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Everything posted by Biorn

  1. I know I know.. But I thinking on a front-end large form thingy, base on a css grid.. and some fields are predefined.. here is the header im working with atm.. <form . . .> <div class="row"> <div class="span6"> <label . . . >bla bla</label> <input . . . > <label . . . >bla bla</label> <input . . . > <label . . . >bla bla</label> <input . . . > </div> <div class="span6"> <label . . . >bla bla</label> <input . . . > <label . . . >bla bla</label> <input . . . > </div> </div> </form> here im using twitters bootstrap, and its responsive..
  2. Ok.. And the inputtypeXXXXjust need to beed str'ed and switch.. I think I got it... hmmm... module anyone..
  3. Thats ok, but how can I be shure I get all the right attributes and other stuff for the fields??
  4. Sorry, its the inputFieldWrapper again.. alot of markup.. Thanks for it anyway..
  5. !! hirvi hyppii kukku paivan !! Well, I have looked into the formProcessor, and Im using it on some other sites.. And its ok, but its rendering a whole lot of html.. And thats a bummer.. And I allso like to push some extra stuff into it.. The formBuilder is allso rendering to mutch, and Its not 100% yet.. But I have high hopes.. Im starting to get a little tired, have looked into it for 30h now.. Maybe, I need some sleep..
  6. Hi guys.. I was wondering.. How do I render or output simpel <input> markup?? The list output that InputfieldForm makes is tomutch.. Im loading a template (without file) and I want to output the same fields as a form in the frontend.. Thanks for all your work...
  7. Velkommen til din nye arbejdsplads. Her må du så "bo". Jeg tror en kalender og en blomst.. Så et vi igang.. http://t.co/8M3wTtc

  8. 3 timer senere.. Bum bum bum.

  9. Så er jeg i øl teltet i kerteminde.. Find mig tæt på nordstranden.

  10. w00t w00t, #godzila vs #mechagodzila Its movie time.. :P

  11. Definition of a small jet engine: Suck, Bang, Blow.. hmmm, I think I got a movie with the same plot!!

  12. Så er der godt nok mega fest på #P3#90er #festen

  13. Try this little thing I cooked up in a hurry.. Its not 100%.. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6011828/ProcessStrap.zip And you have to edit the .htaccess file, so you can access PHP files i the template folder.. Cheers..
  14. Thanks for the inputs...
  15. Working on a real estate rental site. Its nice working with #processwire http://t.co/cWpLSMc

  16. I was wondering, Is there a nice css framework out there?I have been playing around with Twitters Bootstrap, but It has its limitations..

  17. Hi all.. I was wondering, Is there a nice css/template framework out there? I have been playing around with Twitters Bootstrap, but It has its limitations.. Let me hear your 2 cents..
  18. Sorry for that, I shouldn't post when I havent sleept in 48 hours.. But you answered the right there.. I wanted to cache the images.. And btw, Im loving PW more and more for everyday Im working with it.. Thanks for you hard work..
  19. #Mnt.Lion installed, lets see what the fuzz is about..

  20. I was wondering... Now that the man man from the grim north has extended the image field, can we cache the images?? I could come hande now with all those big image sliders.. Keep it up, Im soon gonna release a lot of stuff.. Bjørn aka ChrisB @ChrisB_dk
  21. Testing #Android4.1 #JellyBean aka #JellyBelly on my #Nexus Awesome things to come..

  22. it's on like alderaan..

  23. >>onjegolders I have some problems with my DNS.. let me fix another link But I think I maybe found a solution...
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