettyPhoto[gal1]'><img src='{$image->getThumb('thumbnail')}' width='50' height='50' alt='{$image->description}' /></div></a>"; } ?> I put it there and there was no result, no output al all. Strange that it works with you... Was this what you wanted with the new code? What do you mean with posting here the html output?? You mean a picture or so??
  18. Hello, I've just began with processwire. I've managed to link all the connections I needed to do with <?php echo $config->urls->templates?>. Ok, everything seems to work from my original html/css. But! I have a javascript file which loads random pictures from an array and after it selects it from the given url. This is the javascript code: $(window).load(function() { var randomImages = ['img1','img2','img3']; var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * randomImages.length); var url = 'url(_img/bg_array/' + randomImages[rndNum] + '.jpg)' $('#home').css({ 'background': url + 'no-repeat center center fixed', '-webkit-background-size': 'cover', '-moz-background-size': 'cover', '-o-background-size': 'cover', 'background-size': 'cover' }); }); I also uploaded the file it if you want to work with it directly. Its quite useful this code. In my html/css it works perfectly, also tried with MAMP PRO and it works fine. Once I apply all my work into processwire every background image is loaded except the #home. Therefore my javascript file onload.js is not performing ok with processwire. Do I need to add something??? please help. Thx Dani onload.js.zip
  19. Ok, thank you very much for your clarity!!!! I've done all the steps and double checked. I begin to see a bit the flow of processwire, seems simple and direct. Sweet. Even if I sound so enthusiastic I didnt have the pictures displayed. In my original html/css prettyphoto works perfectly. I followed all the steps and it does seem I've done them correctly. At the end this is the end result of my code: <div id="thumb_box"> <?php foreach($page->my_images as $image){ echo "<div class='single'><a href='{$image->url}' rel='prettyPhoto[gal1]'><img src='{$image->getThumb('thumbnail')}' width='50' height='50' alt='{$image->description}' /></div></a>"; } ?> </div> As you can see I added a div. I don't know if thats correct. Even if I take the div away I still don;t see any picture. All your steps worked correctly. So my configuration is: pages: index is working and displaying the html (I already added all the necessary links with this code <?php echo $config->urls->templates?> ) Inside index: I have already a new picture field with its images. The thumbnail options do work also. The problem is that I see nothing displayed. What could it be? Thanks Dani
  20. Yes I do. I already installed the CMS and inserted in the directory processwire/site/templates my index.php/images/js/css... of my own design. After I've chosen as template index.php. So I can visualize my html/css in the hompage. That is working.
  21. Thanks... Luckily I dodnt do too much, I will resintall and activate module. There should be a PDF with instructions and one of the first should be reset password module. If you have a lot of work already done... ufffff I would get mad. Thanks for your answers
  22. Hello, I see that the backend of processwire is simple. I like that but... I've forgotton my email for my backend project I'm creating locally with MAMP. Simple but... where is the button such as, "forgot password". I suppose I missing something obviuos but I cannot find it in the display neither in google or in these forums. So, How do you reset/retieve your password from you backend of processwire? Greetings, Dani
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