Today is my first day with processwire. I have already an index.php with its CSS created. The client needs a simple CMS which will let her upload pictures/videos in one section and music in another. So I just need to implement the CMS for those sections, no text or anything else. The web has a horizontal layout, so technically its only one page but with the width very wide. Each page is a div with a special link applied to it.
I already installed proceswire, placed all the files inside template folder, activated template and with help of head.inc could link the css/jquery and images with a determined url succesfully.
At this moment I'm trying to apply the option of uploading pictures from the CMS. This part I have no html/css created as I wanted to see how I had to do this depending of the CMS. I tried to install the thumbnail module with success but from there I have no idea what to do... The module is not visible and I dont know how to hook it to my html structure.
I would really appreciate some help.
P.D. After I will do the video and audio. For now I need to know how to apply exactly a module to my display, how it works. Lets use thumbnail as an example.
P.D.D. I've already read some documentation in the web but I still dont get it.